Untitled Section_1

Chang'an, the Imperial Palace, within Ganlu Palace!

The Empress's face was flushed red, burning hot, as if blood could drip down at any moment.

With every step she took, she could feel the bells on her body seemed to sway slightly, about to tinkle.

Yet in the end, she forced herself to endure it, trying to stay calm, straightening out her creased imperial robe, preventing those red threads and her robe from being exposed.

Afterward, she stepped out of Ganlu Palace.

Outside the palace, the head of the guards had been waiting and hurriedly bowed his head upon seeing the Empress emerge.

His face was filled with utmost respect, his eyes looking at the Empress as if she was a deity.

There was no help for it—in their eyes, the Empress was akin to a deity, her Cultivation Technique and her domineering personality were enough to rule the world and command awe from all living beings.