Chapter 49

"Please don't leave" His voice is not powerfull or demanding.

"Why?" I question him with my back turned against him.

"Because I need to tell you something" He answers me and my curiosity grows.

"Then just tell me" I say with a pleading voice. I can't deal with all this drama and shit. I'm not the right person for it.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry" He says with a low voice as he stands up on his feet. He places his hands over his face and I can see a small drop trickles down his cheek.

"I'm sorry for rejecting you, I' sorry for being the cause of your family's death. I'm sorry for everything" He says and now there are tears running down his red cheeks, leaving wet stripes behind.

"I will forgive you, but I will never forget about all the things you've done too me. The things you've been the cause off" I say and begin to run back too the house.

Amelia's POV