Chapter 301:

After Xu Guochang left, Xiao Jinli immediately returned to her room.

After closing the doors and windows, she immediately entered the Space.

"Xiao Zhi!" Xiao Jinli shouted, "Is what Xu Guochang said true?"

Xiao Zhi nodded, "Yes!"

Xiao Jinli said somewhat speechlessly, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Since the establishment of Divine Wind Technology Group, Xiao Jinli had let Xiao Zhi monitor the Internet worldwide.

For such a big matter as Xu Guochang, Xiao Zhi should have told her immediately.

Xiao Zhi flew in mid-air and said, "Master, don't worry, I've been monitoring the situation in Plum Firm Country. I thought it wasn't necessary to inform you for now.

Also, I wanted to test Xu Guochang and see what kind of choice he would make under the huge temptation of interests. Although he has a patriotic heart.