Chapter 219: 1

The cold wind was biting, and the Blood God's aura seemed particularly withered, as miserable as it could get.

With his roar,

The bride bit her teeth, her complexion turning deathly pale in an instant. Then, she turned into a wisp of smoke on the spot, flying out of Fang Yang's embrace, but without any immediate intention to assist the Blood God.

Instead, she stared fixedly at Fang Yang, sitting back to watch the tigers fight.

Her eyes emanated a faint sense of shame and anger.

"Slut, you just want to see me dead deliberately, I should have never cooperated with you and set this trap here,"

The Blood God roared, almost going into a state of frenzy, as angry as one could be.

Eventually, with a swipe of his claw, boom, boom, boom, accompanied by terrifying thunderous sounds.

The fog that enveloped the whole mountain village seemed to have been torn apart.

As the mist parted like a curtain lifted from the earth, the original scene was finally revealed.