She leisurely took out a white porcelain jar from her handbag, revealing a cruel smile. "Is this what you're looking for?"
This time, Kaliyah has victory in her grasp.
Sure enough, she saw Ainsley's hand instantly drop as he called for security.
Ainsley's expression suddenly turned icy cold, and she narrowed her eyes. "I knew it was you who took it! Give it back to me!"
The item in Kaliyah's hand was her father's urn, and she had no right to touch it.
"You just wouldn't stop provoking me, forcing me to resort to this. Ainsley, I have your father's ashes in my hands. Release my father first!" She proudly raised the urn with a triumphant look on her face.
Ainsley's pupils unconsciously shrank, a cold glint flashing in her eyes.
"Kaliyah, do you even know what you're doing?" Her tone was bone-chillingly cold.