
Chapter 11

At Jade's house.

it was morning, and Jade was having breakfast made by nyx, while nyx watched her eat.

Jade: So you don't eat?

Nyx: No, I can't, for now.

Jade: Hmm ,can I ask you a question, and can you be honest with me ?

Nyx: Of course

Jade:Well,me now knowing that I've been here all this while, it feels like a big betrayal, cause i only had my imaginary friends who weren't so imagineable after all,I thought they would at least let me know the truth but they told me all these stories,which I am beginning to think was a lie but I believe you know the stories I'm talking about right.

Nyx: Yeah, of course I do.

Jade: Yes cause if it was real then it's not making sense at all,cause now I know that Path is my twin brother not my obsessed lover,sage it's not my real mother but the demon queen is,I am demon princess,then obviously their stories doesn't make any sense at this point.

Nyx: Well its true,everything coming in all at once is quite insane, and i do believe Charlotte kind of exaggerated the story, Charlotte was indeed a friend of sage,but she betrayed her with the help of her brothers,so they all got banished to the other side without dying, so yeah she definitely lied about some part of the story.

Jade: Wait,how come you are here and not her.

Nyx: Well I kind of tricked them into believing that i am helping them get out, but what they don't know is that they can't get out,only the one who put them in there has the power to bring them out,but they didn't know this so i used them and now I'm out.

Jade: Wow, that's wicked,so what and who exactly are you.

Nyx: I am you,your dark side

Jade: Really,no way,wait, how are you not inside of me, i know it sounds weird, but just answer the question.

Nyx: (she smiles)Yes, i understand. Well, we were separated before you came to this kingdom by the queen, Queen Annabell.

Jade: Woah, she is very powerful, isn't she?

Nyx: One of the most powerful goddesses I've ever seen and believe me I've seen a lot.

Jade: Wait,since Path is my twin, doesn't he have a dark side, too?

Nyx: Oh, he does, but when it was removed before yours,but then he became too nice, and you still had some little evil in you even after I left.

Jade: So you mean even before that he doesn't have any bad bone in his body.

Nyx: Oh, he does. He was the one who pushed Pat to her death,well, although it was her time, though.

Jade: He did,but why, though?

Path: Because I was in love with you, but I didn't realise that you were my sister. (he walked in)

Jade: When did you get here?

Path: Just now,but believe me, I do love you. If I can date you, then I can, but I can't.

Jade: Yeah, you're cute, but killing your girlfriend for me was a big risk, and you didn't even know if I liked you back.

Path: I know, but if I had my dark side again, i know you would, then I would date you cause then I won't be so afraid.

Jade: Of me?

Path: Of what others may do,I can protect you,i mean, i will be able to protect you. After all, our real parents are two siblings.

Jade: That's insane and you're insane too.

Path: I had my doubts about you, nyx, but now that I know who you are. Can you help me.

Nyx: With what exactly?

Path: Finding my dark side.

Nyx: Who,daedalus.

Path: That's his name, daedalus. How can I find him.

Nyx: Well I can't say much but the last time I saw him was years ago, I reckon he doesn't want to be found, I don't know, sorry I can't help you,but you can ask your friend Beatrice, I'm sure she can help you,she knows a lot of spiritual stuff so she can definitely help you,sorry once again.

Jade: You seem very nice and calm.

Nyx: (she chuckles) I'm not, though,don't have any reason to be angry.

Jade:Oh okay,you're so cute though, Path,come, join us eat,you can go to Beatrice later.

Path: Yes,thank you.


The blacks, sage, and ludicrous were having breakfast when suddenly they saw Marie sitting down to eat with them.

Mrs black: What are you doing here?

Marie: I'm trying to eat?

Mrs black: No,who let you in here?

Marie: Why, I do remember me being one of the blacks, and besides, your sister let me in.

Mrs black: Hope,why would you do that?

Hope: Why is it always me,I didn't do shit.

Grace: I was the one who let her in.

Mrs black: Why would you do that? You know she's not allowed here.

Grace: Sorry, I didn't want her to stay out in the cold all alone at night.

Marie: Oh my Goddess, you don't need to explain yourself ,I just want to eat then I'm leaving to see my jade, I feel like we are destiny to be together, I really thought I would never love again after my girlfriend died but now I just know that me and jade are meant to be, I can just feel it.

Mrs Black: You are carzy,she was the one who killed your girlfriend,I can't even say that without getting angry, it is the spell that is getting to you.

Grace: I don't think it's the spell. Maybe she's just in love.

