Chapter 302:

"Jiang Yifan," Xiao Jinli saw Jiang Yifan covered in mud and angrily asked, "How many times have I told you, don't go catch fish in the Mud Gully. You're still too young, what if you step in and can't get out?"

Jiang Yifan immediately sold out Xiao Xiaoming, saying, "Mommy, it was Bro Xiaoming who took me."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaoming quickly defended himself, "Sister Jin Li, I was watching from the side. Besides, that Mud Gully has a lot of tourists playing in it, and many tourists were also watching, so it won't be dangerous. Don't worry."

Jiang Yifan nodded in agreement, "That's right, that's right. There were even many kids younger than me playing there, so what's there to fear? Even tourists from far away places are not afraid, why should we be, when it's our own land?"

"..." Xiao Jinli coldly said, "Oh, well, it really makes sense."

Jiang Yifan, "..." Why does it sound sarcastic, and moreover, it feels like Mom is about to unleash something big.