
Chapter 5

Jade was still at Path's house, then someone knocked on the door, Path checked, and it was the twins, then he opened the door for them and locked it immediately after.

Path:Did she see you coming in here.

Rose:I don't know, maybe, but your house is pure enough for her to come in anyway.

Jade:So does anyone want to explain what is going on here and why the path says that she is my death.

Rose:Why would you put fear in her like that.

Path:I am so sorry, I didn't mean to.

Jade:So she's not my death?


Jade:Oh, thank God.

Jea:But she wants to kill you.

Jade:Excuse me?

Jea:Don't worry, stefen is on his way. He can calm her down ,and besides, she can't kill you in front of stefen.

Jade:Hmm, okay, how is that.

Rose:Oh, she's our big sister.

Jade:What the fuck,wait so you are helping me and your sister is trying to kill me ?


Jade:Okay, now that's messed up.

Rose:Yeah, it is,but it's kind of funny too (she chuckles).

Jade:And how is it funny.

Rose: It's just that you don't remember why she wants to kill you, but you actually deserve to be killed for what you did to her, so yeah it's kind of funny.(they chuckles).

Jade:And what exactly did I do wrong to deserve to be killed? it's not like I killed anyone, I mean i didn't, right?

Path:Hmm you kinda did.

Jade: Wait,so i killed someone, so is it like her husband or child or one of you, I'm confused.

Rose:Let's say it's not our place to help you remember.

Jade: Remember ,so wait I did lose my memory,that is why I can't remember anyone and anything that's happening right now.

Rose: No, that is not what I meant,I just meant maybe it slipped your mind. I didn't mean to say help you remember, so just forget I said that.

Path:You know, for someone who is likely to be dead in seconds, you seem very calm.

Jade:Yeah, I don't know what you want me to, you want me to believe that I killed someone without you even trying to tell me how I actually killed the person and who exactly like you okay,so I'm staying clam.

Jea:Look if stefen comes, you can ask him, he can tell you things cause we really can't.

Jade:Okay,fine, sure,I'll ask him then.

Rose:So you believe that we are witches now?


Jea:Why now? Is it because of the spells we did.

Jade:So I kinda did before, when I came over that day, and you guys kidnapped me and locked me in a dungeon, but I was too freaked out by it,that I just told myself not to believe.

Rose:Well, I'm glad you believe, and the dress looks good on you.


Path:I'm sorry. Did you say kidnap and dungeon in the same sentence, like for real.



Just then, someone knocked at the door, thinking it might be stefen rose opened the door without checking, but to their surprised,it was Marie,Rose was so shocked that she fell to the ground and crawled back to her twin,Marie was standing by the door cause she couldn't get in.

Marie: (she chuckles) Okay,clever, who came up with this idea,hiding in a pure one's house, How interesting,So I will give you to the account of three to get out of the fucking house and out here, so I can kill you and go about my day,how about that,what do you say.

Jade: No, thank you, I rather be in here where it's safe.

Marie: (she scoffs) So I wasn't asking you,I was commanding you,so I need you to come out of the house if you don't want innocents people to die, your friends to die you should just....(Jade cut her off)

Jade:They are not my friends, your siblings, and path.

Rose:Really, Jade, really.

Marie: I feel like my face shows that I give a fuck about what you're saying but I don't, so I want you to get out of fucking house and right here so I can kill you or else I'm burning this house the fucking ground, okay Jade I don't like you, I never did not after everything you did to me.

Jade:Okay, so what exactly did I do to you, I can't remember, and no one wants to tell me.

Marie: Oh, so they wiped your memory again. I am not surprised you're so much trouble.

Jade:Wait,did you just say again,like this has been done before.

Marie:I am not here to tell you how of a bitch you are that everybody hates, I am just here to kill you.

Jade:Why the fuck do you want to fucking kill me,I really don't get it.

Marie: oh the audacity of this fucking bitch.(she shouts)

Jade:Just tell me what I did wrong and stop shouting (she said so calmly).

Rose: Jade, are you trying to provoke her cause it's working, and that is not good for any of us (she said panicking).

Jade: Hey I'm not trying to provoke anyone okay, I'm just saying she should tell me what exactly I did wrong to deserve all this yelling and threating, I just want to know what I did so wrong, is this so much to ask.

