Chapter 6

"Scott Richard, get up. This is an emergency." Avi demanded. Scott quickly sat up and immediately his eyes flashed red. "Where's Mitch?" "With Kirstin. They're in the living room with the rest of the packs in the area. This is important." Scott hurriedly got up and put on sweats and a comfy sweater he found on the floor as his eyes faded back to their normal blue color.

He walked out and saw about twenty five people standing around their living room in their pajamas. Glancing at the clock, Scott noted that it was almost 5 in the morning. Scott scanned the room until he saw Mitch practically hiding in a corner with Kirstie and the Omegas from the other packs. Scott instantly walked over and looked him from head to toe. "Mitchell, where are your clothes?" Scott asked the boy who was only wearing some dark purple boxers. "Sir, Avi told me to hurry and I didn't want to keep him waiting so I just came right on out here. Everyone is in their pajamas, so I just thought.. But I'm not making excuses. I'm very sorry, Alpha." Mitch explained while rubbing his arms to warm them. Scott shook his head. "You'll freeze to death. I thought we talked about other people seeing you like this." Scott took his sweater off and put it on Mitch. The sweater dropped a little above mid-thigh on his legs, and it made Scott smile. "Thank you, Alpha." Avi then walked down the hall with Kevin. Avi stood in the front of the room and the murmuring died down. "Okay. Okay hello everyone. I'm Avriel, the leading Alpha of the pack some of you know as Pentatonix." He glanced around the room, and took a moment to take note of everyone there. "Okay. So we are all gathered here, because Omega Snatchers have been out in full force. This happened before, and we made it with all of our Omegas safe. We'll do it again. We just all need to be very aware of what's going on. You should assign an Alpha to each Omega in your pack. If you don't have enough Alphas, you should at least do one per every two Omegas. Betas shouldn't have to worry, but if your Alpha Leader assigns you to an Omega, I trust you to keep them safe. Questions?" Avi glanced around the room. No one asked anything, as they have done this before a while ago. "Alright. If any of you need any help, I will always be available for assistance and protection. Also, over near the Omega corner, is the other Alpha in my pack. His name is Scott, and he is one of the strongest Alphas I've come across. He will also be available to help you, I have an abundant amount of faith in him. Wave, Scott. Um... Why are you shirtless..?" Avi said and laughed.

Everyone in the room laughed a little, and Scott put his hand in the air. Avi smiled at him, before continuing. "Anyhow. Y'all let us know if you need anything. Thank you for stopping by so early. We'll all help each other out before they catch the Snatchers. They will. No one should be worried. No Omegas should be afraid, just be aware. Don't ever be alone. None of you. We'll stay in touch." *****

Once the meeting cleared out, Scott went to Avi and thanked him. "Did you really mean that? What you said about me. You meant that?" He asked. Avi nodded and smiled. "Of course I did. I really do trust you and your strength. Take care of Mitchell. Okay?" Scott nodded. "Of course." "Can you get everyone to sit on the couch? I kind of want to discuss this with just us, also." Avi said. Scott nodded, and immediately went to find the rest of the group. Kevin sat on the edge, as did Scott, while Kirstin sat in between them both. Mitch skipped over, still only wearing the sweater, and looked from Scott's lap to his eyes. Scott nodded and opened his arms up for Mitch to sit on his lap. Mitch smiled wide, and took a seat while Scott wrapped his arms around him protectively. Also making sure that the sweater didn't move in any way that might show off more of Mitch than Scott would want. "You have gorgeous legs, my love." Scott whispered into Mitch's ear. Mitch blushed, and smiled at him. "Thank you, Alpha." Scott smiled back, and began running his fingers up and down one of Mitch's legs. Avi stood in front of all of them and grinned. "Hello all. Thank you for waking up so early today, I'm really sorry about that. Especially you, Mitch. You could've gotten dressed, silly boy." Mitch blushed and hid his face in Scott's chest. Scott laughed and rubbed his back. Avi smiled at the two, and then kept talking. "We should be alright with the Omega Snatchers. We have two of the strongest Alphas in the area. This probably goes without saying, but I'll do it anyway. I'll protect Kirstin, and Scott will protect Mitchell. Kevin, if anything happens in either of these situations I trust you to help us. Yes? Easy enough?" Everyone nodded. Kevin chimed in, "I'll do whatever I can, you guys." Mitch shifted uncomfortably in Scott's lap, causing Scott to hold on to the sweater so it wouldn't show more of Mitch's thighs. Mitch was freaking out. The thought of himself or Kirstie being stolen like an object, just creeps him out. Like a lot. Especially because the last story he heard about Omega Snatchers ended with the omega getting beaten and raped.. No thank you.

Scott noticed and kissed Mitch's temple. "Don't freak yourself out. You know I'll always protect you." Avi nodded. "Don't worry about it Mitchell. I don't joke around about Scott's strength, okay? He really is one of the strongest Alphas around. You've got him, Kevin and I to protect you. Everything will be just fine."

"Okay." Mitch mumbled. "Mitch." Avi scolded. "Okay, Sir." Mitch repeated louder. Scott kissed Mitch's neck, and Mitch flinched. Scott was instantly concerned but Mitch leaned away from him. Avi hummed in thought. "I guess that's all. Just don't leave an Omega alone. Ever. Understood? Alright. You can go." Mitch jumped off of Scott's lap and walked into his room. He heard the door open behind him. "I don't want to talk about it, Scott." "Not Scott, but okay." Came Kirstie's voice. Mitch turned around and started to bite on his pointer finger nail. "Sorry, Kit. He's going to come in here and ask about it." "So am I. What's wrong? Why'd you flinch when he kissed you? He looked really hurt by it." Kirstin said, walking closer to him.

