Chapter 41 : I Shall Not Be Ignored

Dee’s POV

“As long as we don’t move, we shouldn’t be harmed.” Molly put her broad hands up, palms out toward the group of glaring bikers. The whole bar was looking at us like we stole something. People even paused mid-stroke in billiards just to eye us down. “I’ve seen this once with bears. Very territorial creatures.”

“And how did it end?”

“How did what end, Al?”

“With the bears.” Alice had nearly climbed on my shoulders as we all slowly backed toward the bar’s wrought iron gate. “With you and the bears. How did it end?”

“Oh, I don’t tangle bears,” Molly admitted. “My cousin showed me this video off YouTube. It was a video of his neighbor who’d accidentally gotten between a mother and her cub. He died before the ambulance could make it.”

“Minnesota was that supposed to be uplifting?” Ramona hissed as one of the bikers—the biggest one in the leather-clad flock—broke away from his brothers to give us a look. “Because it fucking wasn’t and I was hoping not to die today.”