I put the spoon, filled with porridge in my mouth. The kitchen is filled with omegas, preparing the breakfast for the rest off the pack. I, on the other hand, decided to go and eat before them so that I can finish packing my last things. I put another spoon with porridge in my mouth, as I continue to watch them work.
My eyes land on a short girl. I recognize her. It's Jess.
"Hey, Jess," I say and the entire kitchen stops and stares at me. I meet a girl's glare and I give her an ice gold glare. She bows slightly, showing her respect for me. I've always hated those girls. The ones that think the can do whatever they want and too whoever.
"Um... Yes, Miss Amelia?" She responds, shaking from head to toe.
"This is really good. I should talk to the one that orders you around." I say with a hint of kindness in my voice.
Wow, what the heck is happening? Your kindness? Dude... Isa laughs at me and I roll my eyes at her, making her laugh even more.