Chapter 175: Knocking the Master Out to Get Married?_2

Gathering wealth to significantly advance the progress of my own betrothal gifts.

However, when she heard phrases like "adulterers bound together for all eternity,"

she stopped once more, ripples forming in her heart.

She found it unexpectedly touching.

Then, standing in the wind and snow, she listened again, her heart filled with delight, until those people were parched, exhausted, and on the verge of collapse, before she reluctantly shook her head.



In the midst of the wind and snow, the sound of a dragon's cry rang out.

Sword light spread out, instantly tearing through the layers of snow, striking down the group of people.

In an instant, those people perished one by one, buried by the wind and snow, without any chance to fight back, so frail in the presence of Ye Qinghong.

After exterminating the group, Ye Qinghong's fingers formed a seal, her black hair flying.