
Chapter 9

sefen was standing outside Roshni's hospital, He kept on wondering what if it was true, what if jade didn't lie, then what, does it mean that he has trusted the wrong person his whole life only to be betrayed like this,someone he called best friend,then he saw someone inside Roshni's office through the window and he saw that it was sid her husband,then he made up his mind that he was going to find out if it was true or not, so he runs upstairs, when he got there he couldn't find the secretary so he went inside anyways,when he opened the door, he saw both sid and Roshni kissing but when they saw him they stopped and Roshni tried talking to stefen but he didn't say anything to her,he just went up to Roshni he looked at her with anger and betrayal in his eyes then he did exactly what Jade told him he saw a pendant around sid's neck and he dragged it off of his neck and to his horror it was true, he was too shocked that he couldn't say anything he just felt the ground and kept on thinking to himself, so does this mean his sister also lied to him does this means that Jade was always telling the truth, have they been wrong about her all this while,Roshni and sid were till trying to explain to him,but he ignores them, got up and left straight for his house.

When he got to the house he went straight to the dungeon where his sister Marie was,he fell to the ground and cried heavily in front of her, she was so confused and kept on asking him what was wrong but he didn't say anything he just continued crying ,eventually his family heard him crying and they all came down to the dungeon, they asked him what was wrong, this time stefen stood up and explains to his family what was going on,he told them about what Jade had told him and how he has confirmed that it to be true but they didn't seem to believe him.

Stefen: look I get it, you think it's crazy ,you don't believe it too, well I did not believe it either, and that was why I went to confirm and it was true,Jade was telling the truth for once and she even said something about sister.

Marie: What about me,what did she say,wait don't tell me you believe her,she's jade,she lies, that's what she does.

Stefen: Didn't you hear what I just said? It's time for you to come clean, please, Marie.

Marie hesitated to say anything,she was sweating through her palms and all her body,as her family kept staring at her and trying to get the truth out of her but she didn't know if they were going to accept her or not,but eventually she picked up the courage and told them,they were all shocked but didn't say anything,they looked at her in disbelief and just left,while she falls to the floor and sobbed.

Jade opened the door, and it was her parents, Jade fell down in shock, and her father helped her up.

Jade: Oh wow, sage, Ludicrous, you scared me for a minute. What are you doing here, I thought you were in London?

Sage: Well, I don't think I need to explain anything to you, just here visit my parents.

Jade: Wait, your parents (she chuckles) Do you mean their ghosts, because as far as I know, they were dead.

Ludicrous: How much do you remember?

Jade: Mmm, pretty much everything, You know,how the whole kingdom conspired against me to take away my powers just because I killed some few creatures,but you know what, i think you all are just hypocrites.

Sage: Yeah hypocrite right, yeah so we try to kill you first but apparently you can't die so we found a way take away your magic, because i don't know, you're a fucking power psycho ,you fucking kept on killing and sucking magic, even when your grandparents tried to stop you, you fucking killed them,And there you stand calling us hypocrites, sure jade,but you're the fucking devil.

Jade: Woah, sage, how long have you had that in? It feels so good saying it out loud right, do you really want me to kill you like I did your fucking annoying parents because you are pissing me off too,I know everything now and when I have My full powers back, oh I will enjoy killing and sucking the magic out of you two and it will be delicious(she chuckles).

Ludicrous became very angry that he dragged Jade by the hand and threw her outside with his strength, causing her to fall hard to the ground and bruise herself,then he yelled at her.

Ludicrous: Get the fuck out of this house Jade,fucking cunt.

She laughed so hard and stood up, but sage and ludicrous noticed that the wound on her body had healed ,after laughed at them, she spoke to them.

jade:Cunt ,how original, a father calling daughter's names, I thought you be wise but you know as I'm not your true daughter you can say anything you want to me,right, wrong you better fucking leave because if I return and you're still in this house I will burn both of you and you fucking house to the ground Kapish, okay so bye for now I'll be back soon.

Jade left immediately for Path's house.

Ludicrous: What she's fucking friends with Path now.

Sade: i don't care,let's do what we came here for.

Ludicrous: Yes, right, my love

Jade hurried to Path's house, but when she got there, she found that he was about to step out.

Jade: Are you going out?

Path:Why? (he smiled)

Jade: Well, my parents are here,so long story short, I didn't want to stay with them, so I just figured I should stay in your house.

Path: In my house?

Jade: Hey, I'm not forcing ya, I can just stay in a coffee shop till they leave,I know it won't take a day.

