-Chapter 45-

A/N: This was originally going to be posted earlier, but, the power went out. To the surprise of and from, and how can I forget...

Sarcasm aside. Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a great time with your friends and/or family! My gift to you is this extra chapter!



"W-What the hell is going on up there?" I exclaimed with my eyes wide open as dust and small rocks fell on us, I almost feared the ceiling would collapse on us. But fortunately the tremor passed in just a few seconds. "Izzy!"

"Just a moment.... Ready!" muttered the little red-haired boy before smiling and walking away from the computer. The giant screen began to emit large lines of code that quickly began to warp until it was completely unrecognizable before suddenly shutting down.

With a motor-like sound, the wires on the walls began to move slightly. The wires surrounding Noah and his Digimon slowly loosened their bonds until they fell to the floor, for a moment I thought the brown boy would awaken from his slumber, but I was quickly disappointed.

It looked like he was going to need some time until he woke up.

"And aside from the wires, what exactly did you do?" I asked tentatively as I approached the computer nerd. "Because it just looks like you turned off the computer."

"Well, the computer was drawing power from Noah's Digimon along with his Digivice to feed some sort of Data storage program. I didn't manage to decrypt it so I don't know what exactly the program was doing, whoever coded that program didn't want anyone to know what it was doing for the world" Izzy explained with a thoughtful pose as he looked at the now blackened screen before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. "And I'd rather leave a program unchecked than possibly set off the alarm and draw the attention of Etemon and his minions. But, just in case, I locked down as best I could the computer in case Etemon tries to use that program for anything."

"...I see" I gave him a blank look as I nodded. I hadn't understood any of the technical words he used, but I think I got the gist of what he wanted to convey. "Now what about Noah?"



A loud metallic clang echoed throughout the room drawing our attention to the giant door that protected the room from the outside.

I looked at Izzy with a raised eyebrow. "...The door had opened by itself before, hadn't it?"

"I may... have changed some additional things about the pyramid."


'That wasn't good news...' I thought bitterly before pulling out my Digivice, there was a chance that it was Joe outside and not some Etemon guard.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Joe.


With another thud the door came off the wall and fell heavily against the floor causing a small tremor throughout the room. I cursed to myself as I looked to see who it was that had broken down the door.

Walking with slow but heavy footsteps, Nanomon scowled at us before turning his attention behind us, at which point the little robot's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the large computer.

"How...?" Nanomon's puzzled whisper echoed in the silent room. The robot remained completely frozen for a couple of seconds before muttering to himself. "I see, I didn't think of the possibility that any of the Children could learn the language of the world. A mistake on my part."

The little robot looked around the room slowly before looking directly into my eyes. The room fell into a tense silence as we both braced ourselves for the other's move.

The silence was broken again with a single word from Nanomon.

"Catch" Nanomon said throwing something with his left arm in my direction, instinctively I caught the object in my hand without thinking. Feeling the familiar shape of the object in my hand I couldn't help but grit my teeth as I opened my hand.

In my hand... lay Joe's Digivice.

'A little gift' Nanomon despite showing no emotions and appearing completely expressionless, I could clearly see the smirk he was giving me inside.

'You want a fight?! Fine! Let's fight then!!!'

As if Garurumon was reacting to my thoughts, it quickly rushed towards Nanomon launching a bluish flare. Reacting quickly, the little robot leapt upwards and managed to hook onto the ceiling while pointing its fingers at Garurumon and launching a flurry of missiles at the wolf.

Garurumon dodged most of the small missiles thanks to his speed, but it was no use being fast in such a small room that severely limited his movement. The wolf was hit by two of Nanomon's missiles.

Boom! Boom!

Garurumon slammed into one of the wired walls, the large wolf hissed in pain as burns surrounded his once bluish fur now looking blotchy from both explosions.

"Garurumon!" I clenched my fists tightly as I watched Nanomon fall from the ceiling right onto Garurumon and grab him by the neck. "Izzy a little help?!"

"I can't!" Exclaimed the little boy causing me to turn my head to look at him angrily.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't?!"

