Daniel thought, killing someone on this road will be very troublesome, and plus, that guy is Manuel's man.
Hearing this, Ainsley let out a sigh of relief.
Aaden quickly took Daniel and Ainsley to the hospital and opened the car door. Supporting the car door, Ainsley got out of the car.
On the other side, Daniel went to Ainsley and reached out to pick her up.
Ainsley flung Daniel's hand away and said coldly, "I can do it myself."
Daniel was speechless, but he still stretched out his hand. "You can't even stand on your own."
Ainsley tentatively stepped on the ground and felt a lot of pain.
The moment Ainsley stepped on the broken vase, she knew that the soles of her feet would definitely be full of splinters.
The pain made Ainsley's calves weak, and the moment she fell, Daniel caught her.
No matter how Ainsley struggled this time, Daniel did not let go of her and carried her into the hospital.