Chapter 21: The Princess's Persona Collapsed_1

[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Town South Queen Consort's skill card—Advanced Jump Rope Technique.]

[After use, you will gain the Town South Queen Consort's years of mastery in jump rope skills. (Note: Actually... jump ropes can have other ingenious uses.)]

"What is this mess?"

Fang Yang's head was covered with black lines, feeling like he was splitting apart.

He trembled with anger.

He had spent ten points of Fate, cushioning the blow ten times.

And in the end, did the cushion fly off to heaven?

So-called guaranteed lottery, and he ended up with jump rope skills?


The skill cards drawn all represent something the other party thinks they are skilled at and do often.

So the Queen Consort is quite proud of her jump rope skills and jumps rope every day in her courtyard?

Other Queen Consorts are experts in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and even if nothing else, they know the ways of managing the harem.

What's with this jump rope thing?

Last time it was the Underwear Washing Technique, and now it's the Jump Rope Technique.

You sure have a lot of talents, huh?

Fang Yang was shaking with anger, wishing he could down two bottles of medicine, burst into the Wutong Courtyard, and viciously pin her to the bed.

Strip her clothes off, and then...

Make her jump rope until she's had enough.

"This damn system, not only is it an adult edition, but it must be from the Mustang series too, right?"

Looking at the remaining five points of Fate Value, he didn't hold much hope for this lottery anymore.

Tired, hopeless.

Let it be, whatever.

He randomly clicked to draw a prize.


[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Demon Lord's Peak Experience Card, duration: 10 minutes!]


Fang Yang was stunned, his face full of shock.

The surprise came too quickly.

When you long for blossoms, flowers will not bloom; unintended, willows planted by the fence grow into shade.

He had just cushioned ten times.

Used a guaranteed draw once and got nothing.

Then he casually draws now and pulls a Demon Lord's Peak Experience Card?

What kind of system is this?

It hits with a slap, then offers a date to eat.

Is it because it's afraid he'd give up on the system just like that?

Draw again!


[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Demon Lord's Peak Experience Card, duration: 10 minutes!]

Another one?

Fang Yang was shocked by this drop rate.

As the Demon Lord who is in the realm of the Four-Leaf Legal Body, unmatched by anyone in the entire demon sect.

Drawing his card is equivalent to pulling a supreme card; the chances are extremely low, and it's quite rare to pull one.

But he hadn't expected that this time he would burst out with two cards.

With these two cards, it was as if he had two more life-saving trump cards, which could give him a chance to survive even if his identity was exposed in the future.

Strike while the iron is hot, continue to draw!

Fang Yang knew that luck also played a part in the lottery.

Now that he was on a hot streak and at the peak of his luck, he certainly couldn't let it slip by.


[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Charm Card, duration: one day. After use, it will significantly boost the user's charm, regardless of species or gender.]

A Charm Card, what does a Demon Lord like him need this for?

No, this is useful, too.

Using the Charm Card at his brightest moment might greatly increase the Queen Consort and Disciple's fondness for him.

It counted as a good thing.

He gleefully pocketed it.

Now he only had two Fate Points left, which would be a waste if he didn't use them, so he decided to draw them out right away.


[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Town South Queen Consort's skill card—Bathing Bubble Blowing Technique.]


[Treasure Chest Opened, 1 Fate Point consumed. Acquired Town South Queen Consort's skill card—Beanbag Throwing Technique.]


Looking at the two new skill cards that appeared before him, Fang Yang was thoroughly convinced of the princess's abilities.

He had originally thought the princess was high and mighty, dignified and majestic.

Imprisoned by the Demon Sect for these three years,

He was certain it must have been a living hell.

At best, she might have developed some abnormal feelings, but overall, it must have been quite oppressive.

But now he realized he was wrong, utterly wrong.

It seemed she had lived quite freely during these three years.

Jumping rope, tossing sandbags, bathing and blowing bubbles...

And according to the system, these were frequent activities.

Her schedule must have been packed.

With her royal image shattered, at this moment, in Fang Yang's heart, the facade of the princess was in complete ruins.

Now he was utterly sure that the princess was indeed talented, it's just that her talents were focused elsewhere.

Gathering all the skill cards, he had now fully depleted the affinity points.

Fang Yang was about to close his eyes to meditate and rest for a while.

Outside, a trembling voice sounded.

"Demon Lord, we've caught a reckless fool, please instruct us on how to deal with him."

Fang Yang raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised, as this was his first time experiencing such a situation.

But he quickly calmed down, his eyes filled with indifference and his body enveloped in his black robe.

"Bring him up!"


Soon, within the dimly lit hall,

A young man was dragged into the Demon Lord's chamber.

He was covered in wounds, with one of his arms broken.

As soon as he arrived in the hall, he knelt on the ground, forehead pressing tightly against the cold floor.


Gusts of chilly wind.

In the hall, the candlelight flickered.

The youth lying on the ground, drenched in blood, felt an overwhelming oppressive force encroaching upon him.

It was almost apocalyptic, capable of suppressing everything.

He thought he was beholding a deity, the Yama who controls life and death,

And that Yama was sitting in the darkness, enthroned.

The darkness was his cloak; the shadows, his mask.

Just one thought from the other party could grind him to death!

His body trembled, his soul shuddered.

This outer sect Disciple of the Demon Sect had nearly been scared out of his wits, but in the end, as if remembering something, his expression firmed up.

"Who are you, and why do you intrude upon the Demon Lord's chamber?"

"I... I..."

The Disciple's mind went blank.

Rustle... Rustle...

The faint sound of footsteps, as if the Grim Reaper was knocking at the door.

With his head bowed, he felt a new shadow loom over him.

Then, a hand reached out and grabbed his neck, lifting him up.

And then, he saw a pair of eyes.

A pair of eyes as deep as the abyss, capable of discerning all things.

In front of these eyes, all his thoughts were exposed, appearing utterly ridiculous,

"What, you refuse to speak?"

"Then die!"

Fang Yang's hand gradually tightened, appearing ready to twist the other's neck.

The Disciple's expression finally firmed up, and he screamed with all the strength he could muster.

"Demon Lord, someone sent me to probe your strength! To see if your month-long secluded meditation had caused you heavy damage or if you had been led astray by evil forces!"



Fang Yang casually threw him to the ground.

He fell silent.

In the darkness, his expression shifted unpredictably.

The inevitable has finally come; he knew those people couldn't hold back for too long and would eventually come to test him.

The storm is brewing.

The tempest is, after all, imminent.