


seraphina was enjoying her morning food and wine .She was so happy that nothing could ruin the moment, but then a guard came in,seraphina rolls her eyes, and just like that, she seems angry and annoyed.

Seraphina: You know I was just saying to myself that this morning would be wonderful, but surprised surprised, here you are with some bad news, right Sam?

Guard Sam: So sorry your grace, but Mrs. Grey is here to see you.

Seraphina: Do I know this woman?

Guard Sam: I am not sure about that,your grace.

Seraphina: (she take a deep breath) Fine just let her in.

The guard went to call the woman in,while seraphina known for her love of wine helped herself with a glass of it,Minutes later, some guards carrying something came in with Mrs. Grey,Seraphina stood up as she signed them to stop by the door, and she walked to them.

Seraphina: Really, Sam, really, you see me trying to eat, and you bring in a dead body to my dining room, am I supposed to eat it.

Guard Sam: Well, your grace, you told me to let her in here.

Seraphina: The woman Sam, not the dead body.

Guard Sam: Sorry your grace.

Seraphina : Yeah, sure,so Mrs grey is it,I'm sorry do I know you cause the name sounds familiar.

Mrs. Grey: Yes, my husband is a Knight, and my daughter used her blood to seal off Jade's powers alongside others.

Seraphina: Oh yes, yes, that grey,so now go straight to the point .

Mrs Grey: My daughter is dead, and I believe Jade killed her .

Seraphina: Okay,where is the proof of that.

Mrs Grey pointed to the symbol on olive's body under her breast.

Mrs Grey: This symbol has been seen on many victims of Jade.

Seraphina led in closer and gasped in shock, and her wine fell.

Seraphina: (she yells) Get me another wine and my useless son,now.

Path was lying on the bed sleeping when he heard his name, and he woke up immediately cause the voice sounded familiar.

Path: Sam, it's been ages.

Guard Sam: You mother requests you to the palace at once.

Path: Okay,let me get dressed. I'll be right behind you.

Guard Sam nodded and left, Path got dressed immediately and followed Sam behind,using the power of teleport.


Path arrived in the palace to see Mrs. Grey lying beside her dead daughter and weeping.

Path: What happened?

Seraphina: I'll tell you what's happened, What's happened is that my incompetence son lives opposite our biggest enemy and she kills someone and he doesn't even know about it,No, maybe he's too busy falling in love with the enemy that he doesn't even notice that she killed someone right under his fucking nose, what the fuck were you doing Path.

Path: I didn't know this happened?

Seraphina: And how would you have known,because you are so stupid you are fucking stupid,i kept you there to keep an eye on her you're not doing shit,Stop being in love with the enemy and do your job right, If jade manages to get back her powers,the power that everyone in the entire kingdom fought so hard to seal away, if she gets it back,we will all be doomed, she will literally release hellfire on our kingdom,get it together, Path.

Path: Yes, mother.

Seraphina: And bring me that Jade girl here.

Path: Now?

Seraphina: No, when I die of cause now stupid.

Path: Yes, mother. ( he left)

Seraphina: That heartless boy couldn't even say sorry to the weeping mother.

She took a sip of her wine.

Seraphina: okay I had enough of this tears ,someone should get this woman out of here and her dead child and give her a proper burial or something, my god it's too much tears for today, it's just the morning, get me another food I'm starving.

After Path got back from the palace, he immediately went to Jade's house to look for her, but she wasn't at home, so he left on his bike to look for her,Path was searching for jade on the streets of the Kingdom and almost hit someone who turned out to Rose and she managed to stop the bike using her magic but Path didn't even bother to know what happened he only got down from his bike.

Rose: Earth to Path (she touched him).

Path: (he was surprised) So sorry, but I need to find Jade immediately. My mother wants to see her.

Rose: Why,what did she do.

Path: Olive Grey is dead, and mother thinks Jade did it.

Rose: Any proof of that.

Path: The symbol, have you seen her.

Rose: Yes.

Path: Where?

Rose pointed across the road to a cloth store.

Path: Thank you.

Path rushed to the cloth store. He entered and saw Jade shopping, and he went to her.

Path: Jade.

Jade: Hi Path.

Path: I have to take you to the queen. it's really urgent.

Jade: Wait, why.

Path: Olive grey is dead, and you are accused of her dead.

Jade: Okay, but how.

Path: Before you become good.

Jade: Good,was I evil.