Marie:Oh my Goddess, thank you, she's the only one who knows how love works, that's why she is secretly married to Shayne.

Everyone was shocked by this Revelation,they all turned to where shayne and Grace were sitting.

Mrs black: Is this true sister.

Hope: What do mean if it's true it's clearly written all over their faces right now (she laughs) slimy bitch.

Marie: Opps, sorry, I'll eat in my room then.

As she was about to go upstairs, she meant with her father.

Marie: Good morning, Father.

Mr Jake Black: Marie? I'm sorry, What is going on?

Marie: You are missing a lot, big dog.

She pats him on the shoulder,laughed, and left for her room,Mr Jake sat down.

Mrs black: How can you do this to me, sister?

Mr Jake Black: Do what?

Mrs black: So apparently, my sister Grace is married to your son Shayne.

Mr Jake Black: Wait, what, who told you that?

Mrs black: Marie just did.

Mr Jake Black: Marie, what if it's one of her tricks.

Mrs black: It's not a trick jake you can see their faces it's quite obvious,why would you do this sister.

Grace mumbles something.

Mrs black: I'm sorry, what was that?

Grace: I said it's not a crime.

Mrs black: You are acting like a fucking child,he is my son,you can't be in love with him and secretly marry him,its not right.

Shayne: Leave her be mother, I came to her first.

Mrs black: (she yells) why didn't you tell me?

Shayne: (he yells back) because of this (he claims down) I know this is how you would react, I didn't tell any of you because I know this how all of you would act.

Hope: How long have you been married for?

Shayne: It's been four years now, we even have a child together but he died last year because of a sickness, that is why Grace has been quiet for a while now, she moaning but you can't see it,all you ever do is talk about how to destroy jade.

Grace sobs and Mrs. Black looked at her in shock.

Mrs black: I didn't know about this,I'm sorry for your child loss, but you should have told me.

Shayne: Well, now you know, and she is again pregnant but hides it with a spell, but now that I don't know if you can ever defeat Jade, I'll be leaving with my wife.

Mr Jake Black: You can't certainly be serious.

Shayne: Very,Mother.

Mrs black: Shayne.

shayne and Grace went to their room and surprisingly they had already packed up and came downstairs to say their goodbyes but surprisingly for them too the tension in the air seems to have gone away,the whole family even helped them take their things to the car and bid them farewell, with tears in Mrs black eyes, she says.

Mrs black: I promise you and my grandchild that I will put an end to Jade's evil deeds once and for all,till then stay safe,my dear.

Shayne: we will, mother.

Shayne and Grace took off,while the family went back inside and everywhere was dead silence,until Marie came downstairs.

Marie: Woah, what's with the silence? Did someone die while I was in the bathroom?

Rose: Grace and shayne just left.

Marie: Well, that's good news.

Mr Jake Black: What is wrong with you?

Marie: Nothing papa bear,okay see you guys bye.

Marie left.

Mrs black: We have to get rid of Jade, and I know how to.

Just then, jea's phone rang, and she left for another room.

Rose: I didn't know jea had a phone.

Mr Jake Black: What's that, a phone?

Rose: Seriously, father,it's a magical tool used in talking to someone without coming to them.

Jea came back.

Jea: That was the oracle. She told me a way to stop Jade, but it's going to be deadly.

Hope: Sign me right away.

Mrs black: What is it that we must do.

Jea: We must get rid of Jade's dark side nyx.

Unbeknownst to them that Marie was right by the door and she had heard everything they just said and was now on her way to tell Jade.

Maria got to the house she was very excited she couldn't hold her excitement back,she tried getting inside the house but quickly remembered the spell, so she called out for Jade to let her in and Jade let her in, she excitedly hugged Jade who was surprised,she even kissed her on the cheek but she was smiling uncontrollable.

Jade: Okay, am I the only one who wants to know what is going on here (she says nervously)

Nyx: I want to know

Marie: Oh Jade, you are so beautiful. Your red hair glows like your eyes.

Jade: (She chuckles) Okay, thank you.

Marie: I have got great news, but it's bad, but it's still good for us.

Jade: Us?

Marie: No, you

Jade: Me?


Jade:Okay, please do tell.

Marie:They finally found a way to destroy you.

Jade: Have they now? (she said in a mysterious tune)

Marie:Yes, I was just at the house this morning and I found out that Shayne and my auntie grace were married for four years now and they moved out of the house this morning and then i heard them talking about some oracle telling them how to end you.

Jade: I'm sorry. Did you just say that your auntie grace and Shayne, your elder brother or your junior brother, were married.

