
Chapter 10

In the morning, the blacks heard a knocks on the door while they were having breakfast,stefen wanted to open the door but Mrs black decided to see who it was,she opened the door after the second knock and she looked threw the hole in the door,it was sage and ludicrous,Mrs black then invited them to join breakfast.

At the dining table.

Mrs black: You're back,Marie is gone.

Sage: Don't worry, she's not far gone,she's with Jade.

Hope: And you say don't worry?

Grace: Yeah, cause at least we know where she is.

Sefen: Why did you come here so early.

Sage: Well, Jade sealed the house with a spell that kept us from coming in ,so we spent the night at a coffee shop.

Hope: Why there are lot of guest house, why not go there.

Sage: Well, anyway She has recovered half of her powers, and marie has always been with Jade,telling her everything you all say in this house, so that's that.

Shayne: That fucking bitch, she fucking betrayal us all, because that girl who killed her husband.

Sage: We knew she didn't care for her husband anyways so.

Sage: Well she's planning a birthday party and we are all invited.

Mrs black: A birthday party, wait, but I thought demons don't have birthdays.

Sefen: Maybe it's like a creation day or something like that, but like what's the point it's not like we are going to come.

Rose: we have to, It's actually perfect.

Ludicrous: Is it?

Rose: Yes,if we are to attack her or anything like that, we can do it there.

Sage: Okay, but what can we do exactly.

Everyone heard a Silence knock and almost immediately the blacks knew it was, the blacks stood up from the dining and went to the door cause if they were right of who this was then it would make their day a bit better,sefen opened the door and Mrs black was in tears to see her husband,it has been more than five years now, she hugged him so hard that he asked for breath,they were so excited but after coming in and them hearing what he had to say, their happiness shortened.

Mrs black: I haven't seen you for what seems like a decade now, and here you are now you're telling me that you will be returning soon. The queen is not being fair.

Mr Jake Black: Don't speak ill of the queen. She was nice enough to tell me how to help.

Sage: She did?

Mr Jake black: Yes,She said the only one that can stop the demons are their creator.

Sage: You mean their mother?

Mr Jake Black: Yes.

Hope: The fucking demon queen?

Mr Jake Black: Yes

Mrs black: But how can we contact the queen,I'm not sure it's possible.

Sage: It's not about contacting the queen. The question should be, would she even bother helping us.

Mr Jake Black: I'm not sure, but we have to try.

Shayne: Why can't the Queen mother just do it herself.

Mr Jake Black: She is not one to that life's.

Shayne: She fucking fights in wars.

Mrs Black: Don't be rude,she can't take a life of her blood line.

Grace: Okay, but is it even possible to contact the queen.

Mr Jake Black:Oh,but there is a way, but the main question should be, will she help us.

Ludicrous: Who?

Hope: The oracle,right?

Mr Jake Black: Yes.

Ludicrous: An oracle, here,in our kingdom?

Sage: Even I didn't know of this ,How can we find her then?

Jake Black: She hides in plain sight, not hard to see, I'll need Sefen and jea to go find her because she might be dangerous and sefen could use some magic.

Rose: Jea,oh please, she barely talks,what about me.

Mr Jake Black: Yes, you do talk a lot. You can go if you want to, but remember you are going to encourage her not to fight her, Sefen uses your insights to look for her. Do you still have that.

Sefen: Yes, sire.

Mr Jake Black: Good now, go and good luck, you will need it.

Sefen, jea, and Rose left,and jake took some of the family members to gather some herbs and some other things the oracle could use if she come.

Jade, path,nyx and marie have had breakfast and were ready to go out when Path suddenly closed the door on both him and Jade, locking them inside.

Jade: What's going on?

Path: Did you know that I was your twin brother.

Jade:Yes, but I just found out

Path: Wait, you knew.

Jade: No, I really didn't, I was really thinking it was sefen, but it's you, my obsessed lover who killed his girlfriend to be with me,no way.

Path: No, I was just trying to help you,so I had to pretend to be your obsessed lover.

Jade: But why all the kisses? Wasn't that weird for you.

Path: Not really. I don't want to sound weird, but I kinda liked it, did you?

Jade: Of course I did, but now I just find it weird, but it's okay though, i really thought we could be a thing,but it's okay,Come on, let's go look for a place for our party.

Path: Yes, let's go.

They opened the door, and nyx and marie looked at them weird.

Nyx: I hope you weren't kissing and kept us outside here.

Jade: No,his my brother.

Marie & nyx: Brother?

Marie: Now that is just crazy, your obsessed lover,truly crazy.

Jade: Yeah, I know, right? Charlotte would have loved this. Let's go now. We can't be late.

Sefan has used in his insights powers to locate the location of the Oracle, and right now, they were standing outside the store of Beatrice. If she was the one that meant their father was right, she was in plain sight. They walked into the store, and Beatrice told her daughter to attend to them, asking them if they wanted anything, Blaire asked them if they wanted anything, but they went straight to the point and asked for the oracle.

