

The next day, Jade was woken up by some noise, she looked out the window and saw the cop's cars and some other cars and some people wearing black,then she heard a knock on the door, she went downstairs and opened the door it was stefen

Stefen:Hey (he stops and looked at her), woah, you should at least wear a night dress.

Jade:(sleepy) What do you mean, just come in.

 Stefen came in, and Jade locked the door.

Jade: What's happening over there. 

Stefen:That's Pat's house. 

Jade:Is she okay?

Stefen:Oh no, she's dead.

Jade's eyes opened clearly. Jade:What! What do you mean she's dead.

Stefen:Ya, she died last night. She fell down the stairs. Oh yes, you already knew that.

Jade:Oh my Gosh, I have to go there.

Stefen:Why, you don't even know the girl. 

Jade:Yes, well, she's path's girlfriend and path's my neighbour. 

Stefen:Oh, okay, I didn't know you cared so much about path, but if you want to, I won't stop you. 

Jade: You are right. I shouldn't go.

Stefen: But I didn't say that. 

Jade: You're right. I'll make breakfast. Do you want?

Stefen:Yes, sure, why not, but you should put on a cloth

Jade: Why haven't you seen a girl a bikini before?

Stefen:Of course I have sisters

Jade: Well, don't you have a girlfriend

Stefen: Never,we are not allowed to have girlfriends or boyfriends, just wives or husbands. That's the way of the blacks

Jade:Oh really

Stefen: Do you think I lie? Well, I know it sounds silly, but it's actually true. 

Jade: Sure,I'll go change then. 

Stefen:Okay, I'll wait. 

 Jade went to her room as she opened it she saw all her imaginary friends there.

 Jade: Where were you last night, and why were you acting so weird? The girl you told me to push is dead .

Imaginary friend 1:Did you push her?

Jade:No, I didn't she slipped and died. 

Imaginary friend 1:You should have been the one to push her. 

Jade:Okay, why would I want to do that? You're acting weird. 

Imaginary friend 1:Stay away from the blacks. 

 Jade: No,I won't listen to you again if you don't explain what happened. 

Imaginary friend 1:I can't do that.

Jade: Then let me be, I have a visitor downstairs. 

 Jade finished wearing her dress and went downstairs, but she saw that stefen had already made breakfast. 

Jade :Oh my god, pancakes, how did you know. 

Stefen:I didn't,I just made it cause it's the only food i can make, but hey ,I'm glad you liked it.

Jade:Yeah (she chuckles) it's actually my favourite, so I've been meaning to ask. 

Stefen:What about?

Jade: So you know how the other day you and your sisters said you saw my friends, I'm kind of wondering how you saw them, cause I thought I could only see them. 

Stefen: Why are they like ghost or something that only you can see them, they were standing right beside you at school, so it was very obvious to see.

Jade:They are not ghost, of course not.(she laughs nervously).

Stefen:So, are you going to introduce me to them? are they from around here.

Jade: I don't know how to say this is really embarrassing, but you're not supposed to see them,and they are not ghost.

Stefen:So what are they then?

Jade:they are,huh (she took a deep breath).Well, they are my imaginary friends (she closed her eyes).

Stefen:Oh ,okay,that's cool.

Jade: Cool ? (she opened her eyes) You sure?

Stefen:Yeah, I also had imaginary friends once,but not anymore. 

Jade:Oh,okay,so how exactly do you see them. 

Stefen:I just do.

Jade:So you don't have any powers or something. 

Stefen:I guess you can call it that ,so do they have names. 

Jade:Huh,yes,it's Charlotte,Jude ,and Mike.

Stefen:What (his tune changes) Where did you hear that name from?

Jade:I was searching my mom's old room, and I found a photo, and those names were written here along my mom's name too,I'm sorry, are there any problems?

Stefen:Not yet, but can I see the picture you found. 

Jade:Sure ,why not?just wait, I'll get it from my room.

 Jade left for her room, but when she got there, she saw her imaginary friends. 

imaginaryfriend1:I like the name Charlotte. Is that my name now?

Jade:Sure,I can't talk right,I have to get something. 

 She opens her cupboard and brings out the picture. 

Charlotte:Where are you going with that?

Jade: To stefen,and I don't have to explain myself to you, okay.

 she left before Charlotte could say anything else.she got downstairs and saw stefen standing by the door.

Jade:Are you leaving?

Stefen:Can I see the pictures. 


 She gives the picture to stefen, he looks at it,and he is in shock.

Stefen:I know them.why do I know them.

Jade: I don't know.

Stefen:I have to leave.Can I take the picture?


 Stefen kisses her on the forehead and leaves on his bike, As Jade is about to close the door, a cop approaches.

 Officer jude: Hi there, I'm Officer jude,you're jade right? 

Jade:Yes,but do I know you, and how do everybody know me,I'm sure I've never been here before. 

Officer Jude:You really look like your mother, She lived here. 

Jade:Oh,okay,can I go now. 

Officer Jude:So did you know anything about path and pat before all this. 

Jade:Not really, I just moved here,and I began school yesterday. 

Officer Jude:Ah okay,welcome, there will be no school for about two weeks, because of happened, so stay safe.

Jade:Thank you,you too.

 She got into the house and cleaned everywhere, hours later everyone outside was now gone.

Jade was bored, so she decides to take a walk, she walked for some hours, till she got to coffee cafe,so she decides to have some coffee,As she got in everyone started looking at her,suddenly a woman came to her. 

Nancy white:Okay people, mind your business, not a movie.

 Everybody immediately stopped looking at jade,jade looked surprised, she then heard her name, she looked at the counter and saw Nancy White waving at her,she then walked to her.

Jade:Hi,how did you know my name, oh let me guess, I look like my ma.

