

It has been up to 2 weeks since Jade came to live with her grandparents after her parents divorced.

Jade's Room.

Kate: (she entered) So I was wondering when you were going to come out or maybe go to school, I mean, it's been up to a week now.

Jade: Do you want anything, grandma?

Kate: Come on kiddo don't shut me out like that,I get that didn't have any friends but that was before, and you are in California now,I'm sure you will make lots friends,am not rushing you okay, but please come and help me take out the trash, your grandpa left without throwing it out.

Jade:It's right in front of the house, I'm sure it's not heavy.

Kate:No, it's not,so come help me. 

Jade:Okay, fine. 

 Kate left a few minutes later. Jade came down to help with the trash.

jade:So where can I throw the trash. 

Kate:You'll have to walk down the road to see it. It's right beside a burnt down house. can't miss it.

Jade:Got it.

 Jade took the trash and walked down the road, but as she moved further away from the house, she felt that someone was following her but anytime she turns around no one there, she got to the place, she threw out the trash,she turned and looked at the burnt house, she kept on looking at it and then she felt like it was calling out to her but just then someone touched her, she felt chills and turned immediately. 

Jade:Who the fuck are you?

Path: Are you scared?

Jade:Who wouldn't if a wiredo like you shows up unexpected.

Path:Wow, that's a little harsh, don't you think.

Jade: Huh Not really.

Path: The name is Path Shen and it was not unexpected, I've been trying to call out to you but the house got to you first.

Jade:What do you mean?

Path: Happened to me long ago but my mom says I'm just too attached to the house. 

Jade:You lived here?

Path:That was what I was told, but I don't remember, so you new here.

Jade: Yeah, I just moved from London.

Path: Oh no wonder the accent. 

Jade:What do you mean. 

Path:So sorry for that.

 But Jade just walked away without saying a word. 

 The next day, while kate and Pete were watching tv jade came downstairs.

Kate: Are you okay, dear,didn't see you after you took out the trash yesterday morning, you didn't even eat. 

Jade:Ya,so sorry about that. I got angry by bloody tosser. 

Pete:Who dares trouble my grandchild.

Jade:Oh,come, Pete, I am not a kid anymore.

Pete:Oh, my, I never knew you were now married, and oh look, your kids are playing all around.

Jade: Ha ha ha, very funny, Pete (she said sarcastic)

 Kate and Pete laughed at her, and just then, they heard a knock on the door.

Kate: Jade, go check the door.


 Jade went to get the door, and it was.


Kate:Path dear, come in.

Path:Yes, Mrs Smith(he smiled at Jade).

Kate: Is there a problem?

Path:No, ma'am, my mom told me your granddaughter came, so I came to say hi.

Kate: Well, I believe you just did.that is my granddaughter jade,just moved from London weeks ago.

Path:Woah and I didn't know. 

Kate: She's an indoors person,so I'll leave you two to it then. 

Jade: You don't have to go.

Pete:We were about to go to the supermarket anyway,have fun. 

 Kate and Pete left.

Jade:So I left you yesterday and you thought to come to my house.

Path: My mom told me to come, so I came with the gift of muffin (he kept it on the table). Can I have juice, please?

Jade:Do you really think I'll do that.

Path: Okay, don't then,but when are you planning on attending school.

Jade: Are you into me or something?

Path:No, I'm not.

Jade: Have you always been a wanker. 

Path: I don't like you manner.

Jade: And I don't like your face.

Path:My face will be the first thing you will ask for help when you're in need.

Jade: What does that even mean?

Path: You will know when the time comes.

Jade:Bloody hell,can just get out already.

Path:See you in school then(he left)

Imaginary friend: He is so hot, though. 

Jade: I know, right, but he acts like a total wanker.

Imaginary friend:True, but he is correct. You should be school. 

Imaginary friend 2: And he will be the one you will ask for help.

Jade: I don't need him, I have you guys.

Imaginary friend 3:We are not actually real, you know.

Kate:Jade Who are you talking to?

Jade: No one. (she went to her room).

 She continues talking to her imaginary friends 

Jade: I just wish there was a way to make you guys real cause I really think only you can truly understand me.

Imaginary friend 1:Yeah, we wish so too, we just want to be beside you always,but you know we will always be with you forever, but I should make a suggestion 

Jade:What is that?

Imaginary friend 1: I think you should go to school tomorrow, it's a Monday.

Jade: Okay, fine, I'll talk to my grandparents about that then.


 Later in the evening , Jade and her grandparents were having dinner.

Jade: I've decided I want to begin school.

Kate: Really, what changed your mind? was it path, do you like him.

Jade:No, that's gross. And there is nothing to like about him.

