Chapter 1142: She Admitted It

When he arrived at Juliette Hudson's residence, Ray Chadwick was feeling very heavy-hearted. Nevertheless, even without knowing about the existence of Alex, if he knew that Juliette had deceived him from the beginning, he wouldn't have continued to stay in a long-term relationship with her.

After all, what authenticity is there to speak of in a relationship built on a lie?

At this moment, Juliette was preparing to go out. Upon opening the door and seeing Ray, she broke into a smile immediately: "Is there anything special at your home?"

"Yes, and no." Ray Chadwick entered her apartment and sat down on the sofa.

"What happened?" Juliette immediately crouched in front of Ray and asked him.

"Juliette, there's something I want to confirm with you." Ray said, raising his head to meet her gaze.

"What is so serious?"

"That night, four years ago, did we really have a relationship?" Ray asked with a serious expression.