Marie: Yes,and he's the second child. I'm the first.

Jade: Did you know where they went to?

Marie: No, I didn't think they said.

Jade: Oh okay ,so about the ending me part,how are they exactly going to do it.

Marie: so they said the Oracle told them that in order to get rid you,they would have to destroy your dark side, which is no longer imprisoned in the other side,I just think they're trying to prevent you from getting to your powers because they are scared of you.

Jade: Well they can't kill me,I'm a royal,so no one can kill a royal except a royal isn't it.

Nyx: True,you remembered.

Marie: Wait are you not pleased with the news.

Jade: Oh, trust me, Love, I am now. let them prepare well to destroy me,so funny. ( she laughs)

Nyx: But an oracle, even I didn't know of that,I guess I don't remember either, oh wait I know what to do,Marie can you do a locater spell?

Marie: Can i?

Nyx: Well, can you?

Marie: Yes ,that's what I meant.


Nyx: Cause I think i remember the oracle's real name, so we can locate her, and we can know who she is disguising herself to be.

Jade: If we do find out ,are we to kill her.

Nyx: No, We won't kill her. Only the Oracle has the power to bring you and your dark side together she just made our job easier for us.

Jade: So what's her real name.


Marie with the help of Jade manged to locate the oracle using a locater spell, they found out that it was at Beatrice's shop even Path was shocked by the revelation, Jade sent nyx and Path to go get her the oracle and she was left alone with Marie.

Marie: It's just you and me.

Jade: Not for long, though.

Marie: Why,where are going, can I come.

Jade: You are being too clingy, and I hate it,Do you fucking like me?

Marie: Yes, I do with all my heart (she said almost teary).

Jade: Sorry, I already have eyes for another and you know this.

Marie: Path?

Jade: No, silly his my brother. I'm talking about your brother, so stay put while I go get a gift for my beloved.

Marie: I'm sure you are fully aware of how my brother hates you.

Jade: I know, but after I give him my gift, he will have no choice but to love me.

Marie: No choice, wait, you are not talking about Roshni, right?

Jade: Hey, how did you know?

Marie: You are kidding right, you can't kill Roshni. sefen will hate you forever,you should go to her sister indeed,she's more powerful.

Jade: Well, i need Sefen to get angry with me to give him my gift, but Roshni's sister, where can I find her.

At Beatrice's shop, Path and nyx have arrived, and they are in the shop. They have been trying to figure out who the oracle was.

Path: So can you help me find my dark side.

Beatrice: Why would you want that.

Nyx: Well, I'm looking for the oracle.

Beatrice: I trust if there's an oracle here I would know, so I don't know where you got your information from, but I bet you is wrong.

Nyx: Yeah, understand, maybe you don't know, but the Oracle hids here, and I did a locater the spell. That is how I knew that it's here, so just let me search through okay.

Beatrice: But you can't go around searching properties is not good, it's not right.

Path: If you have nothing to hide,then let us search, and we will leave immediately. I promise you, you have my word Beatrice.

Nyx: It's okay. I understand how she feels. We'll just leave. Let's just go.

As they were about to leave nyx stopped and start laughing, path and Beatrice were confused because the store was yet to be opened so no one was there except for them, to think maybe someone made her laugh, she was at the door laughing but then she stopped and became serious.

Nyx: I feel insulted Beatrice I fear you take me for fool you think I do not know who the Oracle is, I know she hides in here in pretends of being your daughter, Now how can the Oracle older than you possibly be your daughter, Blaire I'm counting to three if you do not come out Beatrice is going to die maybe I'll burn down your store while at it, I know your life doesn't matter to you anymore but I know Beatrice matter to you, so, one.

Path: Wait, you can't make decisions like that. You're not sure if Blaire is actually the Oracle, I mean, minutes ago, you claimed you didn't know an Oracle existed.

Nyx: I know what I said, two.

Nyx stretches out her hand, and there is a ball of flame, indicating that she was going to burn down the place. She was about to count to three when Blaire suddenly appeared.

Nyx: A very wise decision to make gaia.

Blaire: I'm here. What do you want?

Nyx: Oh dear sister, you always pretend not to know what I always need,but clearly you do. Oh, I see it in your eyes, That look when you ripped me out of my own body and left me in internal darkness, actually i forgive you sister,i really do,if you do all I ask then I'll let Beatrice live.

Path: Wait, I'm confused.