Path: Yes jade you were but that not the point, before you became good you killed a lot of people and you'll take their magic by drawing a symbol on their body using a knife and this symbol was found on olive's body under her breast.

Jade: Breast, and your queen wants to see me now.

Path: Yes, like right now.

Jade: Fine,let's go.

Path took Jade by the hand, and they sat down . He cast the spell, and they both came to the palace. They entered the dining room. There was seraphina she had just finished eating, and having a wine,Path was still holding hands with Jade, and communicated to her through his thoughts and warned her not to anger the queen,When they queen came to them, they both bow to her.

Seraphina:And why are you holding hands with my son.

Jade: Your son? (she looked at Path).

Path: Yes, she is my mother.

Jade: I didn't know that. You didn't tell me.

Path: I didn't know how to tell you that your enemy was my mother.

Seraphina: Oh, I'm the enemy.

Jade: Well, it's okay,I don't really care anyways,So just let me know why I came here.

Seraphina: But you are still holding hands.

Jade: Don't be jealous. I'm not kissing your son.

Seraphina: Jealous, how dare...

Path: (path cuts in) It's because of the spell. That's why we are holding hands.

Seraphina: Jade frost, you have been called to the palace today because you have been accused of killing olive grey. What do you have to say for yourself.

Jade: Well, I didn't do it.

Seraphina: And you are sure about this.

Jade: Yeah, pretty sure, I mean, if I had killed someone, I might be on the run by now, cause why will I come here if I'm responsible for her death.

Seraphina: True, but just to be sure you are not lying, we will have to read your mind and search through your mind, do you mind.

Jade: No, please help yourself.

Seraphina called on someone, it was a teenage girl named Arianna who looked a lot like Path and this made jade wonder, Jade was seated down, then the Arianna placed two of her fingers on both sides of Jade's head,and just then Arianna's eyes glowed white and so did Jade's but it was red,soon after the mind reading was over.

Arianna: She is telling the truth.

Seraphina: Very then you can leave.

Jade: Thank you, but curiously is trying to end me here, but is she your daughter.

Seraphina: Yes, she is.

Jade:Of course she is (she looks at Path). Bye then, you are a beautiful lady ,queen seraphina.

Path and Jade returned back where their body was still at the cloth shop,Jade immediately let go of their hands and stood up, and Path stood up too.

Jade: Just tell me one reason why I shouldn't consider you a traitor. (she sounded angry)

Path: I am on your side.

Jade: On my side, your mother is the freaking queen who wants me dead, you have a fucking beautiful sister and you didn't even bother to tell me.(she sounded angry)

Path: Beautiful?

Jade: Yes (she sounded angry)

Path: You really need to believe me. I'm really on your side. Help Beatrice tell her.

Jade: Who is Beatrice?

Beatrice: I am.

The owner of the shop came forward,she was a slim dark woman , She had long beautiful hair and blue eyes and dressed like she was one with nature.

Jade: So what do you have to tell about anything.

Beatrice: He is very much with you,I can show things that no one else can, the truth about the kingdom that you can't know till you recover your memories back.

Beatrice took two leaves of a flower and placed it on Jade's eyes and removed it.What jade can't be explain,it was like a whole new world, everything and everyone wasn't what they seem, the people weren't normal people, they were all like magical creatures, even Path he wasn't a real human he was part creature,he had horns on his head like that of a the devil, the people in the tore all looked like elf ,the were green with long ears, the whole streets were filled with these half human half creatures but apart from the people everywhere was normal, all this she saw for a minute and the spell went out, Jade was so shocked that she couldn't speak for some minutes only looking at the people in the store.

Beatrice: The world you see is the world seraphina wants you to see,Path is the only one you can trust. He truly cares for you.

Jade gasped,stood up, and walked out of the store .Path followed her with her bags of clothes, Jade headed straight for her house on getting to the house she met stefen outside, who seemed to have been knocking but she didn't say anything but took her bag from Path and went inside, path didn't say anything to stefen, he just left for his house, then both Path and stefen left for their homes.

Later that day ,It was 10 pm ,Jade seemed to have recovered from the shock she experienced earlier, she saw the bag filled with the clothes she brought from the store but she doesn't remember paying for it but she thought to herself maybe Path paid for it, then she saw a little jar containing some leaves of the same flower Beatrice used on her that day, then she brought it out,and just then a thought came to her ,she thought about using the flower to know how she actually looked, if she was part creature too,she took out two leaves from the flower, stood by the mirror and put the leaves on her eyes and then took it off,only for her to see she was indeed part creature, she was shocked again but this time she wasn't angry,she was quite happy by the way she looked, She saw that she still had her long red hair but alongside the red hair she was also red and had horns just like Path's, she tried touching the horn but she shouldn't cause it all disappeared between an minutes, but she was still amazing with the way she looked.

