With tears welling up in her eyes, Ainsley clutched her chest in deep grief.
The doctor didn't say anything but handed her a tissue.
Ainsley wiped away her tears. She must suppress her grief now.
As the recorder was playing, she heard Matteo's voice.
"Aisy, I'm sorry that I didn't let you hear your dad's last words. I didn't want you to know the truth before you regained your memories because I hope you'll be happy. It's so difficult for you to face the truth. It felt like a heavy stone on my heart, and I could hardly breathe. I have this feeling on every death anniversary of your dad. It was hard for me to pretend nothing had happened and conceal the truth from you. Now that you've heard his last words, I hope you can pull yourself together and unravel the conspiracy. Aisy, don't let your dad down."
Ainsley got more swollen eyes after hearing Matteo's words, and something inside her changed.