
Chapter 7

Path's house.

Path: Okay let's say I will help you kill half of the kingdom, how may I ask are you trying to pull that off,cause no one will let you just kill them, I know I wouldn't.

Jade:I don't know, I didn't know that it was the whole kingdom who teamed up against me oh and how is this a kingdom, there are cars modern houses, I thought there would be horses or old mud houses.

Path:It's a modern kingdom but we will have to think of something, hmmmm what of you throw a birthday party.

Jade : But I just did my birthday not long ago.

Path: That's not your birthday. Your real birthday is next month, 9th.

Jade:Woah, I did not know that. Okay, that will do, but will anyone come.

Path: Just approved,and live everything to me.

Jade: Will do,do what you must

Path: I promise you don't be disappointed.

Jade looked at Path for a while, then lent in for a kiss, but he refused.

Jade:Why,are you afraid or what? Is just a kiss.


Jade tried again, standing up while Path sat down, but as their lips were about to touch, Path immediately slipped through Jade's hands, which made her fall to the ground.

Jade:What the fuck Path?

Path: I am so sorry ,I just remembered my mom sent me,I have to somewhere I have to be.

Jade:Okay but I fell.

Path: I'm sorry.

He helped her up and left away on his bike.

Jade: I never noticed that bike when I came in. Anyway, let me explore (she said to herself).

few hours later Path arrived at stefen's house and knocks very loudly, everyone in panicked, they all wondered who it was ,they were all hoping and wishing it wasn't jade,maybe she has been standing by the door and heard everything they said but when they eventually opened the door they say it was even worse it was the obsessed Path,who can potential be working for jade,so they didn't let him in and wanted to close the door on him but he forcefully enter, this made everyone sitting down to stand immediately and they got ready to attack Path.

Path:Look, I get it that none of you like me, but I promise I'm here to help you.

Mrs black: How?

Path: I have some information about what Jade is up to.

Mrs black: And how do you know this.

Path: Because I'll be helping her with it.

Mrs. Black started nodding her head, like she wanted nothing to do with this plan.

Path: I know you don't believe me, but Jade is starting to remember herself, her magic, and very soon everything. She even knows about the nobles and how they sealed her magic,we have to do something quick.

Hope: I know we hate the guy,

but let's listen to him and know if we can kill him afterwards.

They all agreed and sat down but left Path standing to explain his plans.

Path: Jade wants to throw an official birthday party, which I'm helping with, we were planning on inviting all the nobles and royals, so that she can kill the nobles and get her powers back.

Rose: So you want us to attend the party and then attack her right?

Path: Yes.

Mrs black: And how do you suppose we do that,you know she can't die.

Path: We will find a way that's why I came to tell you all this.

Grace: Does your mother knows you are planning this.

Path: No, she doesn't.

Mrs black: No, I'm not doing that, you have to tell her,I mean why didn't you tell her before coming to me.

Path: Because she never listens to me, and she is always busy that I hardly see the woman.

Mrs Black: Okay,I will go with your plan. If all royals should join forces, I am certain we can defeat Jade.

Rose: It seems stefen is not interested in our plan. stefen, you are oddly quiet for someone who hates Jade.

Stefen:Don't do that. You know I fully agree with the plan. I don't need to shout it.

Rose: Hey, I'm just saying.

Jea: Yeah, stefen, don't come at her. Someone better do something about our little spy here,Marie.

Janet: I got it.

Mrs Black: We still have enough time to plan on as long as she doesn't regain back her powers. We are good.

Rose: But what if she does.

Mrs black: Then we are doomed,Where's Jade now?

Path: I left her at my house earlier.

Mrs black: Don't you think she will find something that links you to your mother.

Path: No, Jade is not one to Snoop around.

Rose: Yeah, sure, she isn't.

At Path's house Jade was indeed snooping about from room to room, the whole house itself is really big, containing about four rooms, a dining room, a very big kitchen, three bathrooms, a pool and a pool house with cars parked in the garage,Jade has already gone into all four rooms which was pretty much empty,she went to the kitchen and checked the fridge and there was nothing but water, juice and fruits, she an apple and headed for the pool,she was excited for the pool but remembered she can't swim so she went to pool house,she entered and saw that the door was locked,she wanted to go elsewhere since she can't opened the door but then she heard a voice echoed behind her, she turned but there was no one there,she then thought of it as nothing but then she heard another voice but this time around it was clear and it was clear to her that it was Charlotte,but jade can't seem to see her.