Path: No,I'm not chasing you, sorry to make you feel like that if you want to stay, you can,you're always welcome, I'll go but I'll be right back , but in case you're hungry, I made spaghetti,it's still in the pot.

Jade: No meatballs?

Path: Of course there is.

Jade: Okay,thanks, bye.

Path: Bye.

Path kissed Jade on the lips ,then got on his bike and left. The kiss made Jade smile but made her parents pissed,jade went into the house.

Sage: What,they're fucking kissing now,what in the mother's name is going on between them.

Ludicrous:You jealous.

Sade:Shut up,I'm not jealous, she's fucking kissing her twin brother,don't be stupid, go on surmourn, my sister here.

Jade helped herself with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. She was sitting on dinner and alone eating, but suddenly she saw someone sitting next to her. This freaked her out so much that she almost choked on her food but dragged a bottle of water and drank immediately.

Nyx: You know that water could have made it worse, but hey, you're okay, and sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted you not to freak out, so I came quietly.

Jade, who was still trying to get her breath back, just kept on looking at her.

Nyx: Hey Jade, are you okay.

Jade: Who are you? (she coughs)

Nyx: I'm nyx. Let's say I'm a friend of Charlotte's.

Jade: Oh, okay,what about Charlotte? Why isn't she here.

Nyx: She is low on energy, so she sent me here, a friend filled with energy.

Jade: Okay ,nice to meet you, nyx,I am.....

Nyx: Jade frost daughter to sade and ludicrous frost.

Jade: Not like I'm their daughter, but you know me?

Nyx: Every creature from the seven kingdoms knows you, both dark and light.

Jade: And which part am I?

Nyx: Mixed but mostly from the dark side.

Jade: Wicked,dark magic is mostly the strongest right, and you're also from the dark side, too, right?

Nyx: Yes, I am.

Jade: Can you do what I ask?

Nyx: Of course, anything,even killing, I'm here to serve you,mi lady (she smiled)

Jade: My parents are in my dead grandparent's house right now, and I want to hear everything they are saying.

Nyx:I can't do that, but I can help you with other things.

Jade :Okay,but can you teach me some spells,I remember what they did to me, but I can't remember any spells.

Nyx:Of course I can.

Jade: Oh hell yeah.

On the other hand, Ludicrous and Sage drew some lines on the floor with chalks which formed a symbol and this can helped them with their spell, and with that, they summoned Seraphina,seraphina was in the castle maybe perhaps she was having lunch cause when she was summoned, because she was holding a glass of wine.

Seraphina: who the fuck summoned me.

She said this, facing back, but when she turned around, she saw sage and ludicrous

Seraphina: Oh well, sister,it's you, what are you doing? And I hope you're not staying for long.

Sade: Nice to fucking meet you too,it's been over seven years now and you fucking called me here first idiot.

Seraphina: Oh yeah, yeah, of course I did (she chuckles) just joking so nice to see you big sis,So I called you because it looks like your so called daughter is on a killing spree again.

Sage: Killing spree again, how many this time.

Seraphina: Oh no, just one girl, but it till counts as a killing spree cause it's just a matter of time before it turns five,she already killed a girl, and took away her magic,your daughter is crazy.

Sage: She's not my fucking daughter, I've told you this like thousand times she's not, better watch your mouth, I only have one child.

Seraphina: Yeah, right, Michael, i know, but he's not here, so that's that. So what are we going to do about Jade killing again

Ludicrous: And can you prove this.

Seraphina: Yes, ludicrous I can, The girl was found dead was naked, and the symbol of the demons was found under her breast, and this is known to be Jade's signature,right.

Sade: Yeah you're telling me this now, did you know she has gotten her powers and memories , she got her magic back and I bet your fucking son helped her with it because he's so stupid, why does he keep on helping her,he knows what will happen,he knows he shouldn't be doing that.

Seraphina: But seriously sis like what did you expect from him, he's her fucking twin brother of course he's going to help her,sheesh and you also know his not my son,you gave him to me and I didn't even ask for a son .

Sage: I know, but is it weird that I just saw them kissing.

Seraphina: Kissing, like deep kiss or just a normal one.

Sage : What is wrong with you?

Seraphina: I'm just asking because the two hottest creatures in the kingdom were kissing, oh it got to be hot.

Sage : What is wrong with that brain of yours.

