Chapter 306 Parent-Child Time

After realizing what had happened, Boris froze, not daring to move.

But Ewen was happily dancing and giggling, clapping his chubby little hands and waving them above his head, accidentally hitting Boris in the face.

Boris looked down at him, and Ewen giggled even more.

Boris pursed his lips and snapped out of his thoughts.

He didn't pay attention to the strength of the child's hands since they were small. Right now, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

He needed to change Ewen's diaper.

Boris knew how to change a diaper, as he learned from Ziana's teacher when she was pregnant. However, he had never actually done it before.

He looked at his still-cheerful son and playfully poked his round nose. "Do you want to stink up your dad?"

Boris lifted Ewen back up and asked the busy maid in the restaurant, "Where can I change his diaper?"