Chapter 176: Demon Lord, You Have Finally Arrived (Please Subscribe)_1

"Demon, you've bewitched your husband?"

Staring at the middle-aged man whose face was pale as if powdered, the princess consort was dumbfounded, feeling that something was off.

"That's right, my husband and I are deeply in love, it's all because that Demon Lord is too handsome, but no matter what, he must die. Quick, capture this woman for me."

At the middle-aged man's command, numerous demonic disciples behind him charged toward the princess consort.

Their aura was ferocious, their intent to kill chilling.

Each person emanated a bloody aura, clearly having taken countless lives.

This is the way of the demons, inherently cruel and murderous.

There is no notion of morality to speak of.

Han Lingxuan's face was pale, her lips tightly pursed, with her young maid behind her shivering.

Clearly, the princess consort was very afraid, terribly so.