-Chapter 46-

A/N: I forgot to post the chapter aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh


'Well, double crap' I thought to myself as I put the holographic screen aside and focused on the combat. Filmon and Garurumon were keeping Nanomon at bay thanks to the fact that the latter had lost one of its arms and was using the other to move around the room or firing small missiles that Filmon cut off or dodged with ease.

Despite not having heard me, I could feel Filmon nodding internally at my words and began to move according to my plans.

Taking a wide leap backwards as he launched several electrified spikes at the small robot, Filmon let Nanomon's attention focus on him for a brief moment create a small gap that Garurumon took advantage of to fire a blast of icy fire directly at the elusive robot.

"Fool" Nanomon said under his breath as he stretched with one of his legs upwards completely dodging Garurumon's fire. Nanomon looked forward only to find himself tackled by a large number of Filmon's electrified spikes.

If Nanomon panicked he did not show it on his face as he raised his one arm in front of him generating a large violet sphere from which large beams of energy came out and disintegrated all the spikes with extreme ease.

"Erratas Crash!"

Without missing a beat, Nanomon threw the sphere directly at Filmon as he stopped stretching and returned to the ground just as Garurumon's attack ended. I felt my heart rise in my throat as I watched Nanomon, taking advantage of gravity in his favor, deliver a devastating punch directly into Garurumon's face sending the sky wolf straight to the ground and forming a large crater around him.

And Filmon-

"AGHHHHH!!!" A cry of pain echoed through the room as I watched my fellow Digimon being completely consumed by Nanomon's attack, the large sphere was now beginning to consume and disintegrate the walls of the room like a black hole.

"FILMON!!!" I screamed in fear as I felt my connection to Filmon growing weaker and weaker, I had vastly underestimated Nanomon's combative ability.

"It's useless" Nanomon sneered as he threw what I thought was a smile at me. "Filmon isn't the only Digimon that can erase Data! Say goodbye to your Digimon, Chosen Child!"

I felt the world around me grow slower and slower as I racked my brain for a solution.

Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything.

But luckily, Filmon could.

"Lightning Stinger!" 

Filmon's suffering voice reached my ears causing me to refocus on the large sphere. Gold-colored internal slashes began to emerge from it, cutting through the walls of the room, I didn't even notice when Izzy and his Digimon knocked me to the floor as a flurry of slashes completely dismantled the room.

The sphere around Filmon was finally completely severed from the inside out, from within it emerged the battered but glowing figure of Filmon covered completely in golden electricity that coursed all over his body like arcs of electricity.

"Impossible! You're just a Digimon Adult! You shouldn't be able to-"

Before Nanomon could start with his mutterings. Filmon appeared right in front of him casting a shadow of death and electricity over the robot.

"Now it's my turn."

Going too fast for the human eye to see, Filmon mercilessly sliced off all of Nanomon's limbs with his claws before giving him a powerful kick that threw the little robot against one of the walls of the room.

"Im-Impossible... this-" For the first time since I've known him, I could finally recognize the emotion in Nanomon's voice. Pure fear and terror. "WHY?! WHY?! THE CALCULATIONS NEVER FAIL! THEN WHY?!"

Filmon looked at the collapsed and dying Nanomon with an indecipherable look in his eyes before raising his claws upward and bringing them together, making him look as if he were holding a reddish sword from which small red bolts of lightning flashed. Nanomon's eyes began to roll and twitch as he did his utmost to try to get back to his feet, despite no longer having limbs or strength to break through Filmon's electrified web.

"NO! I MUST ELIMINATE ETEMON!" Nanomon began to rant incomprehensibly in a voice that seemed to constantly change as he looked longingly, hatefully and fearfully at Filmon. "I MUST-"

Leaving him no time to finish his diatra. Filmon brought his sword down on Nanomon's head slicing up and down without any interruption dividing the little robot with utmost ease from one large piece of scrap metal to two perfectly cut small pieces of scrap metal.

"Disappear from this World, Nanomon" Filmon growled in cold anger as he looked directly into the robot's eyes.

Nanomon's eyes seemed to stare straight into Filmon's eyes before exploding into a large amount of blue-colored Data. But although his Data was undoubtedly quite a large amount, it wasn't exactly what he expected from a Digimon Perfect.

'Possibly because it was weakened, though I can't help but feel a little disappointed by this' I muttered in my head as I let Filmon quickly absorb about half of Nanomon's Data to regain energy and let Garurumon absorb the other half. I was tempted to let Izzy's Digimon, Tentomon, absorb some of the Data, but Garurumon had taken the biggest toll of the fight.

Sure, Matt's Garurumon may not have been much help offensively against Nanomon, but Filmon had the advantage of cutting through almost anything thanks to its attacks capable of erasing Data and its agility in combat. But no doubt Filmon, in his previous state, would not have been able to withstand any of Nanomon's devastating blows.


"Don't ever scare me like that again, I thought you-" I shook my head.

Filmon had practically become one of my best friends if not a brother of sorts. I couldn't bear to lose him for the world.

Filmon seemed to shrink in on himself with a sheepish expression. "I, uh, was a little annoyed with Nanomon and may have, uh, strayed a little from the plan..."

True, the plan was to lock Nanomon up with an electric net and then cut him down with Filmon's claws. But the big hedgehog fired his spikes at Nanomon in an attempt to defeat the robot quickly.

