Ainsley nearly fell but got up again. Daniel had already lost his patience. He strode over and grabbed Ainsley's wrist, throwing her onto the bed.
"What the hell are you doing? Daniel, I'll hate you for the rest of my life if you do anything to me!" Ainsley said coldly, her eyes filled with coldness.
Perhaps shocked by the coldness in Ainsley's eyes, Daniel paused for a moment.
However, the next second, Daniel immediately moved forward, about to tear off Ainsley's clothes with his hands. Ainsley gritted her teeth and placed the sharp edge of the cold porcelain shard in her hand on Daniel's neck.
"Get away from me!" Daniel did not dare to move again. The edge of the broken porcelain shard cut his skin.
At this moment, Daniel was finally awake and looked at Ainsley.
Ainsley's eyes were red and her hands were covered in blood. The blood flowed down to her arms, looking extremely tragic.