Blaire: An oracle in our kingdom, I don't think oracles are often seen in small kingdom like ours,and I think you will find anything oracle in this store we just accessories.

Sefen: Sorry, huh.....

Blaire: It's Blaire.

Sefen: Blaire, right, sorry, but we don't have time,I have insights, and they brought me here ,so either you are an oracle or your mother is.

Blaire: Fine, I'll call my mother then.

She called for her mother, and Beatrice came.

Beatrice: You called.

Blaire: Yes, they are looking for an oracle.

Beatrice:An oracle in our king.....

Rose: Look, I know one of you is the oracle,so just tell us already.

Beatrice: Buy something or leave.

Sefen:You had to talk.

Sefen, Rose had turned around to leave, but then they heard jea speak.

Jea: I want to buy something, I want that bag over there.

She pointed at a bag hanged by the door, and both Beatrice and blaire looked at her surprise.

Beatrice: It's not for sale.

Jea: Well, you said buy something or leave, and I want to buy a bag, but you say it's not for sale. Well, I want it.

Beatrice:It was a gift.

Blaire: Yes, my grandmother gave it to me before she died.

Jea: She gave you quite a gift filled with energy, powerful energy (she came closer and whispered to blaire) Oracle.

Blaire looked at her very surprise with her eyes wild opened.

Beatrice: What do you from my daughter.

Rose: Way to go, jea.

Sefen: We just need to contact the queen of demons.

Blaire: I don't work with her anymore after everything that happened, so I can't help you.

Sefen:She won't know it's you.

Blaire:She practically gave me my magic, so I'm very sure she would know when I use it.

Rose: Come on, it's just this once and on one would know.

Beatrice: Are you fucking threatening my daughter right now.

Rose: No, no.

Sefen:No, that's not what she's saying. No, she's saying if you help us now, no one will have to know what you are. That is exactly what she's trying to say.

Blaire:Okay, I'll do it.

Beatrice: No, the queen will kill you if she finds out.

Blaire: I will be fine,don't worry, mother.

Sefen: Thank you, let's go.

Blaire: Let me get my bag.

Beatrice: Wait right now.

Blaire: It's okay, Mother,I'll be okay.

Blaire took her bag from the door and kissed her mother on the forehead and leaves with sefen, Rose and jea.

It's was exactly two minutes later, Jade, Path marie, and nyx came into Beatrice's shop.

There was a feeling Beatrice always have when ever jade is in her present, it's a feeling of fear absolute terror,that made her wanted to throw up,her spirit wouldn't handle such evil presents,it felt like she was dying but this time around she felt even more terrified,cause she felt that type of feeling but times two after seeing nyx and Jade together, the feeling was overwhelming and it would show.

Jade:Are you feeling good?

Beatrice: I'm okay. Why?

Jade: You seem very pale. Where is blaire? She's always here.

Beatrice: My daughter had a place to go for me.

Jade:Your daughter, I didn't know she was your daughter, I bet you've been hiding it, but now you told me yourself.

Beatrice felt like the walls has just closed on her, she tried so hard to keep away the fact that Blaire was her daughter from Jade, but now the one person she didn't want to know has found out and its all her fault.

Jade: Oh my Goddess relax Beatrice I'm not going to eat your daughter,I'm just here to invite you guys for my birthday and wanted to ask if there's any place that you know I can host my birthday party because I haven't found a location yet,so if she could help but since she's not here maybe perhaps you can help you find it, what you say.

Beatrice: Yeah yeah I can help you find location, what about the school I mean they have like a big hall for balls, you can just do it there it's quite big you can fit an entire kingdom.

Jade: Splendid that idea, just what I needed. Thank you so much,Beatrice. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the party. Okay, you know the location, so come with Blaire. Bye now.

Jade left ,but Beatrice still felt uncomfortable.


Sefen,Rose, jea and blaire have already arrived at the house, the whole family was surprised by the fact that Blaire was the oracle, she was deemed too young.

Sage: I thought you'd be older.

Blaire: Don't it matter?

Mr Jake Black: No,welcome to my humble home,oracle.

Blaire: Thank you, So what can I do you for.

Mr Jake Black: We need you to contact the queen and ask her for help.

Blaire: Yes, they told me earlier, I will help you, but if anything goes wrong, do not blame me for it.

Mr Jake Black: We won't.

Hope: Wait, like what?

Blaire: You'll see, I'll need some mash leaves,red chicken, chalk, and salt.

Mr Jake Black: I've got that already.

Blaire: Great, let's go then.

Blaire went to the back of the house, and they all followed her. They all gathered around blaire and fromed a circle as she instructed them .She then used the chalk to draw a symbol on the ground.

Sage: Wait, that symbol looks like Jade's.

Blaire: Shut up or do it yourself.

Sage: Why are you being so rude, huh?

