Chapter 8 With Pictures and Videos

Regardless, with Monica Baldwin admitting to having fanned the flames, Sonora was completely cleared of blame. The people from HF enjoyed the smooth communication, and even accepted Nathaniel Hanson's apology. Arianne Chadwick was still chosen for the endorsement, as she was also a victim. After this incident, her fame had soared even higher.

Neither Sonora Entertainment nor Arianne Chadwick suffered any losses. The one who was completely destroyed, however, was Monica.

In a short span of time, topics like "the queen of scandal," "scheming female model," "green tea bitch Monica Baldwin" ranked amongst the top in internet search trends. The comments inside were as scathing as they were numerous.

Monica sat in her restroom, trying to keep her expression as indifferent as possible while reading the news articles, because she knew that very soon she will...

...return the favour to Nathaniel and Arianne tenfold.