Marie: (she chuckles) And this is why I didn't like you and I will never like you, you're always so self-centered, selfish that's what you are, you want to know what you did, I'll tell you, I'll tell you alright.

Jade:Yeah, please do.

Marie: Whenever I look at you I just think of the devil because that's what you are,you just barged in on my wedding day, killed my husband right in front of me, burnt people alive and you let me live because you wanted me to remember it for the rest of my life,that is what you did you destroyed my fucking life.

Jade: oh so you want to kill me because of some guy that you married and some random people that you don't even know, oh come on look at path his girlfriend died,and you don't see him complaining,you don't see him crying over some girl, or looking for who killed her to kill them back,i think you're just been dramatic,you're just overreacting, can you just calm down and we can sort it out.

Maria burst into laughter,she laughed and laughed and laughed till tears came out of her eyes,she took a deep breath,looked straight at jade and said a spell,this spell made jade lights on fire So she had no other option but to run out of the house and landed on the ground in front of her house because of the sprinklers were on and that was how Marie got her to come and it wasn't even a real fire,just messing with her head,Rose, jea and path ran out,Marie runs to Jade lifted up with a spell and threw her to the window and jade broke the window and fell inside her house landing on the table in the living room,marie was about to finish jade off,but just then stefen came and yelled her name which stops her from going any further closer to Jade.

Marie: (she said crying) Please don't stop me,you know what she did to me,why are you guys helping her,why is everyone pretending she's not a beast.

Stefen :We know she hurt you, but you know who she is, and you know we can't touch her. You are going to make us your family suffer if you do any stupid thing.

Rose:She doesn't even remember what she did.

Marie:But I do (crying) She fucking killed my husband.

Stefen:That was a long time ago,she was young and angry.

Marie:(crying)So fucking what,she looked at me that day and she said to me "Remember this and fear me", and so i did, hiding away but now I've find the courage and i will have my revenge, I don't care if everyone has to die for me to get to her, I'm going to do it, she has to die I don't care if your life is involved if mum and dad's life is involved if anyone's life is involved,I'm going to have my revenge, I have to kill her please I just have to kill (crying) please, please let me kill her,I can't live like this, please.

"THEN DIE," they all heard. They all turned and saw Jade floating in the air,her eyes were all black, and her red hair was floating in the air and glowing.

Rose:Oh my God.

Jade: (her voice echoed as she speak) Marie Why don't you just listen to your siblings, everything happened many years ago, I don't know why you're still not over this, yes I said remember this and fear me you should fear me, but you didn't, because here you are attacking me like you don't know who i am.

Everyone was too shocked to speak, but Marie stopped crying and picked up her chest, and talked back to Jade.

Marie:I am fully aware of who you are and why you did what you did.

Jade:So say it,say that I was wrong in killing a man you didn't even like.

Marie:I didn't ask for him to be killed.

Jade:Oh really, but you came to me fully aware of what I can do, and yet you begged me that I should do something that you don't want to marry edward that you liked ruth,that you loved ruth.

Stefen:Is this true,marie?

Rose:You like girls, you know it is a taboo,if anyone finds out, you will be dead.

Marie:Well, don't you think I know that? That was why I came to this devil and asked for help.

Jea:Wait, I don't understand. You clearly hated your ex-husband, so why the fuck are you angry?

Jade:Yeah, why? I did you a favour,so what the hell M.

Marie:Because among the random people that you burnt to death.

Jade:Oh, don't say it.

Marie:Ruth was there,you fucking killed the love of my life.

Jade:Well, it's not my fault. You didn't show me her face, and you definitely didn't tell me that she was there,so it's kinda your fault.

Marie:Are you fucking kidding me right now.

Jade:Okay, fine, I'm sorry that I didn't know she was there,so just find another love.

Stefen looked at Jade.

Jade:What, too much.

Stefen:You should have just stopped at. I'm sorry.

Jade:Oh, oops (she smiled).

Marie became very angry that she turned red.

Rose:Woah,that's new.

Marie then brought out fire from her hand.

Jea:That is also new.

