Taking out all the clothes and placing them into the right places took about twenty minutes, so I'm heading downstirs to the others. When I take the last step down on the ground floor, a sweet smell embraces my senses. I follow the smell into the kitchen and I'm met by a flying cupcake. I dodge just before it hits my head. I get up from the floor and see that it's Cameron and Josh.
"Wha? Seriously. On my birthday?" I ask them throwing my hands in the air.
They look at me and then at each other. Smiles occure on their faces and they raises their hands with cupcakes in them. They try to throw them at me, but I move away again and this time the cupcakes doesn't land on the wall. They land on Mason and Jason.
Mason and Jason look suprised at first but then they start to growl at Cameron and Josh. Cameron removes the cake from his face and his shirt. Jason doesn't, instead he starts to whisper some weird stuff and then out of no wear, four of the cupcakes, they fly into Josh and Cameron's faces. Mason, Jason and I start to laugh, but The twins aren't. Josh looks over at Jason and growls.
"So you wanna use magic?" He asks in a low voice. Jason was about to answer when Al and Devon come into the room.
"Stop" Devon says and they immediatly stop.
"Why are you acting so childish?" He asks a little pissed off.
"They started it" Mason and Jason say pointing at them.
"What? No that isn't true" The twins yell.
I can't do anything else but laugh at them. My laugh just gets higher and higher until I can't breath anymore. I cough a little and continue to laugh. I open my eyes and see that they're all stairing at me. I settle down my laugh and wipe away the small amount of tears that actually came.
The party day is coming, I can’t express my excitement. I really need to have a relax to get rid of my suck past, I mean the past days on my old pack.
Actually, I have never been to a party, so this is the first time. I've only seen partys in movies, you know these very sterotypical movies. Teens drinking from red cups, people making out everywhere and so on. Well I do not wanna make out with anyone. Who knows what I could get infected with...
I open my eyes and look into the mirror. I meet my eyes, then I shift my stare towards Em and then Ina. They are also showing of there real eyes. I turn around and stare into their eyes for a second. Their eyes are much lighter than mine. What if there's something wrong with me? Why are my eyes darker? I shrug the thoughts off an walk out of the bathroom.
Em and Ina follow me out of the bathroom. They start to put on their shoes and grabbing their belongings. I put on my high black heels and grab my phone. I take a step forward in the heels and my feet start to ache really bad. I whince, but continue to walk towards the door.
We all walk down the stairs. I'm the last one, Em in the front and then Ina. We haven't even gotten down on the ground floor when the guys start to tens.
I look up and see that they're all staring at us with a very disapproving look. Ina and Em are weaing both dresses that ends abow their kness. I'm also wearing a dress that ends abow my knees, but my dress is tight and it has a open back. Did I mention no bra?...
They don't say anything about Em's and Ina's dresses, but when their looks stop at me. I can feel how they all are staring at me. Taking in my appearnce.
"Amelia, go change. That dress to reaveling" Devon says staring at me.
I'm not going to change for anyone. I look really good in this dress. It shows of my curves and my olive skin.
"No" I say and shift my bodyweight to my left leg, so that I'm standing in a more sassy pose.
"Just do it" Devon says and breaks our eye contact.
"No, I'm wearing this" I say and start to walk towards the main door.
"Change, now. I don't want unmated men to think about you in such ways and what if they tries to do anything" He says raising his voice a little.
"First of all, I'm not going to change. Second of all no one and I mean no one is going to touch this body" I say and put my hands on my hips." And you guys will be around me all the time, so I have nothing to worry about. They last thing is that, if you haven't already noticed I'm a freakin hybrid and everybody will see my eyes, so they won't try anything" That's the last thing I say before I walk out off the door with Em and Ina behind me.
They guys looked quite shocked when I said 'no' to Devon. I'm not going to let anybody be in charge of me, I'm my own person. The girls and I jump into Masons black range rover and soon after we jumped in Mason and Jason gets in in the front.