Mr Jake Black:Please sage be quite.

Blaire continued she gave the mash leaves to all of them to put in their mouth so they couldn't talk when the spell began,She used the salt and poured it everywhere, and then she stretched out her hand,back and forth, back and forth, she repeated it for seven times then she called out a name "GAIA LEONA" and soon she fell to the ground and became a completely new creature, blaire called out her real name which turned her into her real self,a frightening demon, with two long horns ,hair so long and dark as night, eyes all white, sharp claws, pale skin,sharp teeth and a tail so long, She sit down on the ground and started chanting some spells suddenly everywhere became dark that it was hard to see,but just then blaire stopped chanting and knelt down after a flowing figure appeared in front of her, it was a woman but not any kind of woman, it was the demon queen which means that her spell work,the queen was very simple and not as scary as everyone paint her out to be,She was a very pale woman with long black hair ,all black eyes and a long black dress that covered her feet.

Queen Desmond d: A traitor blood I smell, why have you Surmourned me gaia,better be a good reason or you're dead.

Blaire: Yes, my queen, your daughter princess Nyx has been causing death again, the kingdom pleased for your forgiveness and show kindness to us.

Queen Desmond d: I am not known for kindness, but Vengeance,so I will not be of help to you.

Blaire: Please, my queen, if you can call your children back home.

Queen Desmond d:Surmourn me again, and your mother will have your head.

Blaire: Yes, my queen.

The spell breaks off, and both everywhere and blaire became normal again, and the chicken dead,blaire stood up and told them to remove the leaf from their mouth.

Mrs black: So that's it.

Blaire: Yes, as you can see, the queen won't help, so bye.

They tried talking to her but she just ignored them and headed for the door, when she opened it to leave, they were all surprised at who was at the door.

Jade: Blaire, what are you doing here? Your mother told me you went out,I didn't know it was here. Are you all plotting against me ?

Mrs. Black was quick to think about something immediately. She got something from the kitchen that she had put in a bag and gave it blaire.

Mrs black: Come on, Jade, don't say that. She is just here cause her mother sent her, you may go now blaire and say hi to your mother.

Blaire smiled and passed Jade, but she saw nyx, which shocked her, but she just ignored it and left.

Hope: What are you doing here Jade ,the last time you came, you ran out.

Jade: Yeah, because you tried to kill me, but here I am.

Mrs black: Here you are.

Jade: I'm sure you've heard of my birthday. Well, I'm here to officially invite you .

Hope: Oh, how lovely so sweet of you, Jade. Thank you, but we would not sure make it.

Jade: I'm sorry you didn't understand what I'm trying to say, I am not pleading with you, I'm not begging you to come I'm ordering you to come because that is what you are supposed to do,You are my in-laws aren't you.

Mrs black: Oh Jade,we will all love to come, but my husband just came back, and we would love to spend some time with him if that's okay with you.

Jade: my oh Goddess mother of course you can,my birthday is still three days from now, okay I'm not rushing you okay can just spend time with your family, okay I'm not a bad person you see,but you better not disappoint me or I'll be mad.

Mrs black: We promise you.

Jade: Awww Thank you so much mother I'm looking forward to seeing all of you, is in the school,so make sure you're all fancied up and if father is still here please come with him, thank you, okay see you guys bye.

Jade turned and left.

Sage: See the way she ignored us,ludicrous.

Ludicrous: Well, what did you expect, a hug.

Hope: I'm guessing we have no choice but to go right.

Rose: Yes, since "mother" had promised ,oh my Goddess, so cheesy.

Jade had not gone far from the house when Path and marie joined her.

Jade: I hope they come.

Path: Who?

Jade: My in-laws, I have a surprise for them.

Marie: Really,what kind?

Jade: You'll see. It's the first phase of my plan.

Path: Okay,I love surprises.

Jade: Say if you didn't want me path, why kill your then girlfriend.

Path: I didn't, she fell, it was her time.

Jade: Right,okay, it's already getting late. Everyone should go home now.

Marie: Can't I stay with you.

Jade: Don't be ridiculous, of course not,go home,bye now.

They all said their goodbyes, path, and marie left for their homes while Jade and nyx went home together.

Blaire had arrived at the store, and her mother was happy to see her alive,but when her mother told her about the present she felt earlier,she for a fact that was the same feeling she felt when she saw nyx.

Blaire: But how did she get out?

Beatrice: Beats me.

Blaire: I'm sure. Sage saw her too, but why is she choosing to remain clueless about this.


They were sitted.

Sage: Did anyone notice the girl at Jade's back.

Hope: She looks almost exactly like Jade.

Sage: She is jade,the royal family have their dark side by them all the time, but Jade's dark side has not been seen for long now. Rumour has it that it was imprisoned by the Queen.

Mr Jake Black: It wasn't a lie. The queen did imprison her dark.

Rose: And now it's out.

Jea: It's only a matter of time before they merge together, then we will be done.