The next day, Jade was already woken up she had taken her bath,tried some of the clothes she brought, then ended up wearing one,she made breakfast, eat and was now about to go see Path,when she opened the she met stefen outside, sitting outside the house,he stood up immediately he saw her.

Jade: Were you here all night?

Stefen:No, not really, I just came early.

Path: lies, he spent the night by your doorstep.

Path said as he walked up to Jade and stefen.

Jade:And what about you?

Path: I went for a run.

Jade: Oh okay,so stefen, what can I do you for.

Stefen: I don't want to seem carzy and rude, but I need you to fix what you did to my sister.

Jade: Oh right, I totally forgot about Marie.

Stefen: So you will help her.

Jade: I can't do that.

Stefen: Why can't you?

Jade: Well, I wasn't myself when I did it, so i don't know how to undo it, so sorry.

Stefen: Please jade please, my sister is trying to kill herself.

Jade: Just locked her up in that little cell of yours, and maybe I can do something about later.

Stefen: Oh, is this way you are doing this because of what my family did to you before. You have every right to be angry, but please help my sister please.

Jade: Are you deaf, I said I don't know how i did it ,so I can't help. It means I can't remember,just help her,I heard you are as powerful as me. That's why we are soulmates.

Path: I'm not sure he can do that.

Jade: Why not.

Path: You kinda took....

Stefen: I can speak for myself.

Jade: Then tell me what happened, what did I do this time.

Stefen: That is not why I'm here.

Jade: What did I do stefen.

Path: If you don't say it, I will.

Jade: Let him speak.

Stefen: You took my magic.

Jade: I did,how, why.

Stefen: You are the only witch in the kingdom to do that ,you can take people's magic away by just touch.

Jade: Okay, it's not adding up. I've met and touched a lot of people, and none of them told me I took their magic. There must be a reason for that.

Path: Oh, there's a reason.

Jade: Which is what stefen?

Path: I swear to the mother that if you don't talk, i will.

Jade: Tell me Path, what did he do?

Path: He tried to kill you.

Jade hair turned to flame, indicating that the real Jade was there.

Jade: Yes, I remember.

Stefen: Jade.

Jade: Hi handsome.

Stefen: Please help my sister.

Jade: No love, I can't do that .

Stefen: Why not ?Why,just please forgive and forget please my sister will die.

Jade: Let me think about it,hmmm no, I can't help because you know why,first i will let you in on a little secret of your sister's, your sister like girls, did you know that,( she laughs) did you know that.

Stefen: What (confused)? What do you mean? That's a taboo.

Jade: Yeah pretty sure she knows that, you know she came to me before the wedding and told me to help her get rid of her husband and his family, so I did my part, I came to the shrine, I burned down the place, but I didn't know that her girlfriend was there and that was why I became the number one villain mm-hmm that's why she hated me for no dame reason, all i ever did was try help,am I the bad guy Stefen, am I.

Stefen: No jade you're lying. You always lie. You always do this. You always try to twist our words against us. You lie, my sister could never do such a thing.

Jade: Yeah yeah yeah I'm the liar, sure, so go save your sister on your own then.Oh, as a matter of fact, I'll show you an example if you think I'm lying okay.

Stefen:Example of what?

Jade:Of girls that like girls of course, you know Roshni right, Roshni your best friend, yeah she's also one of them, yeah she like girls, and oh she's also married to one, a girl, you know her husband sid, his not he,his a she, I know shocking, okay get this so I made them a pendant ,a necklace to help them, cause I'm nice,with the help of the pendant Sarah can transform into a man, and that's how she got marry to Roshni and no one suspected a thing that's how powerful I am,And I really don't care about what you want to say anymore,and if you want to know the truth, just go to Roshni's office and whenever you see her husband,You would know what to do.

Stefen just left and said nothing, and Jade went back to her normal self.

Jade: Where's stefen?

Path: He left.

Jade: What happened?

Path: I'll talk to you later, I have to bathe.

Jade went back inside but as she was about to lock the door ,she heard a knock, she was surprised cause no one was out there like a second ago,she opened the door and it was her parents, Jade fell down in shock.