Pete: Well, okay, thank goodness you changed your mind. You will be starting tomorrow then,and it's a Monday tomorrow 

Jade: And please don't drive me ,if you have an extra car, I can drive.


 Jade smiled to them. After dinner, she helped cleared the table,then went back to her room to sleep.

imaginary friend 1: I'm happy 

 you took my advice.

Jade:Ya, thanks anyways.


In the morning, Jade was woken up by her imaginary friends.

Jade: Oh my God, thank you for waking me, I totally forgot I was going to school today.

 She took her bath, got dressed, and went downstairs.

Kate: Just in time, I made breakfast

Jade:Pancakes my favourite, thanks, kate.

 Pete: I will still come with you to school to pay up.

Jade: Just give it to me, and I'll pay

Pete:No,you know I have to. 

Jade: Fine, you can come, but maybe later.

Kate: Can I come too.

Jade: Sure, bring the whole family (She smiled and stood up). Well, I'll be leaving.

Kate: Do you even know where you are going?

Jade:No, I don't, but I'll find my way,the keys, please. 

Pete:Ya, come with me.

 They all went out, and Jade saw a new red car.

Jade:Oh no, you didn't (she said excited).

Kate:He did (she smiled).

Pete: Yeap, I brought you your own car.

Jade:Oh my gosh, and it's red. Thank you so much, pete (she hugged them) 

Pete: I didn't do anything for your birthday,so i thought you should have this (he gave her the key). Happy late birthday. 

Jade:Thank you so much, I love it.

 As she wanted to get into the car, the path came out with his car.

Path: Good morning

Pete: Good morning path, how's your mother.

Path: She travelled,oh so the car was for your granddaughter. Well, I hope she liked it .

Pete:Yeah, she did.

Jade:You picked it?

Path:Yeah, I did. Do you like it?

Jade: Well, I am off now (she gets the car)

Pete: Follow path's car so you won't miss your way.

Path: So finally you're going to school.

Jade: I'm leaving now.

Path: Okay bye (he drove off first)

 Pete:Go follow him

Jade: Bye.

 She drove off, she hasn't gone far from home,then her imaginary friends came out and she started talking to them when she almost hit someone, then she stopped herself, the person came to her window.

Black rose: was the big idea jade, are you tryna kill me?

Jade:Am sorry,I didn't mean to. i was just wait how did you knew my name.

Black rose: Next time you're talking with your friends, drive safely(a car came and blew a horn) goodbye J see you school.

 She entered the car and left

Imaginary friend 2:Wait, did she see us.

Jade : I don't think so, I'm sure she's joking, it's was weird how she knew my name (she drove off)

 When she arrived at school she saw black rose but as she was about to talk to her, someone came and dragged her. 

Olive:don't talk to the blacks,walk with me (as they walked she talked to her) don't look at stefen, he's single but he doesn't like to be talked to, that is path Bush, his girlfriend Patrice don't talk to them except they talk to you, I am olive your safe guide on how to live in this school, just do what I ask and there will be no problem (they got to the hallway)this is your locker, bye and welcome (she left).

Jade: She seems nice (she said to herself)

Black rose: Well, she not

Jade:(she was shocked. You again,is this your friends?

Black jea:We are family and don't talk to olive. She's friends with pat and path.

 Rose and jea left.

Jade: This school is the most weirdest thing ever.

Stefen black: Well in that case you've met my family,hi am stefen black, those are my sisters rose and jea black.

Jade:Oh hi , Jade.

Stefen black: I know.

Jade:Am sorry, but how do you guys know my name

Stefen black:We just do, so aren't you going to introduce me to your friends.

Jade: What friends?

 Stefen black: The ones standing at your back.

Jade: There's no one there.

Stefen black: I can clearly see two boys and a girl at your back, but if you don't want to introduce us,then it's fine. Later then,bye (he left)

 Jade was shocked, so she found the bathroom and entered one of the toilets.

Jade:How are they seeing you.

Imaginary friend 1: I don't know, but you need to find out what if they have powers.

Jade : (she laughs) powers, that is just crazy,there is no way (she heard a knock)

 She came out

Pat: Who are you talking to in there

Jade: I was on the phone, and I got a problem with that.

Pat:No, but I have a problem with the way you talk to me. Do you even know me.

Jade:Man, I don't need to know you to talk to you, and besides, you talked me first (she washed her hands and left).


 Jade had already found a seat.

 Teacher:I really hate when I have to do this. This is Jade Frost. Stand up, let's see you

 Jade stood up,waved, and sat down.

Teacher: Well, that's her, now let's continue with what we are doing.

 After class, Jade was sitting alone when sefen came to her. 



Sefen: So my parents are letting us have a party for my birthday.

