Chapter 300: Happy Children's Day on June 1

After teasing Xiao Jinli a bit, Xu Guochang immediately got to the point.

Xu Guochang said, "Some time ago, Plum Firm Country told the world media that the core technology of the Shenfeng Group was stolen by me. They are preparing to collect evidence and plan to sue me for theft of secrets in the International Court!"

Everyone knew the real situation well.

It was just an excuse for the Plum Firm Country to covet Shenfeng Group's technology.

Xiao Jinli asked indifferently, "What will you do?"

Xu Guochang said, "I have applied for protection from the National Public Relations Department!"

Shenfeng Group has a deep cooperation with the National Institute of Science and Technology.

Therefore, as the person in charge of Shenfeng Group, he has the right to apply for personal protection from the National Public Relations Department.

Xiao Jinli frowned slightly, "So you're just applying for personal protection?"