2 weeks later...
I'm woken up by a high scream and I literally jump out of the bed. I but on some fluffy socks and run towards the door. I swing to door open rush outside. I run towards the stairway and down. When I stand in the hallway a turn my head towards the kitchen and see that the lights are on.
I walk inside the kitchen and I swear to god I almost got a heartattack. Everybody is standing in the kitchen yelling 'happy birthday' to me. The kitchen is full of birthday stuff.
Ina and Em runs up to me and hugs me. I hug them back and say 'thank you' to the both of them. The guys are standing around the kitchen island smiling at me. I return the smile and move over to the big cake. Yum.
"So what do the birthday kid wanna do today?" Tom asks leaning on the island.
"First of all I want to eat some cake and then I wanna go to a party" I say cutting a piece of the cake and placing it on a white paper plate.
"I always do love to party" Tom says clapping his hands together.
"Oh... I didn't mention that I only wanna party with the girls tonight" I say and smirk at Tom.
"What!? That's not fair!" He yells and pouts at me.
"Well you can't always get what you want" I say and move away towards the table.
"You're not going to party" I hear a masculine voice say from behind me. I turn my head around and my eyes lock with Devons.
"And why not?" I ask him.
"There will be unmated men there and I do not want the three of you getting hurt" He says with a strict voice.
"What do you suggest? Do you also wanna come or what's your deal?" I ask him getting a little annoyed.
"Yeah either that or we don't go" He says and crosses his arms.
"Fine dad" I say in a angry voice and turn around again. I begin eating my cake and when I'm about to take my second spoon of this yummy masterpiece someone snatches the plate away from me. I shift my gaze from where my plate was to where it's now and I see that it's Cameron who took it.
"Give it back" I say in a low and strict voice. He doesn't say anything, he just smirks at me. I try to reach the cake but he moves away. I stand up and he starts to run out of the kitchen. I sigh and run after him. He runs out of the house and down the driveway. I slow down when I see what is standing infront of me. It's my dream bike. I've wanted it for so long, but I've never been able to afford it.
"OMG!!!" I yell and walk towards the bike. I look at the masterpiece and then up to Cameron and Josh.
"You got this for me?" I ask them and smiles occur on their faces. They nod at me and a big smile breaks out on my face. I lift my right leg and when I'm about to sit down on the bike. Alex calls my name.
"Liv!" he yells and comes out with a big package.
Alex and I've gotten quite close recently. I guess we've gotten so close 'cause we share the same intrests, soccer and motorbikes. He's really caring and kind in a brotherly way. I told Alex about my pack and him. Alex is the only one who knows here and I'm glad that he respects that I don't want to tell anybody else.
Alex told me about his life before this pack and it was terrible. An omega is treated very badly. He was treated worse only because he is a hybrid. Alex told me they looked on him as if he was a mistake, a monster and that he brought shame to the pack.
They were so wrong. Alex is so much more and he's one hell of a good witch hybrid. He knows his spells and he's very talented. I wish I was as talented as he is.
Alex is now standing infront of me with a big pink package. I slowly unwraps the white ribbon on top of it. When the ribbon is of I slowly open the box and when I see that it's bike gear that matches the bike I squel.
I open the box and take out the black hoddie and put it on. It fits perfectly.
"Thank you so much, Al" I say to him and bring him in for a hug.
"You're welcome and there's more, I got you some pants, gloves, a hemlet and some stuffs for the bike" He says and smiles at me. I hug him again and this time I whisper something to him.
"Thank you so much, for everything" I whisper so that nobody but Alex can hear.
I let go of him and start to look at all the other stuff I got. I look at the pants and they're black with some pockets. Everything is color coordinated. Black and military color.
"We need to ride today" I say to Alex and he nods agreeing.
I've borrowed clothes from Ina and Em since I got here. I need to go to a mall.
I put on my grey hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans. I let my wet hair fall down on my back and I throw the towel on the ground. Then I put on some socks.
I walk out of my wic and close the door behind me. I put on some makeup in the bathroom and then I go downstairs. I enter the living room and everybody is sitting in there talking to each other. I sit down beside Devon and put my legs against my chest. I wrap my arms around them. I then come to think of that I really do need to go to a mall and buy some clothes.
"Guys?" I ask and I got all of their attention.
"I really need to go to a mall and buy some clothes. I've borrowed Ina's and Em's since I got here" I say and wait for an answer.
"Ugh! I thought you would never ask?!" Em says a little bit to excited.
"So when are we going?" I ask them puting me legs down.
"Now" Em says and I nod understanding.
"Who wants to come along with us?" I ask and Ina says she's coming with us. But the guys don't seem so interested.
"Okay, but I'm taking my bike there," I say and raise to my feet.
We walk out of the house. Em and Ina are already sitting in Camerons black Range Rover. I wave at them and get on the bike. I check my phone one last time before I put it in my pocket. I put the helmet on and secure it and it fits perfectly. I insert the keys and start the engine. It purrs perfectly, it's like music to my ears. I lift up my foot and drive of. I look behind me and see that the girls are following me. We're still driving on a forest road, so I keep my speed down.
After a 20 minutes ride we're up on the highway and I increase my speed a little more. I glance behind me and they're still there. We are coming up to a redlight so I slow down a bit. I start to ge between the cars 'cause I don't like to wait in lines.
I park my bike near the entrance of the mall and wait for Ina and Em. I remove my helmet and put it on the bike.
I only have to wait for ten minutes and then they drive up beside me and park their car. They both jump out of the car and make their way over to me. Em puts her hand up in a gesture for us to go into the mall.
It's been two weeks since I left my old pack. Nobody has tried to contact me. Maybe because I blocked my brothers, parents and Kyles phonenumbers. Neither has he.. I miss my family so much. I wonder how they're doing without me.
Devon told me that he and the others will teach me how to fight, defend, how to use my powers and some history after that I've turned eighteen. So I guess that we'll start tomorrow or something. I'm really excited about it.
He also told me that he couldn't start training me until I turned eighteen and that it had to do with my powers or so.
Ina and Em are bying the last things before we're going back home. I bought a lot of stuff. T-shirts, jeans, skirts, hoodies, shoes, caps, underwear and so on. I bought a dress for tonight. It's black with a open back and it ends over my knees. I paired it up with some black high heels. I hope the guys don't mind...
"Are you daydreaming again O?" Em asks as she grabs some of the shopping bags.
"No, I was just thinking" I say and stand up, taking a few bags.
"Mhm" she says and starts to walk to the exit.
The clock is around two pm, so we have a lot of time to get ready when we get home. We walk out of the shopping center and towards the car. Em and Ina starts to talk about tonight, how excited they are.
The weater has changed since we went into the mall. It's quite shinny and warm now. I look up at the sun, I immediatly regret it and look down again. To shinny... When we reach the car I throw the bags into the trunk and Em and Ina does the same.
I turn around to walk to my bike when I see a few guys walking into the mall. I know them. They're from my pack! They stop a man who's walking out from the mall and show him a picture of something. He nods his head and points at the mall. They guys then walk past him and into the shopping center.
"Ina! Em! We need to go now, my pack is here" I tell them jogging over to my bike. They jump into the car and wait for me. I put my helmet on and start the bike. Then we drive home.