Chapter 281: The Empress and the Demon Lord Bound Together!_2

But now, the Demon Lord had been appearing less and less, and it seemed he no longer set foot in this courtyard, no longer met with his concubine, leaving her in dead silence.


The little maid sighed, sitting beside her mistress, the concubine, waiting for the Demon Lord.

Her almond-shaped eyes were filled with anticipation and longing.

She wanted to comfort her mistress, but she knew very well that the stubborn concubine would never admit to missing the Demon Lord, and that she was a very proud person.

Such pride had doomed the concubine to her current fate.

Rustle rustle!

The autumn wind surged, the occasional gusts capriciously dancing about, plucking many maple leaves from the trees in the courtyard.

Under this carpet of fallen leaves, the concubine's gaze grew even more dim, while the little maid hugged her knees, staring expectantly at the Empress's palace.

The Demon Lord, it had been so very long since his last visit, even she was beginning to miss him.