The morning sun had risen high above the trees, casting long shadows on the sandy beach. Peter and Liam were already up, setting up a fire to prepare breakfast. The others slowly joined them, rubbing sleep from their eyes.

As they ate, they discussed their plans for the day. Debby suggested they explore the island more thoroughly, while Suzanne wanted to try snorkeling. James suggested they visit the lighthouse, which was said to have a beautiful view of the surrounding waters.

The group eventually split up, with Debby, Suzanne, and Maidy heading off to snorkel, while James, Daniel, and Ahmed set out for the lighthouse. Hannah and Paratha decided to stay behind and relax on the beach, while Peter and Liam went to explore the forest.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Peter noticed that the trees seemed to be closing in around them, the underbrush getting thicker and harder to push through. They soon realized they were lost.

Liam pulled out his phone, but there was no signal. They tried retracing their steps, but everything looked the same. They wandered for what felt like hours, but the sun didn't seem to have moved much. As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon a dilapidated cabin.

It looked like it had been abandoned for years, with the roof caving in and the windows shattered. Peter cautiously pushed open the door, and they stepped inside. It was dark and musty, with cobwebs covering the corners.

As they looked around, they noticed strange symbols etched onto the walls, and an eerie feeling settled in their stomachs. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from outside. It sounded like footsteps, slow and deliberate.

They froze, listening intently. The footsteps seemed to be getting closer, and they could hear heavy breathing. Peter quickly grabbed a large stick, while Liam tried to find a weapon of his own.

The footsteps suddenly stopped outside the cabin, and there was a long moment of silence. Then, there was a sudden bang on the door, causing them both to jump.

Peter and Liam exchanged a terrified look, wondering what they should do next. They knew they couldn't stay in the cabin forever, but they also didn't want to leave and risk running into whoever was outside.

As they stood frozen in fear, the door suddenly creaked open. A dark figure appeared in the doorway, and they could feel its malevolent gaze upon them.

As soon as they set foot on the island, they noticed something strange. The air felt heavy and the atmosphere was unnerving. Despite this, they decided to push on and explore the island.

The island was covered in dense foliage, and it was easy to get lost in the maze of trees and bushes. As they walked deeper into the island, they began to notice strange things. For one, they started seeing strange symbols etched onto the trees and rocks. They couldn't quite make out what they meant, but they definitely had an ominous vibe to them.

As the group walked, they started to notice that the wildlife was sparse. There were no birds chirping, no animals rustling through the bushes. It was as if the island was devoid of all life.

After walking for what felt like hours, they came across a clearing. In the center of the clearing stood an ancient-looking statue. The statue was of a woman, with her arms outstretched and her face turned up towards the sky. The statue was covered in moss and vines, but there was no mistaking its age.

As they approached the statue, they heard a strange sound. It was a low hum that seemed to be coming from all around them. They looked around, but they couldn't see anything that could be making the noise. Suddenly, the hum grew louder, and they felt a strange sensation in their bones. It was as if the sound was vibrating through their bodies.

The group looked at each other, fear in their eyes. They were all thinking the same thing - they needed to get off this island, and fast. As they turned to leave, they heard a faint whispering. It was a woman's voice, and it sounded like it was coming from the statue.

They turned back towards the statue, and as they did, they saw something that made their blood run cold. The statue's eyes were glowing a bright red. They watched in horror as the statue slowly turned its head towards them, its eyes never leaving theirs.

The group screamed and ran, but as they did, they heard the hum grow louder and more intense. They could feel the ground shaking beneath their feet, and they knew they had to get off the island as quickly as possible.

They ran as fast as they could, dodging trees and bushes as they went. They could feel the island itself coming alive, as if it were trying to stop them from leaving. As they ran, they could hear the whispers growing louder and more urgent. They couldn't make out what was being said, but they knew it couldn't be good.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they made it back to the boat. They jumped in and started the engine, the sound of the motor drowning out the hum and whispers that had haunted them for the last few hours.

As they sailed away from the island, they all let out a sigh of relief. They were safe, but they knew they would never forget what they had seen and heard on that cursed island.