Devons POV:
I've been searching for her for five years. She's that last one of us and she will complete us.
I'm a hybrid. Half werewolf, half vampire. I'm one of the ten hybrids in the world and I'm searching for the last one. In our hybrid "pack" we have many different hybrids. Half werewolves half witches, vampires, but there's one of us that is very special and that's the girl that we are missing.
I was the first person to create our hybrid pack and I'm the leader. I have a Beta and his name is Josh. Josh was the first hybrid that I found and we immediately became very close.
The last piece of our pack is missing and I'm the one searcing for her. She was send by the moongodess, but she doesn't know it yet. When I find her I will take her to her true pack and the pack and I will show her how to use her powers and help her to get stronger.
We don't know so much about her. The only things that we know 'bout her is that she is a midnight black wolf with a half moon on the left side of her head. Midnight black wolves are very rare. There are even less of us than white wolves.
The sun has set and it'll be black outside in 30 minutes. I hope that I'll find her tonight. I'm about to take a step to the left when I hear a high scream from my right. I'm on high alert and I'm looking around for any sign of movment. Nothing, it's still.
I start to walk towards where I heard the scream. I'm currently standing behind some bushes trying to get a look of who was screaming. My eyes widen when I realize what I'm watching.
It's a girl around eighteen years, shifting for the first time and she's alone. Where's her mate?
I keep my gaze at her during the time when she shifts. I look down at my watch and sees that it's now half past seven. It's going to be dark in 15 minutes. I look up again and now the she-wolf is standing on her four legs.
Wow. She's bigger than I immagined and her wolf is completely black. She's a black wolf. I crouch down on my knees still staring at her. The wolf is standing completely still and I know she's talking to her wolf.
Then out from nowhere she starts to run and damn she's fast. I get of my knees and starts to run behind her not wanting to completely ruin her first run. She slows down and I do the same.
She takes a few steps towards the small lake infront of her. She bows her head and looks down at her own reflection. She moves so that she can see her entire body and that's when I see it. The white halfmoon behind her left ear. It's her.
I take a step out of the bushes and when I put down my foot on the ground a stick breaks and makes a very loud sound that breaks the silence. I shift my gaze from my foot to her. She's looking straight at me with her ocean blue eyes.
"Finally!" I scream out loud.
"I finally found you, I mean I've been looking for you for five years" I say to her walking towards her. I'm around six meters away when she growls at me.
"I know what you are. I'm exactly like you, look at my eyes. There are silver ones like yours and I mean no harm" I say putting my hands up in surrender.
"Could you please shift for me so that we could talk?" I ask her. She doesn't move and I can see how she's looking at me, taking in my entire presence.
She gives me a nod and walks away towards her backpack. It doesn't take long before she is standing infront of me in a pair of black jeans, a grey hoodie and her backpack over her shoulder.
"Your wolf is very intimidating you know" I say trying to sound nice.
"I know" She says with a little smile on her lips.
"I'm Devon" I say stretching out my hand for her to grab. She looks at my hand and then up at my face. She starts to walk towards me and when she's right infront of me, she takes my hand in hers.
"I'm Amelia" She says and shakes my hand with a smile.
"I know we just met Amelia, but I need you to trust me. Can you do that?" I ask her with a calm voice.
"I don't know... Can I?" she asks me and I can see how a smirk makes it's way onto her face.
"I trust you Devon. You're the first hybrid I've ever met and you're really nice to" She says pushing some of her hair behind her left ear.
"Um... I got a car if you would like to-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before she cuts me of.
"Sure, I'm not so into this dark forest kind of thing" She says and I chuckle at her answer.
We start to walk out of the forset and I lead the way. When I saw her wolf before, I didn't imagine a nice and cute girl like her. Her mate is a lucky man.
"Amelia. Can I ask you something?" I ask her as we're about to get into the car.
"Yup" She says popping the 'p'.
"Um... Where's your mate? Have you found him?" I ask and I can feel how the atmospehere changes really fast. She looks at me with a look of greif.
Why would you say ask something like that? My wolf Jack yells at me.
I don't know!? I just thought tha- he cuts me off by saying.
YOU THOUGHT?! Serioulsy D? You just found the last hybrid and you ask her something like that? What the fuck is wrong with you? He yells at me and than he ends the mindlink.
"Amelia, I'm sorry you don't need to answer that, it was a dumb question" I say looking at her with a sad smile.
"No no, it's fine. Um... Could we take this another time maybe?" She asks me and I see that she is not ready to talk about it.
"Absolutly" I say and open the car door for her. She jumps in and I close the door behind her. I use my vampire speed to go around the car and open the door and I climb in. I look over at Amelia and she's staring at me with her mouth is in a 'o' shape. I smirk and wink at her.