It didn't work.

Although my plan probably wouldn't have worked either.

I let out a long sigh before looking at it with a small smile. "Never mind. I'm glad you're okay, I wouldn't want to finally get out of this stupid pyramid alone which leads me to..."

I scratched my head uncomfortably as I turned around to look at Matt, Izzy and their two Digimon's. "Can one of you guys explain to me exactly what the plan of all this is? Because I doubt that fight was part of the plan."

Izzy opened his mouth, but was quickly interrupted by Matt.

"Simple, beat everyone up and get you out of here" Matt replied dismissively, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I waited a couple of seconds for him to continue, but Matt simply folded his arms as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked at Izzy in confusion, but the boy simply shrugged with a thoughtful look on his face.

"That's a good summary" I felt my jaw hit the floor as I gave Izzy a puzzled look. "Though perhaps I should mention the fact that the others are fighting Etemon's minions or perhaps Etemon himself. In short, the plan was to split us into two teams, one would distract Etemon and his minions while the other would come looking for you, uh, we also need to get out of here soon, as we have a time limit before the others abandon us."

I rolled my eyes as several questions followed from my head at the same time.

But before I could ask Izzy for more details, Matt called Garurumon to his side and quickly climbed onto the back of his Digimon. "Get on!"

Confusion flashed through my mind as I witnessed Matt's sudden change in attitude, before the small detail that TK was Matt's younger brother absentmindedly flashed through my mind. And now said boy was coming face to face with the same Digimon that gave me an astronomical beating.

Without another word we all quickly jumped on the back of the big sky wolf, or well, almost all of us. While Filmon wasn't exactly a heavy or large Digimon, it was still a considerable load compared to ten year olds and Digimon's Child's.

Not to mention I didn't want to risk him cutting someone up by accidents with his spikes.

After going up the elevator, Garurumon and Filmon moved quickly down the hallway with the wolf leading the big hedgehog. It didn't take long to reach a particularly shattered and demolished hallway.

Garurumon slowed to a complete stop.

I frowned in confusion at the sudden stop, but I only had to get off the wolf and look around to see why.

Joe's body was leaning against a metal wall, a small stream of blood was pouring from his forehead and it was starting to accumulate on the floor. His clothes appeared to be almost completely destroyed with several cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. The bag he normally carries was completely shredded to one side.

And worst of all, one of Joe's arms was pointing in the wrong direction.

I felt my throat quickly dry up as the blood drained from my face, I felt as if all the sound of the world was silenced by a loud thunderous buzzing that tormented my eardrums.

I stood completely frozen as I stared wide-eyed at the state of the school's quintessential delegate, a child supremely concerned for others and an exemplary student for my school's legacy.

And now, that same child lay shattered in front of me.

"Joe! Wake up!" shouted Matt snapping me out of my trance and I refocused my attention on Joe, quickly pulling Matt closer as I placed my hand on his chest,

Izzy's face paled noticeably. "He's-"

"N-No, he's just unconscious" I replied through gritted teeth as I steeled myself to check the other wounds on Joe's body.

Not counting the clearly broken arm, I couldn't see any other serious wounds on Joe's body.

I looked around the shattered hallway until I found a small white-skinned Digimon with a crest. It reminded me of a strange combination of a seal and a cat.

"Gomamon!" Tentomon exclaimed as he ran to the fallen Digimon's side and lifted it up with extreme care.



Name: Gomamon

Level: Vaccine

Type: Data

Data: 0 / 150


Description: A Marine Beast Digimon that became able to move on land, and is covered in temperature-maintaining fur. The short, white fur that covers its body gets longer as it grows, and furthermore, it's said that it turns brown when it grows up. Its personality is a naughty-boy type that fiddles with everything it sees. The red fur growing along its back from the top of its head moves according to Gomamon's emotions, and when it gets angry the fur bristles. Gomamon's claws are strong enough to easily break through solid ice, so you'll have a painful experience if you take it lightly.

Special Attack: Marching Fishes, Surudoi Tsume, Tail Slap

Partner: Joe Kido



I grimaced as I finished reading Gomamon's description and looked at the little aquatic Digimon, his breathing was too weak not to mention the various bruises all over his body. 'He's barely still alive...'

"Help me get them up to Garurumon!" Matt exclaimed with a slight tremor in his voice, and the truth is I couldn't blame him.

I was already starting to feel the urgency of the situation and, to be honest, I couldn't tell if I was liking or disliking the current situation; I was lacking information, we had Joe injured and we had to confront them with Etemon's minions or Etemon himself if we wanted to get out of here.

I could only pray that we could all get out of this hellhole in one piece.

'I take that back, I want to sleep again...'


Happy new year!

I was planning to make a separate post just to thank you for all the support over the past year, but whatever.

Thank you so much for an amazing year! I can happily say that it was one of the best years for me personally in almost every way, and for that I want to thank you because part of that happiness came thanks to you!

Thanks for all the support!

And, huh, little spoiler here, we're finally going to Vamdemon's Arc. I never thought the Etemon Arc would be so long (I think it took half the year), and while there are some things I'm not entirely happy with, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't satisfied.


Thank you very much for reading! If you liked the chapter you can leave a Power Stone or a Review! You can also join my Patreon to support me!
