Chapter 218: Human Guile, Unresolved Feelings? (Please follow!!)_2

Words full of scorn laid bare the Blood God's every last card.

His eyes wide with disbelief, he had never imagined that Fang Yang would so easily unravel all his schemes.

Moreover, he did so with such disdain that, for a moment, it kindled a rage fueled by humiliation.

"The great calamity is imminent! The mortal realm will become a bizarre domain! How dare a mere mortal behave so impudently in front of me? Since that's how it is, I will send you to your death!!!"

With that, he let out a fierce roar, his figure swelling in size as a red mist began to spread from his body, gradually obscuring the entire courtyard.

The air was filled with the scent of blood.

Buzz! Buzz!

The red mist trembled continuously, flowing like a river, ceaselessly moving forward, shrouding everything in its grasp.

Including Ye Qinghong and others, who were also caught in its current, unable to move.