
Chapter 4

Jade was standing aside,as she was shown herself and sefen lying on a bed.

Jade:Kiss me.

Sefen:But your mother will be mad.

Jade: Who cares? You are my fiance. We can do whatever we want.

Suddenly, a large gasped was heard,and then Jade saw that many people were present when all this was happening. She saw her mother walking angrily towards her other self.

Sage:What are you doing ?

she said in a clam tune.

Jade:What does it look like I'm doing,I'm doing what you told me to.

Sage: No you're doing the opposite of why I told you to do I told you to show this young ones how to behave when you are a which that is engaged and is about to be a leader but you're doing the opposite of why I told you just to do right now.

Jade:Look, sage...

Sage:Don't fucking call me by my first name,I'm your mother and a elder of this coven,I deserve respect even from you.

Jade laughs hard before being serious, she got up from the bed and stands in front of sage, her mother.

Jade: whoa, whoa ,whoa there language please and let me tell you something that you don't know, you will never ever get any respect from me not even a tiny bit of it ,because when you signed me off for this coven shit you didn't tell me anything you didn't ask for my permission you just signed me up for this shit and now I have to be a leader of some stupid coven that I don't give a shit about,do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, you can never ever receive any respect for me,got that ,okay now by sage,come on stefen let's go.

Stefen got up, and they wanted to leave, but someone called out to Jade, but as she was about to turn and see who it was, she was awoken by noise outside. She stands up and walks to the window,opens it, and yells.

Jade:Oh for fuck sake.

the man looked up to her window, and she looked at him with an evil sense. Just then, a knock was heard, and Kate came in.

Kate:Why are you yelling at the poor gardener,I called him.

Jade:It's nothing, I was having a dream, but he woke me up with the noise.

Kate:Oh dear, I didn't know you were still asleep. It's already 10, so I thought you were awake,so what was the dream about.

Jade:Nothing,did you want something?

Kate:No, just bath and come down,there's a surprise.

Jade:A surprise eh,okay I'll be right there.

Kate left, and Jade immediately washed up as she was going downstairs. Charlotte asked her not to eat anything as it may also play a part in her losing her memories,but when they got downstairs jade was surprised to see people everywhere, she was shocked as they all started singing the birthday song,after they finished singing jade was left with little words.

Jade:Woah,omg I didn't know it was my birthday today.

Kate: Really, well, I think it skipped your mind, forget about that, so look around. Do you see anyone you recognise? Do you recognise anyone, like anyone at all.

Jade looked around.


Kate:Wait, like everyone?

Jade:No, just two,stefen what are you doing here?

Stefen:Uh, I was invited by your grandparents.

Jade:Hmm, okay.

Kate:Okay,so who else do you recognise.

Jade:The coffee lady over there.

Kate:Oh okay then, let's enjoy the feast.

Jade walked out and sat on the corridor staring down. She saw a set of feet standing in front of her,she thought it was stefen but when she looked up path kissed her and she immediately pushed him away and he fell, then jade stood up.

Jade:What the hell path,and why are you barefoot.

Path:(he smiled and stood up) I was looking for you, but your grandparents would not let me enter. Happy birthday.

He gives her a gift, and she accepts it smiling awkwardly

Jade:Thank you, but what's with the kiss.

Path:Sorry about that. I was just over excited.

Jade:To see me, I thought Pat was your soul mate?

Path: Well, yes, but she's dead, so I have to look for a new soulmate ,so, wait, how did you know about the soulmate thing? Did you remember or did someone tell you.

Jade:Yes, I was told by my friend.

Path:The one standing by the window there.

Jade turned to see stefen's sister looking at her. She turned back to Path

Jade:No, that's stefen's sister, jea.

Path:I know. I thought you were both friends now.

Jade: Oh no.


Jade:What do you mean by do I remember.

Path:No, that's not what I said, I, I was just (he took a deep breath) you know what, forget about that,So are you going to school tomorrow.

Jade:Yeah, I am.what about you.

Path:Not yet.


Path:I can not tell you that yet.

Jade:Okay,so why are you barefoot?

Path:I also can't tell you that, but it's a form of ritual, hard to explain.

Jade: Hmm. Like a widow, instead of shaving your head, you walk barefoot,is that it.

Path:Yes, something like that.(they laughed).

Jade:That's weird.

Jade was shocked when stefen came out of nowhere and punched path right on the face and he fell,stefen even tried punching path while on the ground but jade stopped him by yelling very loud which led to all the glass in the house to break and everyone immediately came outside,path stood up and runs away and stefen went to jade looking at him like she was disappointed.

Stefen:I am so sorry, I didn't know what came over me,jea told me that path kissed you and I was so angry, I'm sorry.

Jade:You're maniac, you know that right.

Stefen: I am so sorry. I promise you I don't normally act this way,I was just angry.

Jade: Who are you to be angry, I didn't even know you,I just got here and everyone else knows me but me, I don't even know if today is my birthday because I don't know what's going on here and path is actually the only one who came here with a fucking gift, none of you came with anything, I looked around no gift, he told me happy birthday and he gave me a gift and you are angry, why the fuck should you be angry it's my birthday and your freaking mother says we are engaged.

Kate:Jade, please stay calm.

Jade:Fuck this, I'm going for a walk but when I return I don't want to see anyone in my house and next time ,fucking bring gift.

She walked away.

Kate:What were you thinking?

Stefen:I was just angry.

Kate:Angry, what is wrong with all of you? Seriously, you're all making her doubt this place.

Jea:I'm so sorry I caused this.

Kate:Yes, you did.