But as she wanted to attack jade with the fire,she heard Ruth's voice calling out to her ,she looked around looking for her love,but she soon realised that it was jade but before she could do anything else, jade puts her puts two of her fingers on Marie's forehead and Marie turns back normal.

Jade:Okay, I've had enough of this.

Stefen:Please don't do this, I can help her.

Jade:Don't tell don't tell me what to do,fool.

Stefen:I'm sorry,jade.

Jade:Marie, i want you to forget what happened today, but remember what i did to you and have hate for me in your heart, but you will be my friend for the rest of your life. You will protect and obey anything i say. Still, i say I'm done with you, and then you can die.

Marie's eyes glowed and stopped, and Marie only said.

Marie:Yes,I will be your friend forever.

Rose:Okay now that's some powerful magic.

Jade suddenly collapsed, and the next thing we see is that Jade was now at the hospital, with Marie by her side. She woke up and saw Marie looking at her with a consigned look. She removed the trip from her hands and wanted to run out, but Marie stopped her.

Marie:Where are you going? stay, you are not well.

Jade:I'm sorry, but didn't you try to kill me like hours ago.

Marie:Yeah,but that's all in the past now, I'm your friend forever.

Jade:Wait, like, are you serious right now.

Marie:Yes, a hundred percent.

Jade:Oh okay,friends, but don't try killing me in my sleep, okay?

Marie:I promise,cross my heart hope to die.

Jade:Okay,that's just weird.


Just then, stefen came in.

Stefen:Good news, the doctor said you are free to go.

The doctor walked in.

Jade:Mrs. black?

Stefen:Yes, it's my mother. Let's go, I told her not to say anything, so it won't be weird.

Jade:Great thinking.

Stefen:Marie will stay with you for the time being. Your grandparents are out of town.


They parked up and left the hospital, Marie took Jade home through a taxi, and stefen went about his way.

The next day, Jade was woken up by yet again another annoying sound it was the gardener.

Jade:Oh for fuck sake, his back?

She saw Marie standing by the window, she walked to her.

Marie:His very noisy, is he bothering you.

Jade:Of course he is.

Marie:I'll take care of it,Brush. Let's go downstairs. I made breakfast.

Marie sat on the bed and waiting for jade,later they went downstairs,jade sat on the dining to eat then Marie went outside and to meet the gardener, jade watched from the window as Marie touched the man's forehead and he disappeared and she casually walked in.

Marie:His gone now enjoy your peace and quiet.

jade hugged Marie.

Jade:I could kiss you right now (she said excitedly).

Marie:I don't mind.

Jade:Really, okay.

Jade kissed Marie on the lips and went back to eat her food as Marie smiled and followed her.

Marie:No school for you still you recover.


After eating, Jade took Marie to her room. They both sat on the ground, and then Jade brought out the list that she gave path. He had kept it in her bag.

Jade:This list contains the names of people I want to kill.


Jade:I am not killing them because I hate them, I don't even know half of the people.

Marie:Okay,so why do you want to kill them exactly.

Jade:Because I need to bring my friends back from the dead.

Marie:But that's black magic.

Jade:Are you helping me, or are you going to ask questions.

Marie:Well, I have no other option but to help.

Jade:Cool,so I need you to look for the people here. As you can see, it's just surnames. We need to kill at least one person from each family.

Marie:Okay,so I need to find out information about each family, right.

Jade:Yes,you see, we are meant to be.


Jade:No, no,as friends.

Marie:Oh, okay.

She gives the list to Marie.

Then Jade went downstairs to watch TV, and then someone knocked on the door. She opened, and she was so happy that it was path,so she welcomed him, and they both sat down.

Path:You seem very excited that I came,I remember the first time I came,you hated me.

Jade:Woah, hate is a strong word, I just didn't know you well enough then.

Path:But you don't know me well enough yet.

Jade:True, but you can tell me more about yourself.


Jade:Wait (she looked at him ) You changed, like a lot.


Jade:You cut your hair and got a tattoo. Oh my god, you are looking more handsome than ever.

Path:You think I'm handsome,that's new to me.

Jade suddenly looks uncomfortable.

Path:I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable, I should leave.

Jade:No, no,please stay.

