Chapter 19 : Runner’s High

Dee’s POV

Running always helped clear my mind of terrible distractions and focus on the good things around me.

Case in point, Bitchin’ Brownies was taking off! After my first official college party didn’t go down in the failure to socialize history books, the Tri-Faded dudes gave our treats glowing reviews on…Yelp of all places…

But! It had worked!

Well, that and selling treats during Homecoming weekend.

I’d only been to BrockU for about a month and a half, but I’d already made about three thousand from helping CB with his little hustle. Our side hustle, as CB liked to claim when he’d give me one of his hugs. He was a touchy guy and I did not mind at all. God, did I not mind.

I was spending more time with him and his sister, plus a couple of the other freshmen around my dorm and in CC’s hall. I was making friends and keeping a good grade point average (I passed all my exams), and even Wes had stopped being a dick to me surprisingly enough.

Well…sort of.