Chapter 133: The Fourth Disciple Has Arrived (Please Subscribe)_1

The smoke billowed.

Twisting and contorting without end.

It completely enveloped Fang Yang and the Sect Master's wife, shrouding them within,

What... what in the world is happening?

Wasn't his wife supposed to be giving the Demon Lord a massage?

How did it go from a massage to suddenly drawing the curtain, barring any view?

Could it actually be some kind of forbidden massage technique?

The more he thought, the angrier he became, the more stifled he felt, especially recalling his wife's fervent and eager gaze from before.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been thoroughly tricked.

In a moment, he was beside himself with rage and shame.

Behind him, the void kept distorting, as if two manifestations were about to emerge, but ultimately they dissipated slowly.

He, he dared not!

Yes, he dared not!

Without fully understanding the Demon Lord's strength, he dared not act rashly or provoke the Demon Lord no matter what.