Path:Okay,well, I just came to tell you I'll be going to school tomorrow, and I came to check up on you.

Jade:Well, I'm good now and see you at school then.

Marie came downstairs and joined them.

Path:Hi Marie, I didn't know you were here.

Marie:Yes,you are looking different. One will think you killed Pat to become free and chose to Jade.

Jade:Why would you say that.

Marie:I mean, everyone knows he never liked Pat, only had eyes for you.

Jade:What do you mean,Path? Is this true.

Path:I have to go (he left immediately by using a spell).

Marie:Lazy, shouldn't even walk out.

Jade:What's your problem.

Marie:I'm jealous(she said to herself).

Jade:What did you say?

Marie:I say I'm done with the list.

Jade:Okay,but we will talk about this later. Show me.

Marie:The first name was that of the Singh family, and I hate their eldest daughter, so kill that one.


Marie:Her name is Roshni,she is a therapist,her office is not far from here.

Jade:Book me an appointment, I'll go to her myself.

Marie:Wait, you want to kill her in her office?

Jade:No, I'm not stupid, I want to see what I'm up against,so book an appointment, like for Saturday.

Marie:What about tomorrow.

Jade:No, I'm going to school tomorrow.

Marie:But stefen said you should stay at home.


Marie:When you were sleeping.

Jade:Well, I didn't hear it,so quit bugging me and do what I ask .

Marie:Fine, I'll do it.

Jade :Wait, are you complaining?

Marie:No never.

Jade:Okay, now go away. I want to watch TV, don't bother me.

Marie just went back to the bedroom.

The next day, Jade was in class when she heard screaming, she got immediately thought something bad was happening, but when she came out of the class, she saw Path walking in and all the girls screaming,she almost screamed too but held herself, Path was wearing a black tank top with black jeans, a grey shoe and she never noticed but he had the prettiest eyes,it was like she was falling in love with him,and he walked to her and hugged her, which made everyone surprised, as they all know jade was engaged with stefen,path hugged her knowing this too,he was just too happy being back to school and being beside the one he loved which was jade,one will think he actually killed Pat to be with jade just as Marie said.

Jade:Oh my god, path ,you are hugging me in front of the whole school.

Path:Yeah, sorry, I was too excited to be in school again.

Jade:Okay,that's great. I'm happy to see you in school.

Path:Thank you.

They both stared at themselves awkwardly before heading back to the class. After school, Jade said goodbye to path as he drove off, so as Jade was about to get into her car, jea and Rose came to her.

Rose:So I heard you hugged path, how was it, was it so good that it made you fall in love,cause I hope it did.

Jea:Yeah, and falling out of love for our brother.

Jade:Okay like you two are being drama queen like it was just a hug, get over it.

Rose:Just a hug,we've told you how much that boy likes you, his obsessed with you, maybe he pushed pat to her death.

Jade:Okay, that's just far and who cares if he is obsessed, at least he is ,i don't see your brother doing anything, as a matter of fact I haven't seen him for days or weeks now.

Jea:Well, he's a very busy guy, unlike someone we know.

Jade:Okay,don't tell me who not to hug and oh mind you,it's my business please so fuck off.

Jade drove off.

Rose:Never liked that bitch.

Jea:Me too ,so full of herself.

We showed a very big room that looked like a Palace,there was a big chair that looked like that of a throne, and there was a woman sitting on it while stefen was bowing to her.

Stefen:Greetings, Seraphina.

Meet Seraphina, the current leader of all covens,she also has hair like jade, very beautiful face and a green dress as by the design of the throne room you can tell green is her favourite colour.

Seraphina: Welcome stefen, so I'll go straight to the point I sent for you because I am not happy and before you ask me why,you know why,your girlfriend is getting on my nerves again, I sensed her use her magic, now I want to know is this possible.

Stefen:I still don't know that answer yet.

Seraphina: Well, hurry fool,cause it seems she's getting her powers back, and you know that is not good for me or anyone else,now dismissed and I've been trying to reach out to path,send for him when you see him.

Stefen:Yes .

Seraphina: Now fucking leave.

Stefen walked out of there and met his mother outside the door.

Stefen:She's no different from Jade.

His mother laughed and entered the room he just came out from.