Nyx: Oh right, you're here, so meet our older sister gaia. I am Nyx, and you are daedalus, i don't know the full story but I think we did something bad,our memories and our powerful side,were moved into the other side, well for me it was more like internal darkness and thanks to someone,that I don't need to mention, I got out, I don't know where your dark side is but you can ask her.

Path: Blaire, i need you to tell me the truth, Jade is known for lies, but you wouldn't lie to me, would you, you wouldn't want to help me kill our sister, my real sister.

Nyx: Wait, wait, wait, what did you mean kill your own sister? Wait, so you didn't even know I was your real sister. Oh my goddess, you thought I was joking. Wow,you are so stupid

Path: Blaire, talk to me, why the fuck would you want me to kill my own sister,our fucking blood, fucking talk Blaire.

Path came angry. He was so angry that his hair turned red as flame just as it did Jade's.

Nyx: Oh my Goddess, daedalus is that you.

Daedalus: Yeah, I guess so.

Nyx: I thought you were locked up like me.

Daedalus: Well i was locked up but in this body ah this fool, is so fucking nice,I almost died in there,the more nicer he becomes the more weak I get but thank you gaia he's angry enough to kill,for the first time,and to think I almost helped kill my dear sister.

Blaire: No matter what you do or say, i will not help you.

Daedalus: Well I know you won't because you know you're the one who did this to us, but it's okay no hard feelings like sister said I also forgive you, so i will need you to tell us be how to be in control temporarily.

Blaire: I just said I won't help.

Daedalus: yeah yeah I heard you the first time and the second time, but you know unlike nyx, i don't make empty threat, I will literally burn the whole kingdom down if you don't tell me what I need, now it's either you tell me right now while I'm still being nice or I burn the whole kingdom to the ground, and just lets you reminder I can practically control the fires of hell and you've been there ,i know you know how hot it can get, remember that.

Blaire: Fine, I'll help you, but we have to wait for the full moon cause I don't have my full magic, so I'll have to draw power from the moon to perform the spell.

Daedalus: You better not fuck with me,sister or I'll melt faces starting from your friend Beatrice.

Daedalus and nyx left the store,they wanted to leave, but the path became himself again .

Path: Why are we outside? What happened?

Nyx: Well, good news, I found your dark side.

Path: Where?

Nyx: Inside of you.

Path: What?

Nyx: Oh yeah, it sounds weird. Your dark side is inside your body,we just have to perform a spell to manifest it,which gaia agreed to help after you threatened to melt faces.

Path: I did??

Nyx: Yes,let's get coffee.

Path: Can you drink?

Nyx: Nope, but I can smell.

Jade was standing outside Roshni's house. She knocked for a while before someone came to the door.

Kashvi Singh: Hello,how can I help you.

Jade: Hi you must be Roshni's sister I'm looking for her.

Kashvi Singh: Sister, goodness no,I'm her mother.

Jade: Mrs Singh? I'm sorry, you looked so young.

Kashvi Singh: Oh, you flattered me,Roshni went to the market. She'll be back soon.

Roshni's sister, peerta, came to her mother.

Peerta: What are you doing, mother?

She stopped when she saw Jade.

Peerta: Jade frost.

Kashvi Singh: Jade,really?

Jade: Yeah,you must be peerta.

Peerta: Yes, I am. How may I help you.

Jade: As I told your pretty mother earlier, I'm here to see Roshni.

Peerta: She went to the market.

Jade: So I've heard.

Peerta: I would invite you in, but I'm not the owner of the house.

Jade: I understand. I'll wait outside here, then.

Peerta and her mother went back inside. As Jade was about to sit down on a chair there, she saw Roshni and Sarah coming back. She saw them smiling, but immediately they saw her. Roshni stopped smiling while Sarah went to say hello.

Sarah: Oh my Jade (she hugged Jade). It's lovely to see you .

Jade: I love your smile. It will be a shame to see you cry.

Sarah: Huh? (she said confused).

Roshni gave her the bags they carried and told her to go inside, and Sarah did as she was told.

Jade: So quick question are you guys adopted.

Roshni: Huh?

Jade: Your family looks so different. Your mom, your sister you,you all look different. Did your mother adopt you guys something.

Roshni: What are you doing here,Jade.

Jade: Now that's rude. I asked the question first.

Roshni: Yes, Jade, we are adopted. My mother never married, but she wanted kids.

Jade: Okay, okay, that's cool, but how did you guys get your powers,like if you're never born by your mother, how are you witches.

Roshni: we don't know Jade we just have them, now what are you doing here, I don't remember ever inviting you to my house or telling you where I live,how did you know.