Seraphina: Hey, I'm just saying you gave Path to me. If only you didn't collect them from the demon queen, maybe our kingdom wouldn't be in so much chaos right now

Sage: Look the whole kingdom was going to go down in flames,it was either I take them in or the demon queen destroys our kingdom and I took them in and I cared for them like I did my own children but two of them staying together was dangerous, so i had to separate them,but unfortunately for us jade was the only one who turned out that way.We have to get rid of her for good and I know my son can help.

Seraphina:Help, Michael (she scoffs) your son fucking ran to save himself and you want him to help, yeah goodluck finding him,no one has seen him for many years now,what of if his dead.

Sade: (she yells) Shut up phina (she clams down). we just have to find a way to stop Jade cause,I don't want to find out what will happen if she recovers all her powers, cause I'm sure she haven't.

Seraphina: We would be doomed for sure if that happens.

They didn't expect it but sefen suddenly opened the door walked in.

Sefen: I will help you.

Sage:Sefen, what are you doing here,I don't remember inviting you.

Sefen: I actually came to beg Jade to forgive and help my sister, but then I heard you guys plotting to get rid of her.

Sage: We are not getting rid of anyone.

Sefen: But i heard you just now. You actually said you get rid of her for good.

Sage: Well, yeah, we did say that, didn't we,so your sister, what exactly did Jade do to her.

Sefen: Jade had turned her into her personal slave.

Sage: Jade has completely lost it, but you are in luck,I can help break that spell, so you will have to take me to your house and if I do break the spell,you and your family must promise to help me take down jade?

Sefen: When have we ever failed you.

Sage: Great, let's go.

Jade heard the door of her grandparent's house being opened then she rushed to the window and she saw her parents leaving with sefen, she wondered where they were going to ,then she asked nyx if she heard anything they said last.

Nyx : Yeah, your mother said she was going to break off a spell you cast on sefen's sister.

Jade:Oh really, I like to see her try. Do you know any spell to keep away unwanted visitors?

Nyx: Of course I do.

Jade: Then let's go, we have some work to do on my house.

Jade and nyx left Path's house after cleaning up with some cleaning spells nyx taught her, and then they both headed for Jade's house. She was going to lock the house away from people she didn't want to come in, mostly her parents.

At Beatrice's shop.

Path: Why did you do that yesterday,the whole leaf in the eyes thing,why,is like you wanted her to know that i looked like her,like you wanted her to know that I'm her brother, what if she finds out I am her brother ,then what Beatrice,what then.

Beatrice: Look, I was just trying to help you out.

Path: Help me you wanted to help me by telling her everything that I've been hiding from her, not to even help it her parents are here ,sage and ludicrous are here, I don't get you sometimes,like what runs in your mind,i feel like you are fucking stupid sometimes.

Beatrice's child blaire Confronted Path immediately.

Blaire: Don't talk to my mother that way,don't you know who she is.

But before Path would talk to her ,her mother Beatrice interfered.

Beatrice: Forgive her, my lord, but please do remember that i am your aunt, so a little respect wouldn't hurt you.

Path: You are right. I spoke out of trem and for that I apologise.

Beatrice: Thank you, my lord, and did you get to talk to sage and ludicrous about why they are here.

Path: Talk to them in front of Jade, no, I didn't. Why would you think I would talk to them in front of Jade?

Beatrice: Path relax. I wasn't there, so I didn't know that Jade was here,so clam down.

Path: Clam down, you want me to fucking clam down, did you know Jade got her powers back and I'm sure she got her memories back as well,we all know how jade can Pretend, and you saw what she did to that poor girl, who knows wo will be next, what if she recovers her full powers and is hiding it from me because she can't even trust me to tell me that little secret, and you are telling me to clam the fuck down, no fucking way, no fucking way, Beatrice you need to get her brother here right now .

Beatrice: You mean her stepbrother.

Path: Don't that really matter right now, Get him down right now,cause if what they said was true, then he can be the one to help.

Beatrice: But you know that this can affect you too, and we can't be sure if he can do it. You saw what happened the last time,he fucking ran,no one has seen him since forever then.

Path: Well we still have to try,it might be our last chance, cause trust me, Jade is fucking angry,I can tell cause I can feel it.


Sage and ludicrous had followed Sefen to his family house, sage has been there for two hours now trying to break the spell that Jade had laid on Maria but it was like pouring water in a stone, like Jade had made up her own spell because if anyone could break the spell it was sage, but she couldn't break the spell which made the whole family worry even more.

Sefen: You promised you could help break the spell. Why can't you break the spell Sage.

