After an exhausting climb, the group finally reached the top of the hill, where a small cottage was nestled in the trees. The cottage was quaint and charming, with a thatched roof and ivy creeping up its walls.

Peter knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He tried the handle, and to his surprise, it opened easily. They cautiously entered the cottage and found it empty, except for a small fire burning in the fireplace.

As they explored the cottage, they noticed that there were no personal belongings anywhere, and it looked like no one had lived there for quite some time. They decided to make themselves comfortable for the night, as it was getting late and they were all exhausted.

They found some blankets and pillows, and Liam lit some candles to give the cottage a warm glow. As they settled down for the night, they all felt relieved to be out of the cold and the rain.

Suddenly, they heard a sound that made them all freeze in their tracks. It was a creaking noise, coming from the door. The group turned to face the door, and to their horror, they saw that it was slowly opening by itself.

They all stared in disbelief as the door creaked open, revealing the dark and ominous night outside. The wind picked up, causing the candles to flicker and dance, casting eerie shadows across the room.

Paratha broke the silence. "I think we should leave. Something's not right about this place."

But before they could leave, a cold gust of wind swept through the cottage, extinguishing all the candles in an instant. The group was plunged into complete darkness, and they all huddled together in fear.

Suddenly, they heard a soft whispering sound coming from somewhere in the room. It was too faint to make out any words, but it sent shivers down their spines.

Hannah spoke up, her voice quivering. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

But there was no answer. The whispering continued, growing louder and more insistent.

Then, out of the darkness, they saw a figure materialize. It was a young girl, dressed in a long, white nightgown. She was pale and ghostly, and her eyes were sunken and lifeless.

The group stared at the girl in terror, unsure of what to do. Then, suddenly, she spoke.

"Please help me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been trapped here for so long. I need your help to escape."

The group was hesitant, unsure of whether to trust the ghostly girl. But as she spoke, they could sense the desperation in her voice, and they knew they had to help her.

As they began to formulate a plan to help the girl, they suddenly heard a loud banging on the door. They turned to face it, and to their horror, they saw that it was shaking violently, as if someone was trying to break it down.

The group braced themselves, unsure of what was about to happen. The banging continued, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.

Just when they thought the door was about to give way, the banging suddenly stopped. The room fell silent once again, and the group breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, they heard something even more terrifying. A low growling sound, coming from somewhere outside the cottage. The group froze in fear, unsure of what kind of danger they were facing.

They all huddled together, listening as the growling grew louder and closer. The wind howled outside, and the rain pounded against the walls of the cottage.

The group knew they were in grave danger, and they could only hope that they would make it out alive.

The sun was setting, casting an eerie orange glow over the island as the group of friends trudged back to their cabin. They were all tired and drained from the long day of exploring, and the unease that had been building in them was becoming unbearable. They were all eager to get back to the safety of their cabin and rest, hoping that the strange occurrences would stop.

As they approached their cabin, they noticed something strange. The door was slightly ajar. The group exchanged worried glances and cautiously approached the cabin, keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of danger.

Liam was the first to enter the cabin, and as he stepped inside, he immediately noticed that something was amiss. The cabin was in disarray, with furniture overturned and personal belongings scattered everywhere. Panic set in as the group realized that they had been robbed.

Peter quickly grabbed a flashlight and started to search the cabin for any clues as to who could have done this. As he scoured the cabin, he came across a piece of paper that had been left on the kitchen table.

He picked it up and read it out loud to the group. "I warned you to leave this island, but you didn't listen. Now, you'll pay the price."

The group was frozen in fear as they realized that they were in grave danger. Someone had been watching them, and they had no idea who it was or what their intentions were.

They quickly huddled together to come up with a plan. They knew that they needed to leave the island as soon as possible, but their boat was gone, and they had no way of calling for help.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps outside the cabin. They all froze, not knowing what to do. The footsteps grew louder and closer, and they could hear a faint whispering. They were paralyzed with fear, not knowing what to do next.

Just then, the door burst open, and a figure clad in black entered the room. They could see the glint of a knife in their hand, and they knew that they were in serious trouble.

The group tried to back away, but the figure advanced on them, their eyes wild with rage. They could see that this person was not rational, and they feared for their lives.

They tried to reason with the person, pleading with them to leave them alone, but it was no use. The figure was relentless, and they continued to advance on the group, their knife at the ready.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, they heard a loud commotion outside. They could hear the sound of multiple voices, and the figure in black hesitated for a moment before turning and running out of the cabin.

The group cautiously followed, relieved to see that it was the police who had arrived on the island. They were quickly whisked away to safety, leaving the island behind them forever.

As they sat in the safety of the police car, they all let out a sigh of relief. They had made it out alive, but the memories of their terrifying journey would stay with them forever.