Jade: Charlotte, where are you?

Jade seems very excited to hear that voice once again cause tears rolled down her cheek as she smiled, calling out to Charlotte.

Charlotte: Hi Jade.

Jade: Oh my gosh, Charlotte, why can't I see you.

Charlotte: It's because I don't have any powers left to appear visible to you,that means I'm fading.

Jade: No, that's not possible, I'm really trying my best to kill, but it's really hard when all eyes are on you in this kingdom.

Charlotte: You've learnt a lot to know this place is a kingdom,I'll help you open the door.

Jade:How ,I can't see you, and it's locked.

Charlotte: You always seem to forget that you are magic.

Jade: I remember that, but I don't know any spell.

Charlotte:Now say this, but you have to focus and say it like you mean it.

Jade: Okay

Charlotte: Place your hand, your left hand on the door, and say "aperta."

Jade: What language is that?

Charlotte: Does that really matter right now.

Jade: Yeah kinda but it's okay it's fine,I'll say the weird language.

Charlotte: It's really not weird, it's a common language.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, Jade placed her left hand on the door and said "aperta " and the door opened, jade was so Fascinated she smiled as she entered the room, entering she is faced with a picture of an unfamiliar face,she went straight to it.

Jade: Who is this?

Charlotte:That's seraphina, Path's mother.

Jade was shocked

Jade: Path's mother is the woman that did this to me,why the fuck is Path helping me.

Charlotte: He is obsessed with you, go on, touch the picture, and feels it.

Jade: Okay, what's that supposed to mean?

Charlotte:I need you to kill before I fade away completely, and it has to be today.

Jade: Today,hmmmm, okay, I'll do it, I'm getting bored with kingdom anyways.

Charlotte: The picture has magic concealed in it,I need you to extract the magic out of it and into you,it is just enough magic to help you kill and when ever you kill you'll gain more power by taking it from the dead ones.

Jade: I don't know why I find that super cool.

Charlotte: Of course it's cool it's the dark arts,Now place your left hand and say these words.

Jade: But why the left hand though.

Charlotte : Cause it's dark magic, now say " potentia ad me." It literally means power come to me.

Jade: Why can't I just say it in English.

Charlotte: I don't know, I guess the earth doesn't understand English. Just say,potentia ad me.

Jade placed her hand on the picture and said the spell. It took a while, but Jade's body started shaking, and an invisible force dragged her into the pool,Jade started panicking because she couldn't swim.

Jade : Help me, cha, I can't swim.

Charlotte: Just use your magic and focus.

Jade: How can I focus I'm fucking drowning (she yells).

Charlotte: True,just quickly say " sursum " now.

Jade: "sursum".

Immediately after jade said that she found herself out of the water and flowing on air.

Jade: Oh my god, how do I get down? (She sounded excited but scared at the same time)

Charlotte: Try and move away from the pool and say, "deorsum."

Jade did as she was told and got down.

Charlotte: It's time for your first kill.

Jade: I'm so excited (she jumped)

Charlotte: Let's leave.

Jade closed the door to the pool and left for her house, but as she was about to open the door to her house, Olive called out to her.

Jade: Hi Olive, what are you doing here?

Olive: Just passing by.

"KILL HER," Charlotte whispers to Jade.

Jade: Do you want to come in for some tea.

Olive: Coffee, please.

Jade: My favourite,come in.

Jade took olive inside, Jade offers olive a sit at the dining, and Jade boils some water in the kitchen.

Jade: Do you like sugar?

Olive: Yes, I do.

Jade: Great.

Jade brought the cups,milk, and sugar to the dining. She then made the coffee and brought it to the dinner.

Jade: Please help yourself.

Olive added the milk and sugar to her coffee and even helped Jade with hers,and they drank

Jade: Can I ask you something?

Olive: Sure.

Jade: So like how many are you in your family.

Olive: We are four, but my father died, and now we are three.

Jade: Sorry about that. may I ask how he died.

Olive: A car accident.

Jade: Sorry again. Can I ask another question.

Olive: Sure, Jade feels free with me.

Jade:Okay ,there it's goes,how could you hate to die.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte whispers to Jade but gets ignored.

Olive: That is a very weird and crazy question, but I'll answer. It's getting poisoned.

Jade jumped up in excitement, which made Olive confused.

Olive: Why are you happy.

Jade: cause I got it right.