Jade: I have my sources and since you're being rude to your guest, I guess I'll tell you why I came here, I'll just go straight the point, I am here to kill you and take away your powers and while at it I might also kill your family and your wife and take away their powers too, how about that.

Roshni: Are you joking?

Jade: Why will I joke with you? we're not friends, remember.

Roshni: But,but...

Jade: Awww you're speechless now, don't know what to say, how about you going inside say your goodbyes before I come in and kill you all ,how about that, would you say it's the fair enough.

Roshni: Please, Jade, I'm so sorry for being rude earlier. I didn't expect you to be here, that is why I'm so sorry. I'm truly sorry.

Jade: Okay, fine, you've convinced me. Here's what will happen I'll make you a deal. I promise not to kill anyone, including you, if you agree to give me your powers willingly, no fighting.

Roshni: Can I trust you?

Jade: (she scoffs) Do you really have a choice.

Roshni: Fine, I will give you my powers willingly.

Jade: Wise choice now invite me in.

Roshni: Why?

Jade:Cause I am hungry and your mother is cooking (she smells) And it smells really good.

Without hesitation and fear of what Jade might do, Roshni invited Jade in, Jade even helped set up the table for the food, she also invited Path and nyx, Jade herself served everyone at the table,Later on after eating she even helped Mrs Singh wash the plates and Later Jade, Path and nyx all went upstairs to Roshni's bedroom and Sarah followed,Jade explained everything to path and nyx.

Nyx: So you promised her that you won't kill her, but you will take away her powers. How are you planning on doing that exactly.

Jade: I don't know. I thought you would know.

Nyx: How Will I Know,all I know, Is Kill, drawing symbol and take power. That is all I know.

Roshni: I don't want to die Jade, you gave me your word.

Jade: And I tend to keep it, you're lucky I'm nice,otherwise I would have killed you by now without even caring about my "word".

Nyx: If it were me, I won't care about my word. I will still kill because I need the power, no hard feeling, Roshni,you fine girl, and it would be my honour to kill you.

Path: Please, no one has to be killed, or no one has to kill anyone. Okay, it will be best if we just think for a moment and try to come up with the solution.

Sarah: I have a solution.

Jade: Awww, trying to save her love, Let's hear it.

Sarah: Maybe the symbol is like a source to take away the powers of your victims, sorry I meant people, maybe you can like draw the symbol on your hands and hold the other person's hand ,maybe like that you can be able to transfer the power to your body.

Jade: Okay,but will it work through.

Nyx: I don't know. I thought a person should be dead before I take the powers because they don't really give it to me, I think.

Path: Just give it a try, Jade.

Sarah: Before you start, I would like to also volunteer my powers to you so that you can take half of mine and half of Roshni's, if possible.

Jade: I'll give it a go, my dear. That's true love,you should be proud, Roshni.

Roshni: I am.

Jade took a knife from her pocket and curved the symbol into both plams, surprisingly it wasn't painful for her, with that Roshni and Sarah sat on the bed and jade held their hands together at the same time and surprisingly for all of them, the spell worked jade was able to take half of their powers into her body but Roshni and Sarah were left very weak.

Path: Why are they so weak.

Jade: At least they are not dead.

Path: True,I guess you've found a way not to kill.

Jade: We must leave now. I have a birthday party to prepare.

Jade, Path and nyx left Roshni and Sarah in the room and headed downstairs to leave but as Jade was about to go downstairs she was called into peerta's room by peerta then she told the others to wait for her downstairs, jade entered peerta's room,only for her to be thrown on the bed and peerta on top of her.

Jade: What are you doing?

Peerta: What does it look like I'm doing?

Jade: It looks like you are about to fuck me,do you want to fuck me peerta?

Peerta: Yes, I do.

Jade: Well, I'm taken.

Jade used magic to release herself from peerta, and she went downstairs and peerta followed. When she got there, Roshni and Sarah were there too, she said her goodbyes and was about to leave but stopped.

Jade: Mrs Singh, you're a very brave woman for you to accept your daughter as she is. I love you for that.(Mrs Singh looked confused)

Jade saw Roshni giving her a sign not to continue talking, but Jade smiled and continued.

Jade: well you know, been married to a woman and all that and using a magic spell to hide the fact that sid is actually Sarah,you know you're a very brave woman and I love you, okay goodbye now, I hope to come next time.

She left with the others.

Mrs Singh looked at Roshni, and tears were rolling down her eyes.

Peerta: And there goes the perfect daughter.