"He kissed me right.. Right there.." Mitch trailed off. "Ohh! He kissed you on the Mark, didn't he?" Kirstie said, as she understood. "I only flinched because I didn't know if he was teasing me, or hinting at something, or what.. But.. I don't know." Mitch rambled. Kirstin walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Mitchie. I doubt he meant to. He'll Mark you when he feels ready." "Easy for you to say. You're already Marked. Is there something wrong with me?" Mitch asked. Kirstie pulled back from him. "What are you talking about? Of course not. He's just not ready. Slow down. I'm sure he'll-" Suddenly, the door slammed open. Scott stood there and looked directly at Kirsten. "Go." Kirstie scrambled to leave, and Scott closed the door behind her. "Mitchell. I heard. I wasn't teasing you, I promise. I was just trying to comfort you." Scott tried. "Yes, well. Maybe it would be more comforting if I was actually Marked." Mitch mumbled. "Omega. Firstly, speak up. Secondly, don't sass me like that." Scott commanded. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to.. Actually? You know what, Scott? I want you to tell me why you won't Mark me. I want you to tell me right now." Mitch spoke up. Scott squinted at him. "Excuse me?" Mitch gulped. "S-sir.. Just.. Please tell me." Scott walked closer to Mitch. He grabbed Mitch's arm and turned him around to push him against the door. Scott then pressed right against him. "Omega. I do not find this funny. You're going to repeat yourself. And you're going to do it right." He commanded. "Sir. May I ask why you won't Mark me?" Mitch asked. Scott nodded and squinted at him. "That's better. Good boy." "S-sir.. Can you please answer me?" Mitch practically begged. "You want to know why I haven't Marked you yet?" Scott asked. "Yes, Alpha." Scott pushed up closer to Mitch and looked down into his eyes. "I don't want you to get into something that you'll regret. If I Mark you, it will last forever. And as soon as you realize that you don't want to be with me, I'll have to feel our bond break. And I don't want to lose you like that.." Scott trailed off. Mitch stood with his jaw open. "W..What? You won't Mark me.. Because you think I won't be in for the long haul..?" "I think you think you are. But you'll find someone better. You deserve better." Scott further explained as he shifted against Mitch. "Sir. I will never leave. I have devoted my life to this pack. If Avi could take the leap with Kirstie, why can't you?" Mitch asked. Scott hummed in thought. He put his arms on either side of Mitch's head, boxing him in. Scott then leaned down and kissed Mitch's Mark spot. Mitch whined and squirmed against Scott's hold. "Alpha.. Please don't.." Scott smiled and looked him in the eyes. "Why not, sweetheart?"

"You won't Mark me. You're just teasing me. And I.." Mitch bit his lip as Scott began sucking on his neck. "Alpha.. Alpha.. Please.." Mitch tried, but Scott continued attacking his neck. Mitch struggled to think of a way to stop what Scott was doing. The instant Scott's teeth grazed over his neck, Mitch pushed back and yelled, "Avi! Help! Get off me, Scott." Scott barely had time to step back before Avi barged in the room with bright red eyes. "Hoying. Explain right now. This better not be what it looks like." Avi growled. Avi stepped in between the two of them, and watched as Scott cowered a bit. "No, Sir. This isn't what it looks like. I just kissed the Mark spot, and I think I freaked him out. I'm sorry, Sir." Scott said quickly. Avi let his eyes dim a little, as he turned to face Mitch. "Explain, Omega." Mitch squirmed under his red eyes. "He was just trying to be intimate with me, and I was afraid. I called for you to make him stop, and I'm sorry to bother you, Alpha." Scott looked over Avi's shoulder with his eyebrows raised. Mitch was afraid?

Avi turned back to face Scott. "Intimacy is fine, but you need to respect his limits. It is unacceptable for him to be even the slightest bit afraid in your presence. If he says stop, you have to stop. So help me God, if you hurt this Omega, Scott Hoying." Scott shook his head frantically. "Never. I will never hurt him, you have my word, Sir." Avi nodded. "Mitchell, come with me. I want you to spend the day with Kevin." Mitch glanced at Scott, and then followed orders and walked out of the room. Avi turned and glared at Scott. "I gave you a job." "Yes, Sir. I'm doing all I can, I really am. Do I have your permission to Mark him?" Scott asked randomly. Avi tilted his head. "You ask me this now? After I just had to stop you from trying to rape him?" He asked angrily.

Scott looked appalled. "I would never. He misunderstood what I was doing." "He shouldn't have the option to misunderstand. Male Omegas are always mistreated, you know this. You better not let that happen to Mitch. I always talk about how strong you are, because you are. You're very powerful, Scott. But that is not something you can use over him. You are hereby forbid to use your strength against him in any way. That includes any kinks, punishments or anything. You will not hurt that boy. I'll let you know when you're allowed to be rough, just as soon as I can trust you." Scott nodded. "Understood, Sir. You can trust me." Avi squinted at him. "We'll see. Stop disappointing me." And then he turned on his heel, and left. Scott's jaw nearly hit the floor. Disappointing him?

Scott was disappointing him?!

Scott ran his hands over his face. "Fuck!"