Sage: You see me trying my best, don't you boy.

Sefen: Sorry, I panicked

Sade: it seems Jade's creates her own spell,is not the usual spell you can just see in a spell book ,if she created her own spell,that means only she can break the spell,so don't act ungrateful like I didn't even try to help, I followed you to your house isn't enough.

Mrs black: Yeah, you did do that, but do fall to your feet then.

Sage: Didn't you hear me when I said she makes her own spell how did you expect me to fucking break a spell I've never seen before,I'm only trying to help and get jade out of this kingdom for good.

Hope: Didn't you bring her in the kingdom in the first place.

Sage: You all know I was trying to save the kingdom. That was why I did that.

Hope: By bringing the same demons, we were all trying to fight into our kingdom for us to protect. Yeah,you really help out, huh?

Sage: Mother help me, can you all stop being fucking ungrateful you know if I didn't do that we would have all been killed, our kingdom could have literally be wiped out the face of the entire earth,no one we could even remember us in a thousand years to come is that what you really wanted, I was just trying to help.

Sefen: You know, it could have been better to be wiped out, because every day we all walk in fear, we are afraid of who is she going to kill next,afraid of a fucking demon going on the killing spree and killing creatures and taking away the powers,a power we are all suppose to use protect ourselves,so sage you didn't do us any favour, you still got killed but little by little, so eventually we will all be wiped out of the earth, so you didn't help shit.

Sage: (spoke angrily) Look I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you,I came to help and I just discovered that Jade makes her own spells,which should be enough to scare us half to death, so excuse me for trying to fucking help.

Mrs black: That's full crab. If Jade happens to get her full power back and learns the truth, then we are all doomed.

Sefen: Oh, right, you didn't know,Jade got her powers back, and I'm sure she knows everything that happened,so we are pretty much doomed, no argument.

Sage scoffs and just left with ludicrous without saying a thing.

They headed back straight to the house, but when they got here, and tried getting in side house but discovered they couldn't,but then they saw Path inside,looking at them through the window and they asked him to open the door but he ignores them smiled and left the window side and then Jade came to the window,she saw them and smiled evilly, she left the window and came downstairs and opened the door,she laughed at them so hard that tears came out of her eyes.

Sage: What the fuck jade, what's the meaning of this?

Jade: Oh this,right,This house belongs to me now ,so I did a little spell to keep out unwanted guests, which you are that is why you can't get in,ain't I powerful and its just half of my magic, imagine what I can do when I use my full powers, oh it's going to be epic.

Sage : I have every right to enter. It's my parent's house, and we are your parents.

Jade:Are you now?

Sage: What do you mean by that.

Jade: Well, everyone knows I am royalty born to queen Desmond d.

Sage: Who told you such lies.

jade suddenly yelled "lies"

Jade: Why do you keep lying to me, mom? All I've ever done is to please you, but now I know why you never liked me,cause no matter how hard I tried you still don't give a fuck cause I'm Michael.

Sage: (she was surprised) Who told you about Michael.

Jade: (she scoffs) My friend nyx, the way you lie is truly amazing. Even though I've just remembered everything, you till choose to lie.

Sage: Tell me, Jade, how do I lie.

Jade: Okay,I will tell you, but not now, I want the whole kingdom to know too,so wait, still it's my birthday.

Sage: You are a demon,you don't have birthdays.

Jade: I know, so I just picked a date. Don't worry, everyone is invited,so for now, go back to where you came.

Sage: Where, to the coffee shop.

"Oh, don't lie now,you were at my house," said Marie, who came out of nowhere and startled Jade's parents.

Jade: Oh really, why, though?

Marie: She was trying to break the spell.

Jade: Why,Marie didn't want to be free from the spell. She chose it.

Sage: That's a lie,no one chooses to stay under a spell

Marie: Yes, I did.

Sage: What did you do to her.

Jade: Me, i didn't do nothing, the spell is not even that hard to break,it has to be up to the person under the spell.

Sage: So you make your own spells now.

Jade: Amazing, right?

Marie just walked past sage and ludicrous and walked inside the house.

Jade: Oh, sorry, she's my guest,you can just beg, and I'll let you in.

Sage: You are unbelievable.

Jade laughs, sage just grabbed her husband, and just left.

Jade: Rude,if they asked nicely, i would have let them come in. Where will they sleep,Sheesh,come on in, Marie.

Marie: Thank you,Were you worried about them just now.

Jade: Oh Marie, I'm the monster they paint out to be,now come let's eat,it's late.