Nancy White:Yes ,I'm Nancy White, welcome. 

Jade:Thanks, I want black coffee with cream. 

Nancy white:Okay coming right up.

 She then asks one of the workers there to make it.

Nancy white:Don't mind the atmosphere when you came in, new girl, small town. 

Jade:Well now I can say I know the feeling.

Nancy white:Why did you come in there,I mean there are a lot of coffee shops you passed. 

Jade:Really, I only saw this one.

Nancy white:It must be the connection,white and frost are practical family, so are the blacks and shens. 

Jade:I'm I supposed to know about the connection. 

Nancy white:Oh I see you don't know. 

Katie white:Don't bother the girl, there's your coffee jade.

Jade:Thank you. 

Katie white:I'm Katie White, elder sister.

Jade:Oh okay,bye now. 

 She took the coffee and left,as she walking back home, she noticed there was many foodies shops she passed but didn't notice, just then olive came out of one of the cafe. 

 Olive:Oh hi ,Jade. 

Jade:Hi Olive.

Olive:Wait, did you just come out from the White's cafe?

Jade:Yes,they make great coffee. 

Olive:As if,did you see my cafe and you just passed by.

 Jade looked up to the cafe's name. 

Jade:Gray,another colour. 

Olive:What's that supposed to mean. 

Jade: Nothing, but I swear, I didn't see any other shops when I passed. 

Olive:It's must be that stupid connection. 

Jade:What the connection?

Olive:Ask someone who cares.

Jade:Okay,bye then.


 Olive went back inside and jade continued going back home. 

 When jade came back home it was noon, her grandparents were about to set the table for dinner. 

Jade:Hi Kate, hi Pete. 

Pete:Hey kiddo, where have you been?

Jade:Wow,it getting dark real quick here,I just went to get coffee. 

Kate:From where. 

Jade:The White's. 

Kate:Okay,that's good, come let's eat, then you bathe and go to bed and wake up early for school tomorrow. 

Jade:There will be no school for two weeks because of what happened. 

Pete:Oh okay.

Jade:Huh,what's the connection?

Kate:Heard that from Nancy white?


Kate:It's nothing really. 

Jade:Okay, so why didn't I see others shops before going to the White's. 

Kate:I wouldn't know that.

Jade:But it's really weird. 

Pete:Come on let's eat,there's nothing weird about it, maybe you didn't just notice them.


 Jade sat down and ate,after eating she helped her grandmother with the dishes, then went off to her room, when she got there, she again saw her imaginary friends. 

Jade:Please I'm tried, and if you want to talk to me, then it better be about something serious or the things I asked. 

 Charlotte didn't say anything to jade,jade took her bath ,changed and went to sleep. 

In the morning ,jade was woken up by some noise outside.

Jade:Again (she signs)

She got out of bed and looked outside and saw a gardener cutting grasses. 

 She looked at the time and it was 10 in the morning. 


 She brushed her teeth, bath,dressed and went downstairs but again her grandparents were gone and again she heard a knock on the door, she opens it, and it was stefen. 

Stefen:Oh,you are putting on clothes this time.

Jade:Yeah,so what happened yesterday, you left and kissed me .

Stefen:Oh,the kiss was not to worry you, so I can I come in.

Jade:Yeah, sure. 

 Stefen came in.

Stefen:So I show the picture to my family and they requested to see you. 

Jade:Your family, wants me to come to your house. 

Stefen:That is, if you don't mind?

Jade:Not to sound desperate but sure ,cause I have no where to go to, but I was about to make breakfast. 

Stefen:No need,I'll feed you when we get to my house. 

Jade:Okay,should I change or

Stefen:No need,you look beautiful in red.

 they both smiled and went out,Jade sent a text to her grandparents before leaving with stefen on his bike. 

 Hours later they arrived at stefen's house.

Jade:Woah, it's peach colour. 

Stefen:Yes,you thought it would be black right. 


Stefen: (he laughs) Don't worry, you're not the first. 

 Just then someone came out of the house. 

Stefen:Mother, we were about to come in,you didn't have to come out.

Mrs black:Nonsense, I'm here for jade.

 She hugged jade.

Mrs black:You haven't changed a bit.


Stefen:Pay no attention to what she says, mother go in now. 

 Mrs black smiled and went back in.

 Stefen:My family might seem weird,So please don't freak out. 

Jade:Well, I'm freaking out about you telling me not to freak out, what's going on. 

Stefen:Nothing (he smiled) just telling you, that my family are weird. 

Jade:You guys are serial killers?

Stefen:No we are not. 

Jade:That is what killer would say but I don't think you are ,So let's go in (she smiled)


 Stefen lend her inside,.The house was simply designed, it was nothing jade hadn't seen before, the blacks were already sitting on the dining table but jade was shocked to see that it was a very full family. 

Mrs black:Come jade,sit beside me my dear. 

 Jade walked to mrs black and sat beside her. 

Mrs black:My husband couldn't make it,I'm sorry. 

Jade:It's no problem ma. 

Mrs black:Call me Alice. 

Shayne black:Wait, is this stefen's fiance,jade forst. 

 jade looked at stefen, and he just nodded no to her.

Mrs black:Yes,grew up into a beautiful,that is my first son Shayne, you already met the twin Rose and jea,my mother Janet, my grandmother winter, my husband's mother Rosie, his grandparents, Peter and Mary, my sisters grace and hope,That's all for now the rest are not here now.

Jade:There's more.

Mrs black:Yes,full house,there are more houses at the back, let's all eat now, later you will get to know the whole family later. 


 They all started eating, after eating, jade was helping mrs black with the dishes, but just soon after they were done,Mrs black whispers some words and just like that jade slums and stefen caught her before she could hit the ground. 

 Mrs black:I really like her.

Stefen:I know, she's really good.