Rose:I'm sorry, but why would she disrespect everyone here ? Yet none of you are doing anything about it.

Kate:We've discussed this a million times now, and there's a reason for it. Now everyone, please get out.

Rose:There's no way I'm leaving on an empty stomach, I have to eat.

Kate:Fine,eat, then you leave.

jade went for a stroll, then she stopped by the burnt house,she stare at it for long, but as she was about to enter, Path stopped her.

Path: I wouldn't do that if I were you. That place is considered haunted, yeah, so don't.

Jade:Haunted, like there's ghost living in there.

Path:Yeah, kinda (he laughs at serious Jade) Girl, I'm only joking.

Jade gave him a serious look.

Path:I was only trying to cheer you up. Did it work?

Jade:Not really, I'm just really pissed at how everyone and everything is trying to control my life without me even knowing, you get what I'm saying.

Path:Yeah, I kinda do.

Jade: You know when I first saw you I thought you were like a jerk but actually you're the only nice person I've ever known here,Stefen is weird,my grandparents are weird, every other person I've met so far too,all weird, but you seemed a bit normal and sorry for what happened back at the party, so sorry.

Path:Yeah, it's okay,we cool.

She saw that it was getting late .

Jade:It gets dark here fast, I better head back home now,I'm sure everyone will be gone by now.

Path:Sure,I'll see you tomorrow then.


Jade made her way back to her house, and everyone was gone, and everywhere has been cleaned,she saw her grandparents sitting and watching tv.

Jade:Woah, I didn't know we had tv in the house.

Kate:Yeah, we did. Come watch with us.

Jade:I would love to be, I have to get ready for school tomorrow.

Kate:Right, okay up, you go now.

Jade looked at her grandfather, who just sat staring down at the tv.

Jade:Is Peter okay?

Kate:Yes,he is just a bit exhausted.

Jade:Oh, okay.

Jade went straight to her room but had no imaginary friends this time, so she took her bath and went to bed.

The next day, Jade was woken up by the alarm clock. She was smiling this time.

Jade:Thank God no noisy man today it must be my lucky day (she said to herself).

She got ready, then she went downstairs, but her grandparents were already gone,so she made breakfast, but as she was eating, Charlotte came to her.

Jade:I was wondering when you were going to show up.

Charlotte:I've got the list.

Jade:No way you got the list,I'm so excited (she said sarcastic).

Charlotte:You are sounding sarcastic again. What happened .

Jade:Nothing, just give me the list.

Charlotte:Well, I've got it, but I can't give it to you,you know.

Jade:Right, call it. I'll write it down.

Charlotte calls out names, and Jade writes it down.

Jade:So how will I know them when I see them, cause we only wrote surnames,I'm I supposed to like know them or ..... I don't understand.

Charlotte:You don't.

jade:I'm sorry, what?

Charlotte:You don't know them, just ask someone that might know, Anyone you choose as long as they have the same surname as the ones you've written, then no problem.

Jade:Why do you always go.

Charlotte:I'm sorry, I have limited timing now,I wish I could tell you more,so maybe kill one first, then we can talk(she disappears).


She finished eating and then was ready to leave, then she saw Path by his door, then she went to him.

Jade:Hi there.

Path:Hi Jade (he smiled)

Jade:You seem happy.

Path:Yes, I am .Today is my last mourning day.

Jade:That's great, so you will be coming back to school soon.


Jade:Great,I have a favour to ask.

Path:Okay, sure,what is it.

Jade:I have a list of surnames of people that I want to know, and I was hoping you could help me with it.

Path:Hmm, can I ask why you want to know these people on the list.

Jade:Personal reasons?

Path:Ah, right.


Path:Sure, I'll help. Give me the list. When would you want it back.

Jade:By evening.

Path:Okay, you got it.

Jade:Thank you, you are a life saver.

Jade gives the list to Path .They both said their goodbye and Jade left for school.

Two classes has pass and Jade was just sitting on her seat and staring into space, just then jea and rose came to her,they called her several times but she didn't respond, so they hit their hand on the table and jade was shocked back to reality.

Jade:Jea ,Rose,what are you doing here?

Rose:We are in the same class.

Jade:I know, I mean, what are you doing here, in front of me.

Rose:Well, we've been calling out to you for some time now, but you spaced out.

Jea:Well, anyway, here you go (they handed a cloth to her).

Jade:A dress?

Jea:Yes, it's your gift, we forgot one yesterday, so sorry,hope you like it,handmade.

Jade:By two of you?

Rose:Yes, mostly me, but yes.

Jade:Thank you, I'll try it.


Jade:The bathroom, of course.

Rose:Oh, okay.

Jade rushed to the bathroom and removed her clothes in front of other girls there, and they all stared at the pale white red hair girl, but she didn't show shyness, she puts on the dress made by the twins and rushed back to the class she almost made it but she bumed into someone in the hallway and the person yells,which made the twins to come out and as soon as they saw the person jade bummed into they immediately dragged her into the class.

Rose:We are going to send you home, and if we do, I don't want you to come out. Still, we come to you, do you understand.

Jade:No, I don't know who the white girl.

Jea:We will explain when we get to you, so just stay in doors. Where was the last place you were before coming to school.

Jade:Path's house.

Rose:Okay, that will do.

They told jade to carry her bag,they both held jade by the shoulder and said some spell just like that jade appeared at path's house, path was sitting on the dining reading a book ,he didn't seem shocked by the fact that jade just appeared in his living room, he stood up and went to jade.

Path:Hmm, the twins sent you here.

Jade:How did you know.

Path:I sense their magic, Marie must be back.


Path:You're death.

Jade:The fuck.