Chapter 134: Hua Lianyue: Seduce the Master_1

The gentle breeze blew softly.

The waters of Mirror Lake rippled slightly.

Creating ripples one after another.

Just like Hua Lianyue's already unsettled heart.

At this moment, within the forbidden area of the pleasure boat.

Hua Lianyue, draped in a fox fur overcoat, appeared somewhat pale.

Her peach blossom eyes seemed indignant yet not indignant, joyful yet not joyful.

Serene, she gazed towards the direction of Yingyue Hermitage.

The incense burner in her hand burned softly, warming her icy hands, and preventing her willowy figure from being toppled by a gust of wind.

By now, the pleasure boat had come to a halt, remaining stationed at the center of Mirror Lake.

On the shore, willow branches swayed; in the lake, wild ducks squawked, and red paper lanterns bobbed on the water.

All was as beautiful as a poem, as picturesque as a painting.

However, within such a stunning setting, Hua Lianyue had lost the desire to read or write.