Jade:Wow, Happy birthday

Sefen: Thanks, but it was last week, so I was hoping you would come

Jade: I would love to, but

Sefen:(cuts in) Great, I'll pick you up this night (bye)

 Jade : He's creepy

Imaginary friend 2:ya really creepy.


Jade came back home but there was no one home, so she decided to look around the house, she put on headphones, she walked around the house,then she came across a locked room.

Jade: I wonder why this one room is locked

Imaginary friend 1: You should check it out

Jade:Of course I will

 She went into her grandparents' room and found a key that had the same symbol as the lock. She went downstairs and unlocked the door. She went in and found

Jade:Wow, it's mom's old room

Imaginary friend 1: But why is it locked

Jade: It's normal. She's no longer using it again

 Jade found an old photo album, and she opened it and saw her mother

Jade: It's Mom

Imaginary friend 1:How did you know

Jade: The name is written here, alice and three other people in the pictures with her as well.

Imaginary friend 1: Well, what are those names

Jade:Oh, okay, charlotte, Jude, and Mike,I wonder who they are??

 She turned but she wouldn't see her imaginary friends again

Jade: Guys, guys, guys

 Just then, someone touched her. She was so shocked that headphones fell off. 

Jade:Oh my God, path, what is wrong with you?

Path:Who were you talking to just now. 

Jade:No one, what are you doing here and who opened the door for you. 

Path:I let myself in. Well, if you decide to be crazy, well go crazy, I'm here to tell you not to go to the blacks

Jade:Am sorry, but are you my brother or something.

Path:No, Look, you can just act as if you don't know me at school, but I'm telling you, don't go there.

Jade: And I ask you, big brother, why do you want me to go.

Path: Well, because I'm throwing a party of my own and I want you to come to my party.

Jade:No thanks. 

Path: Fine, bye (he left)

 In the evening, Jade's imaginary friends were nowhere to be found, but it didn't stop Jade from going to the party. She came outside to meet stefen.

 Stefen: Hey, you look really nice. You really love red

Jade: Ya, I do. It's my birth colour. Look at my hair.

Stefen: I actually thought you dyed your hair (they laughed), so I'm really sorry, but there's was a change of location for the party.

Jade: What do you mean,is it path.

Stefen: I knew it was because of you, so the party is at his house , you will be careful of his girlfriend,she's a little carzy. 

Jade: I don't fear anyone.

Stefen: I know, but be careful. Let's go.

 She locked the house and left, very soon they arrived at path's house,which was down the street,they entered inside but suddenly stefen said he wanted to get her some drink but just like that she was lonely , it was only Jade even her imaginary friends weren't there with her, she went upstairs and sat on the stairs,then path came.


Jade: What do you want now? You already forced me to come here.

Path: I didn't drag you here.

Jade: True,I came with sefen.

Path: So where is he?

Jade:He went to get me a drink.

Path:Lies, you haven't finished the drink you are with yet.

Jade:Wait, when did i get that, Just leave me alone, path

Path: Okay, I just came to tell you to enjoy yourself (he kissed her on the cheek and left)

Jade: So silly(she chuckles)

 Pat came to her.

Pat:Why are you kissing my boyfriend?

Jade:Did you see me kiss him? He kissed me.

Pat: I don't like you, Jade. I don't, so you better stay away from my boyfriend (she left)

Imaginary friend 1: you should push her off the stairs, she's a bitch.

Jade: where have you been, where are the others.

Imaginary friend 1: I don't know

 Pat came back again.

Pat: What are you doing standing there, get out of way.

Jade: I am not in your way 

Imaginary friend 1: Push her

Jade: I don't want to

Pat: You don't want to get out of my way,why not. 

Imaginary friend 1: Push her

Pat:Just get out of my way. 

 Jade step aside but as pat wanted to go she slipped and fell down the stairs, Jade wanted to look but someone dragged her out,it was path,he dragged her outside the house and tried kissing her but she pushed him away.

Path: What, I thought you liked me?

Jade: When did I even say that? Let me go.

Path:Am not holding you

Jade: You are literally holding my hand, and your girlfriend just fell down the stairs. You should be with her.

Path: I thought you pushed her so you would be with me

Jade:(she softs) are you fuckin with me right now, are you drunk, what the hell are you talking about,why will I want to be you, leave my hand right.

Path: I want you, I love you

Jade:(she slapped him, and he left her hand. You are just a bloody rich boy.

 She leaves him here, she went to stefen

Stefen: Where have you been??

Jade:Where did you go.

Stefen:I went to meet my sisters. 

Jade: How's Pat?

Stefen: She's been taken to the hospital, she was really injured but where have you been?

Jade: Please just take me home.

Stefen: Okay, the party is over anyway.

 Stefen dropped Jade at home. He wanted to talk to her, but she just ignored him and left. He wanted to go after her but didn't,he just left instead.