I was about to grab him by the shirt and give him a good whack, but Izzy quickly explained why he couldn't help me against the piece of junk that wrecked Joe.

"The room isn't big enough for Kabuterimon! If I Digievolve Tentomon the room will collapse on our heads and we'll...we'll..."

'...well, shit' I thought to myself as I turned around and focused completely on Garurumon.

Nanomon raised his hand and pointed directly between my partner's eyes.

I wanted to move, to jump towards Nanomon to try to save Garurumon but....

'Why! Why can't I move?' I thought helplessly as I listened to my heartbeat in my ears, cold sweat pouring down my back as I watched my partner being executed in front of my eyes.

And I... I did nothing for him.

"Plug Bo-"

Suddenly a familiar white light at my back and the next thing I knew a silver and red blob was rushing swiftly at Nanomon.

"Crimson Slash!"

With an absurdly precise and quick slash it completely severed one of Nanomon's hands crippling the little robot. Without pausing, the silver blob quickly spun around and connected with a strong kick against Nanomon that knocked him away from Garurumon and smashed him against the wall on the other side of the room.

Once still, I could finally make out the big blob as a kind of large humanoid hedgehog with long reddish claws and long silver hair with golden locks.

I stared in surprise at the new fighter with several questions swirling around in my head.

"That was close..."

A hoarse, weak voice brought me out of my thoughts causing me to look back with obvious bewilderment on my face.

Barely managing to stand and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Noah Tatsumi looked up at the large silver hedgehog with a faint smile.


"That was close..." I muttered with a smile on my face as I looked at Nanomon's severed arm through the dozens of holographic pages around me.


"You're going to... make me puke" That wasn't a joke, I really felt like puking right now. It was as if I had just come out of a raging fever, my body felt weaker than normal possibly from being in that strange chair for days... or from whatever it was that made Nanomon.

Possibly the latter.

And speaking of Nanomon. I could feel the little piece of tin was looking at Filmon in disbelief, I think it was the first time I saw a hint of emotion from him.

This was something completely new and strange, but I didn't have time to experiment right now. With that thought in mind, I closed all the holographic screens around me and turned my gaze to a smiling Izzy who opened his mouth to speak, but was rudely interrupted.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake" An annoyed and irate voice caused me to look towards the other boy I had been ignoring so far.

Glancing to the side I could tell there was a familiar blond boy in a green sleeveless shirt, brown gloves and blue pants looking at the blue wolf with concern.

It took me a couple of seconds to recognize him as TK's older brother Matt.

A shiver ran down my spine as I reminisced on the little blond boy.

Dismissing my worries for later, I quickly asked Filmon to help Garurumon but to try to maintain a defensive position while I thought of a plan.

"You may be, but it's disappointing that this sleeping beauty has to save my brave and noble savior's ass" I spoke sarcasm in my voice as I raised my Digivice, it felt nostalgic to finally have it on hand after so long.

My response elicited a snort from Matt and a smile from me, I quickly analyzed Nanomon during our brief exchange.

'Okay, so what am I dealing with here?'



Name: Nanomon

Level: Perfect

Type: Virus

Data: -376 / 750


Description: A Machine Digimon used for nanomedicine. It was originally a Vaccine-type Digimon whose purpose was to restore computers that have crashed, but its neural pathways were destroyed in an attack by a powerful Digimon Virus, causing it to go berserk. Its Special Move is firing "Plug Bomb" from its fingertips.

Special Attack: Capture Thread, Worm Venom, Poison Ride



'Well, shit'



Name: Filmon

Level: Adult

Type: Data

Data: 0 / 500


Description: A Beast Man Digimon with many large spikes sprouting out of its body. It has red claws that can pierce through anything, and yellow quills that inject energy into whatever it stabs. It has a carefree personality, the kind that likes to collect soft material that help it to sleep easily in its nest or search for its favorite foods.

Special Attack: Crimson Slash, Electric Thread, Lightning Stinger

Partner: Noah Tatsumi



I blinked twice while looking at the amount of Filmon Data.

'Well, double shit.'



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