Chapter 23: Who are you? (Please follow) _1

The night was deep.

After leaving the Demon Lord's Pavilion, the outer sect disciple headed straight for the inner courtyard.

It wasn't long before a disciple from the inner courtyard ran out.

And headed to the courtyard of that sleazy Swordsman.

The Swordsman's right-hand man flew out and, having listened to the report, snuck into the yard.

Inside the courtyard, the lamplight flickered.

The Swordsman held a black soul-testing stone in his hand, with a sword scripture lying beside him.

A cold smile couldn't help but curl up on his face.

"After waiting for so many years, the demon has finally gone mad. The soul-testing stone has absorbed so much dusk energy, it can almost drip ink."

"It seems the demon sustained serious injuries."

"No wonder he has been so docile these days."

"He must have anticipated his certain death by now, right?"

"Once he's dead, I can take control of the most desirable existence, the Tang Empire's first in the rouge list—the princess consort of Zhen Nan."

"Even if the beauty has been spoiled for three years and her shape has changed, she is still a beauty."

He sneered sinisterly.

Behind him, the pitch-black longsword emitted bursts of chilling light.

It seemed to be eagerly stirring.

"Protector Zhang, should we notify the other protectors?"

"Perhaps with the help of these protectors, we can more securely kill the demon lord."

His right-hand man asked cautiously.

"Of course, we should tell them."

The Swordsman said coldly.

"Killing the demon lord is so dangerous; how could I do it alone? If the demon lord fights back in his dying throes and I get injured—even if I kill the demon lord, the others would come to snatch the treasures."

"Don't you understand the principle of the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind?"

"I understand... I understand!"

The subordinate nodded fearfully.

"Dawn is breaking. To avoid lengthy nights bringing more dreams, I will go notify the others right away. And... I'll confirm when that woman will fulfill her promise to sleep."

Laughing coldly, the Swordsman was about to step outside.

The sword scripture he had been perusing for a long time was emitting bursts of fragrance.

And that fragrance, when it entered his nose,

made him pause for a moment, feeling somewhat dazed.

The next moment, a bold thought emerged in his mind.

Why tell these people?

The demon lord is now seriously injured, he may have already lost his powers, or at least regressed several realms.

Under such circumstances, if he went to assassinate him, it would be almost a sure win. If he told the others,

wouldn't they have to share more of the treasures?

As a result, the share he could get would be reduced.

Fortune favors the bold...

Now, he could assassinate the demon lord by himself. As long as he stealthily took down the demon lord and took the treasures, abducted the princess consort,

afterwards, he could live a carefree life!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, the more surging his thoughts. This idea, once it surfaced, was like a wildfire, burning wildly and incessantly, becoming uncontrollable.

"You stay at home and wait, and don't allow anyone in. If anyone asks for my whereabouts, don't tell them, understand?"

The Swordsman looked coldly at his right-hand man.

"Understood... Understood."

"Good, after tonight, we will be able to leave the demonic sect. When the time comes, I'll take you with me to enjoy endless glory and wealth."

"Thank you, Protector."


Demon Lord's Pavilion!

Located at the pinnacle of the Blood Rain Sect.

Above, one could grasp the stars; below, one could look down upon the masses.

This is the residence of the most terrifying Blood Rain Demon Lord in the Tang Empire.

There are two reasons for the title of Blood Rain Demon Lord.

One is that the demon has killed countless, with his hands stained with unending blood; the other is that he is overly lustful and skilled at making women bleed.

Within a hundred meters radius of the Demon Lord's Pavilion,

without the Demon Lord's permission, no one is allowed to barge in.


This is a well-known fact among the Blood Rain Sect members, even regarded as an ironclad rule.

But today, a sleazy middle-aged man with a sword strapped to his back was ascending the steps, heading straight for the Demon Lord Pavilion.

He was one of the eight protectors of the demonic cult, the Soul-Separating Swordsman, Zhang Sheng!

A powerhouse of the Great Grandmaster realm.

Ranked thirtieth on the Heavenly List, just a thread away from the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top.

The number of souls that had fallen under his sword was countless.

In the Tang Kingdom, just the mention of his name was enough to send countless people into a fit of terror.

On ordinary days, Zhang Sheng was utterly respectful towards the Demon Lord, with everyone saying he was the Demon Lord's most loyal dog.

He would go to any lengths, even offering up his own mother and wife.

But in reality, only Zhang Sheng knew the extent of his hatred towards the Demon Lord.

He was talented, but the Demon Lord was even more so.

He was lecherous, yet the Demon Lord even more so!

Both had left a trail of infamy in the Tang Kingdom.

The only difference was that many women cursed him as disgusting because they truly found him repellent.

But many women who cursed the Demon Lord as disgusting did so out of frustration that he had not taken them captive, their hearts actually having been ready for him long ago.

And all this was because the Demon Lord was exceedingly handsome.

For a debaucher, handsomeness is the greatest weapon, and the Demon Lord possessed it in spades.

Therefore, for many years he felt as if he was living in the Demon Lord's shadow.

Now, finally having the chance for revenge, he naturally wouldn't let it slip away.

Dawn gradually faded, and the sky grew brighter!

Zhang Sheng walked step by step, unobstructed from start to finish.

Not much time passed before he arrived outside the grand hall of the Demon Lord Pavilion.

He glanced inside indifferently.

Then he stepped in.

He went straight into the grand hall.

The grand hall was cold and dark all year round.

An eerie wind blew occasionally, causing the many candles to flicker uncertainly.

Walking step by step forward, it didn't take long for him to reach the base of the huge throne.

On the throne, a dark figure was sitting there.

Hair cascading over the shoulders, the black robe billowing.

Emitting a chilling aura.

The face was a bit pale.

The corner of the mouth still had a trace of fresh blood.

It was the Blood Rain Demon Lord, an existence that made everyone lose their courage at the mere mention of his name.

But at this moment, he was like a tiger on the verge of death.

Sitting in the darkness.

The majestic throne was once his crown, now it was his tomb!

Zhang Sheng had expected to see the Demon Lord at his most wretched, but for some reason...

Seeing the Demon Lord's desolate and feeble appearance.

He actually found the other more handsome and charismatic, possessing a mournful beauty.

It even made him feel somewhat ashamed of himself.

Then, he became even angrier.

He approached the steps and looked up at the Demon Lord.

"You're here?"

Fang Yang's voice was hoarse, his breath faint.

"That's right, I'm here."

Zhang Sheng sneered, the black longsword on his back buzzing with eagerness, ready to be drawn at any moment.

"Demon Lord, I've been waiting for this day for a long time. You didn't expect it to be me, did you? The person you once trusted the most, now betrays you. Like a knife plunging into your heart, shattering it to pieces. I know the pain is intolerable, the taste of suffering unbearable..."

He rambled on, feeling utterly exhilarated.

As if the most glorious moment of his life was right now.

He even couldn't wait to see the Demon Lord weep bitterly.


On the throne, Fang Yang's brow was deeply furrowed.

Devoid of any memory of being the Demon Lord, he looked at the ugly man ranting incessantly in front of him, wanting only to ask one question.

"Who are you?"
