Amelia’s POV:
Woods. That's all I can see and all I've seen for hours. Yesterday I found out that I'm going to go to a place with hybrids. I also found out that the guy with silver eyes from yesterday, is also a hybrid like me. I've never met one before. His eyes are silver, only much more lighter than mine, black hair and he's quite muscular. His name is Devon.
He's really nice to me. You probably think I'm crazy for going with him, but I had a good feeling about him.
Devon told me that we're going to a place with hybrids from the world and that I'm the last one. He didn't tell me so much about himself or hybrid stuff, but I think he and the others will tell me when we get there.
"Amelia, we're only ten minutes away now" he says turning of the music. I wonder how many of them there are. Who's the leader? Is there even a leader?
"We're only nine. seven guys including me and two girls. Yes, we have a leader" He says almost like he knew what I was thinking.
"Ho-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he cuts me of.
"I can read your mind" he answers and gives me a small smile.
"But how? Are you half witch or something?" I ask turning my whole body towards him. He chuckles at my questions and yet again smiles at me.
"You'll find out soon. I promise you" He answers me. A frown makes it's way my to my face and I continue to look at the road. But now it isn't a road infront of us anymore. It's a big brown house whit tree decorations.
"Were here" Devon says smiling at me.
I'm unlock my seatbelt and open the door. Devon does the same thing and he's out in seconds. I on the other hand is struggling to get out of the car. I'm about to take the last step down on ground when my foot gets stuck in the seatbelt and I fall headlong down on the ground.
I close my eyes just before my face touches the ground. I wait for the impact but the only thing I feel is a pair of strong arms around my upper body. I immediatly open my eyes and there's a guy standing smirking at me.
I let out a suprised yelp and stand up. I fix my shirt and look over at Devon. He's standing over there laughing his pants of, but he's not alone. I shift my gaze to a group of people standing beside him. Five guys and two girls. Hybrids?
"I could at least get a 'thank you'" the guy who caught me says.
"It's not like you saved my life" I say and smile at him.
"Wow, fiesty" He says and winks at me." I like her Devon!" he yells at Devon. I turn my gaze towards the group of people and I can see how the girls are making their way over to me.
They are both around 5'9 inches and one of them has blonde hair and the other has grey hair. The one with the grey hair smiles at me and I gladly return the smile. I look a little closer and her eyes are silver. Both of their eyes are silver.
"Hey! My name is Sabrina and this is Emelie" The girl with the grey hair says to me and points at the blonde girl.
"Hey, my name is Amelia. Nice to meet you" I say and extend my arm. Sabrina is the first one to grab it and shake it. Emelie does the same thing. I'm about to say something when Sabrina cuts me off.
"Guys! Come on, a little introduction won't hurt" She screams to the guys and they start to walk over to us.
The guy in the front has brown hair and dark blue eyes. The other guy beside him has black hair and green eyes. The two guys behind them look exactly like each other. Twins I guess. The two last guys are Devon and I think he's the best looking of all guys. The other one guy has blonde hair and brown eyes.
"Hey. My name is Mason" The first guy says with black hair and dark blue eyes.
"My name's Jason" the second guy says.
"Cameron" The first one of the twins say and the other one says "Josh". I smile at them and the return the smile.
"Twins" I say and look at Cameron and Josh. The nod in respond and their smiles widens.
"My name is Alex" the guy besides Devon says. I guess he's Devons best friend or something.
"And last but not least your hero, my name's Tom" He says grabing my hand and then kisses it.
"Ew, gross! Now I'm going to get aids or something" His smile fades away and I can see how his cheeks turns flushed. Everybody starts to laugh at us and I wink at him.
I'm currently sitting on my bed in my new room with Sabrina and Emelie. After the introduction Sabrina and Emelie showed me around while the guys went to training. The house is quite big and it's really nice. I'm really liking it here.
My room is quite big. The walls are navy blue and my bed is a queen size. I'm so looking forward to slepping in it."Only sleeping" Isa adds. My bedspread is also navy blue and my pillows matches the walls. I have a big walk-in closet, but I don't have anything to fill it out with. I only have two t-shirts, one pair of jeans, a grey hoodie and a pair of vans. Anyways, I have my own bathroom! The floor and walls are white marble and the bathtub is incredible. I think it could fit at least eight people in it. Serioulsy. I love my new room.
"So what pack do you come from?" Sabrina asks me jumping onto the bed.
"I'm from Skylar pack" I say and look at her.
"How was the pack?" she asks me and this time Emelie also jumps onto the bed.
"It was okay" I say and look away from them. I think they understand that I don't really wanna talk about it.
"Mabye you can tell us later?" Emelie asks me with a sad smile on her lips.
"Yeah, mabye" I say and return the smile.
I'm about to get up from the bed when my stomach starts to grumble. I look over at them and they chuckle at me. I shrug and raise to my feet.
"So do you got any food here?" I ask them turning around.
"No, we were suppose to go shopping today, but Devon brought you here so we skipped it" they say looking at each other.
"It's okay. Do you got some butter, eggs, sugar, flour, baking soda and vanilla sugar?" I ask them putting my hands together.
"I think so" they say at the same time.
I pour the last two cups of flour into the mix and blend it together. I put the dirty equipment in the sink and walk back to the bowl with the cake mix. I pour the mix into a baking tin. and then I open the warm oven and put in the cake.
"So what exactly did you bake?" Ina(short for Sabrina) asks me sticking her finger into the dirty bowl and taking out some of the cake mix and putting it in her mouth.
"I made a swedish sugar cake" I say and put on the timer on 30 minutes.
"Swedish? Why a swedish cake?" Em (short for Emelie) asks with look of confusion.
"Because I'm from Sweden" I say.
"You are?" Em asks.
"Yup or my mother is from Sweden so, yeah" I answer her and begin to walk to the sink with dirty equipment.
"So you can speak Swedish?" Ina asks with a smile on her face. I nod towards her in respond.
"Can you say something?" She asks and places the bowl in the sink.
"Okay... Um.... Mitt namn är Amelia och jag älskar mat" I say and laugh a little.( Meaning: My name is Amelia and I love food. Haha)
"Cool. What did you say?!" Em and Ina squeals at the same time.
"That's for me to know and for you to not find out" I say and wink at them. Frowns makes their way to their faces and they start pout.
"Please, tell us" They pout at me.
"Nope" I say popping the 'p'.
"You're no fun" They say at the same time as small children. They soon walk away and leave me alone in the kitchen. I start to clean the dishes.