When we drive up infront of the house everybody on the outside of the house shift their stares towards our cars. Devon and Al is they first of us all to get out of their car and I swear I could hear all the girls gasp at their looks.
When we open the door I'm met by a strong bitter smell. Jason and Mason is out before us girls. Jason opens the door for us and Ina is the first one to climb out, Em's the second and I'm the last one. Then the twins and Tom make their entrance and everyone is out.
I take in a deep breath and I can smell all the girls arousal. In many packs girls that easily gets excited by men lack selfcontrol. They arousal is only getting stronger and stronger by they seconds. I'm positive that the guys also can smell them.
"Ladies first" Tom gestures for us to go and Em is the first one to go.
We start to walk towards the main door. I can feel their eyes on me. They unmated mens eyes on me. I look up for a second and meet a guys blue eyes. His eyes widend when he sees what I am and then turns away from me. The second guy that I lock eyes with turns around in horror and then everybody does it.
Disapointment. That's all I can feel. Every guy has looked away from me. I know I shouldn't care about it that much, but it always feel bad to get rejected. I feel an arm around my shoulder and I look up and it's Al.
"So? Ready to party?" He asks smiling at me with his one million dollar smile. I nod in respond and then we enter the house.
The bitter smell from before is much stronger and mixed with sweat and arousal. We walk further into the house and the air just keeps getting more humid and warm. I'm walking beside Alex and he has his arm around my shoulder. I glanze over my shoulder and see that we've lost the twins, Mason, Jason and Tom. It's just Alex, Devon, Em, Ina and me left now.
We all keep on going until we come to a big hall with people dancing around, drinking and doing stuff that you shouldn't do out in the open. The dance floor is full of people who are dancing, pushing on each other and drinking from red cups.
I had never tasted alcohol. My parent always used to tell me that alcohol is a liquid that can ruin your life in minutes. They told me that if you drink to much of it you can lose your memory, do stuff you wouldn't normaly do and taken advantage of. That is not something that I want do experiance so I'm going to stay away from the alcohol.
The girls and I make our way towards the dance floor. We immediatly start to dance and grind on each other. The song change and the next song starts to play and we quikly look at each other. It's the song that we have been singing for the last two weeks. Flawless by Queen B. We giggle a little and then we start to dance very slow and passionate. We grind on each other and touch each other. We sure got some males attention.
When the song ends I tell the girls that I'm going to go and get some water, they nod at me and start to dance again. I push myself out of the crowd and walk towards the bar near the entrance. When I'm at the bar I sit down on one of the high barchairs infront of the desk.
I wait for the bartender to show up near me so that I could call on him. After a minute or so he shows up infront of me with a smile on his lips. I meet his stare and holds it for a second. He doesn't look away like other guys did. This time I'm the one to brake the stare.
I feel a pair of thick fingers around my chin and I look back at the bartender. He's looking deep into my eyes, almost like he's searching for something. After a few seconds he lets go and stands up again. I look at him a little confused and he doesn't realize what he's done until now.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean do-" I cut him off in midsentence.
"It's fine" I say and look down at me hands.
"Are sure? I mean it was quite rude of me to just grab your chin like that" He says staring at me with a look of greif.
"I'm sure" I say and send him a smile.
"You're eyes are so... Precious. I've never seen anything like them" He says and smiles at me.
"Thank you" I say.
"So what can I get this lovely young lady?" he asks charmingly.
"Just a bottle of water" I order and wait. He walks away and ten seconds later he returns with a cold bottle of water.
"Thank you" I say and raise from the chair. I'm about to walk away when the bartender asks me something.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Amelia and yours?" I respond.
"Eliseo" He says. I smile at him yet again and walk away.
I open the cold bottle and I take a few sips of it. The cold liquid cools down my senses and I feel refreshed. I walk towards the dance floor with all dancing people. I get a look of my friends and when I'm about to enter the crowd a sharp pain hits me right in the heart. I clutch my chest with my free hand and gasp.
Ina! What's happening?