Just as she walked over with the ashes in her arms, the sunlight dimmed, dark clouds obscured the rays, and thunder rumbled beneath the heavy cloud cover.
Ainsley walked dispiritedly towards a tombstone, the cold stone standing tall, while the man in the photo on it appeared exceptionally strong and resolute.
She trembled as she reached out to touch the photograph. Her father, a once-famous business tycoon, was now confined to this small picture after his death.
The culprit hasn't been found yet; he probably can't rest in peace even in the afterlife.
The tomb was reopened by Manuel's bodyguard, and inside the empty coffin, Ainsley placed a picture frame. It contained a photo of her father and mother together.
Still gazing indifferently at the photo, all emotions remain concealed deep within.
A droplet of rain fell on her head, and soon her hair was dampened by the rain.