" What did you do?" Charlotte kept whispering to Jade, and Jade just snapped her finger, and just like that, Charlotte was gone.

Olive: What did you get right? (looking confused)

Jade: (she smiled) the poison.

Olive kept the coffee cup on the table and stood up.

Olive: Did you poison my coffee?

Jade: How, you made the coffee yourself and mine too, but you really liked the sugar ( she chuckles). So stupid, don't you know sugar is bad for your health.

Olive: What the hell jade,I came here to be your friend (she coughs in discomfort) How could you.

Jade: Why shouldn't I? It's not like I know you,so why care (she laughs)

Olive felt her throat itch but the more she itches the more she feel pain, she fell down and was cough while Jade was busy washing the cups they used for the coffee, after that she dragged olive upstairs to her room and laid her on the bed and removed her clothes while she was still fighting for her life,jade also removed her own clothes, she then took out a little knife from her cupboard and laid above olive, she touched olive's body and smiled evilly.

Jade: You have such a beautiful body, too bad that you are dying.

Olive replied to her with pain in her voice.

Olive: Why do you want me dead?

Jade: Power love no hard feelings.

Jade continued touching olive's body in very uncomfortable ways,but just then she heard a knock on the door downstairs, Jade seemed pissed but went anyways but before she left she touched olive on the forehead which had her silent,Jade went downstairs and saw that it was Path and let him in.

Path: Why are you not putting on clothes?

Jade: (she chuckles) Sorry I forgot about that,I fell in your pool earlier today, so I had to change, sorry.

Path: It's okay,are you okay.

Jade: Yes, I am.

Suddenly, his path kissed her on the lips and pulled out immediately.

Jade: Why (she chuckles).

Path: I'm sorry I wanted to do that before, but I was kinda shy.

Jade: I loved it, don't sorry.

She wanted to kiss him back, but he stopped her.

Path: Sorry, bye.

Path left, and Jade slammed the door.

Jade: traitor (she said to herself).

Jade went back upstairs to Olive, who was already dead.

Jade: Too bad I wanted to play with her more.

Jade took the knife and crafted a symbol on olive's body it was under her breast,she touched the symbol and this was a way for her to take the magic out of her victim's body,after that Jade felt hungry so she went downstairs to eat,she was a fan of Korean noodles which she had packed in the kitchen so she made some for herself and even added some chicken to it,As she was eating she heard Charlotte again,Charlotte sounded angry for what jade did earlier.

Charlotte: The fuck is wrong with you, I didn't let you have magic to use it on me and how and where did you learn that.

Jade: Why the fuck are you angry, I fucking killed someone aren't you happy, I don't understand.

Charlotte: The level of magic that you have right now I didn't teach that,I mean I just taught you how to get up,open a door, and how to get down, how did you randomly have poison in your house,How did you perform the magic spells that took olive's powers,I never taught you that.

Jade: Look, I don't know, I just knew it. It just came to mind.

Charlotte: Such spells don't just come to mind. You must have known it. Are you pretending to have lost your magic.

Jade: Are you fucking kidding me if I had my magic I would have wiped everyone out by now including you because you are starting to be annoying now please leave I am hungry.

Charlotte vanished so for the first time we are shown dark place,this is where Charlotte and her brothers stays, the souls of the damed, but in this particular place Charlotte and her brothers were, there was also another person but this person is unknown to us, Charlotte walked up to the person and asked.

Charlotte: What games are you playing nyx.

Nyx: What games.

Charlotte: Did you know that Jade didn't lose her magic.

Nyx: How do you expect? I know that I've been here with you.

Nyx is a red-haired woman wearing torn white clothes and white eyes with no black pupils

bear footed and bushy hair.

Charlotte: (she yells) Jade is performing magic that I didn't teach her, so it's neither you are teaching her or you know something.

Nyx stood up from the ground and walked straight to Charlotte.

Nyx: You came to me for help, and I told you to stick to Jade,that she was your way out of here,and now here you are complaining and making noise,I hate noise.

Charlotte: I'm not trying to be ungrateful, I'm just saying I think killing is helping her regain her powers back.

Nyx: That's the plan, love.

Charlotte: What!

Nyx: Do you know me?

Charlotte: No, but you're helping me get out of here.

Nyx: No,you're the one helping me get out of here.

Charlotte: I don't understand.

Nyx: Well, let me introduce myself, I am Nyx, also known as Jade.