"The rest?" Ainsley said. But she didn't ask more about it for fear that walls have ears.
Since Lainey had taken the risk to tell her about their plan, she must be careful and do her best.
"We must seize the chance. You were worried about me before, but I'm good now. You helped me, so please let me help this time." Lainey gave her a hug.
"Don't forget what I told you. Just do as I say. Leave the rest to us," Lainey said before leaving.
Ainsley nodded firmly. "Okay."
Lainey gave Daniel a meaningful look when she left. He came up with some ideas for fear that Lainey would take Ainsley away with her.
He couldn't believe Lainey had done nothing but leave. He was at a loss suddenly.
Her glance seemed to try to tell him that she had a secret that had something to do with him, but she wouldn't tell him.
Her glance was filled with ridicule and coldness.