Chapter 22: The Soul-Testing Stone_1

"What on earth is going on? Tell me the truth, or you know what I'm capable of."

In the great hall, Fang Yang remained silent for a moment before he rasped his question.

This outer sect disciple hurriedly said.

"Demon Lord, I know your rules, but I'm not married yet, I only have a sister-in-law, if I hide anything, I will definitely send my sister-in-law over."


Fang Yang was completely bewildered; up to now, he still couldn't figure out what kind of absurd impression the Demon Lord had left in the hearts of these disciples.


Seeing Fang Yang's silence, the outer sect disciple grew even more panic-stricken.

Thinking of the Demon Lord's notorious cruelty and lechery in the outside world, he couldn't help shivering and began kowtowing frantically.

"Demon Lord, I was wrong, actually, before my mother died, she had a friend who was... voluptuous..."

"Shut up!"

Fang Yang interrupted irritably.

"Do you think everything falls into my sight?"

"I am not so despicable and shameless."

"Get to the point and tell me the whole story, who instructed you, what exactly is going on, leave no detail out, spill everything."


The outer sect disciple, quivering with fear, spilled everything he knew, including how an inner sect disciple had threatened him and taught him how to test the waters...

After listening, Fang Yang fell silent.

Inner sect disciple?

He couldn't believe that an ordinary disciple of the demonic cult would dare to scheme against him.

Clearly, there was another mastermind behind this.

Fang Yang remained silent, and the inner sect disciple quivered, feeling the aura of the Demon Lord growing more terrifying by the moment.

It seemed to freeze the air around them.

Filling him with terror.

Eventually, Fang Yang asked hoarsely.

"For an outer sect disciple like you to dare test me, it's undoubtedly a death wish. What kind of enticement did these people offer? So confident that you would submit?"

"The foundational cultivation technique of the demonic cult."

"What? Say that again?"

Fang Yang's face was a picture of shock, hardly believing his own ears.

"The… the foundational cultivation technique of the demonic cult."

The disciple repeated, and Fang Yang was utterly dumbfounded.

Had they gone mad?

How little did they think of him?

To think that a basic cultivation technique would suffice to send him to his death?

He found the matter immensely absurd, seeing it as utterly ridiculous, but observing the trembling state of the other party, he was all too aware that what was being said was the truth, without a shred of falsehood.

And because of that, he found it even more laughable.

Or rather, infuriating.

The original body was dead, and now he was the Demon Lord!

This was a challenge to him!

A trampling of his dignity!

Did they really think that he had gone mad with power and could be trampled underfoot?

A common man's anger spills blood within five steps; a monarch's fury leaves corpses for a thousand li.

The Xuantian Strategy that Fang Yang cultivated bore a terrifying pressure with every move.

Now that he was angered.

Thunder seemed to roll beside him.

The ever-rolling thunder intensified the outer sect disciple's fear, yet also increased his sense of relief.

As expected of the Demon Lord!

This power could likely suppress the contemporary world, sweeping away all before it.

Thank goodness he hadn't acted foolishly and had made the right choice.

That inner sect disciple had given him a basic cultivation technique and asked him to test the Demon Lord.

Even using his family to compel him.

Attempting to utterly control him!


It's as if he's not an orphan.

That gambling wretch of a father of his had been slaughtered by him the very moment he decided to defect to the demonic sect.

There was no one left to threaten him.

Besides, if he had to choose a side, why didn't he seek refuge with the Demon Lord?

Wouldn't that have fetched him far greater benefits?

As these thoughts raced through the mind of the Outer Sect Disciple, Fang Yang's expression had turned utterly cold, yet a terrifying aura still enveloped the surroundings.

"Where is the Spirit Jade he entrusted to you? Hand it over."


With a hoarse voice, the disciple respectfully stuffed a piece of jade into Fang Yang's hand.

Soul Testing Stone!

A rare and peculiar type of jade!

Void of Spiritual Energy and unsuitable as material for artifact forging.

Deemed a chicken rib by the world of cultivation,

this chicken rib, however, possessed a miraculous effect.

It could precisely detect whether a body's soul had suffered significant damage.

The soul and the body might appear to be completely independent entities, but they are in fact closely connected, entwined in many ways.

Once a person had been severely injured, many traces would be left on the body, and even a kind of deathly aura would be emitted, which only a Soul Testing Stone could accurately detect.

As long as the Soul Testing Stone was placed within two meters of the target, after half an hour, one could infer the results based on the color of the stone.

"Soul Testing Stones are exceptionally rare; it's difficult even to purchase one. To deal with me, these people really are stopping at nothing," Fang Yang sneered.

His palm tightly clutched the Soul Testing Stone, gang winds spurted from his hand into the stone.

It wasn't long before the Soul Testing Stone turned as black as ink, emitting wisps of black vapor.

The vapor was so dense it almost condensed into droplets and fell.

This indicated that it had absorbed a significant amount of deathly aura, which also confirmed that the target was grievously injured.

He casually tossed the Soul Testing Stone back to the Outer Sect Disciple, who, upon seeing the black stone in his hand, was momentarily stunned, his face full of shock and disbelief.

"How... How could it change color?"

His voice trembled with a mix of fear and horror.

He had sided with the Demon Lord on the bet that the Demon Lord was unharmed and needn't fear those petty threats.

The terrifying celestial phenomena outside the Demon Lord's pavilion, accompanying the Demon Lord's appearance, bolstered his confidence.

The Demon Lord couldn't possibly be seriously injured, and might even have made a breakthrough—otherwise, why would such celestial phenomena occur?

But what was happening now?

Why did the Soul Testing Stone change color?

Could it be that the Demon Lord really had succumbed to demonic deviation and hasn't recovered till now?

What should he do now?

"Regretting your decision?"

Amidst his panic and horror, a hoarse voice sounded. He looked up, meeting Fang Yang's smirk.

"No... Not at all!"

"Your servant is willing to brave any danger for the Demon Lord, without hesitation."

He said through gritted teeth, but Fang Yang just smiled.

"Rest assured, I won't let your efforts go unrewarded. Return the Soul Testing Stone to that person, and tell them I indeed have been gravely injured. Once the task is completed, I will grant you a generous reward," Fang Yang instructed.


Upon hearing these words, the Outer Sect Disciple's eyes lit up.

His eyes were filled with excitement, his body trembling with emotion. He respectfully bowed to Fang Yang and promptly departed,

"Your servant will obey the Demon Lord's command!"

With the departure of the Outer Sect Disciple, tranquility once again returned to the palace.

Fang Yang sat in the darkness, fiddling with two Demon Lord cards and one Ye Qinghong card in his hand.

A faint smile played upon his face.

He murmured,

"This time, I shall truly solidify my position as the Demon Lord."

ps: The performance of this book is not ideal; it may not even reach the stage of testing the waters for promotion. Monday and Tuesday will be the deciding days of life or death, so I implore you all to follow the latest chapters, otherwise, it really is the end. I beseech you on my knees! Thank you!