Chapter 0: The Devil/The God/The Dragon?

(A/N: I do not Own HighSchool DxD, that's own by its original writer Ichiei Ishibumi. This is a fanfiction I had in mind for a long time. A Man with unthinkable power arrives out of nowhere, claiming that him and his force are only here to help. But can someone with that power and plans, really be trusted to our favourite Red Dragon Emperor? Let's find out.)

It was suppose to be a simple Rating game between strangers, that would decide the fate for an arrogant blonde man and his entire peerage that was also his harem. But soon after the whole thing started, it quickly became a massacre.

The Rating game takes place at a amazing similarity to Kuoh Academy and atop of the Main Building, next to the Giant clock, we see two Devils, One was wearing an unusual suit of armour. The Armour doesn't seem to be made of any kind of magic. Instead it looks to be of advanced Technology that would exist in a Sci-Fi Anime, with a Cape that is imprinted with the symbol of the world card that is found in a Fortune Tellers deck of Tarot card. And the opponent who's on the ground feeling nothing but pain, is that Blonde Bastard Riser Phoenix.

""Abandon all hope, for he who enters there." That's my favourite Quote from the Novel, Dante's Inferno. I based my prison off of the way how Dante Aligheri thinks what Hell might be like, even though we both know it's a nice place." Said the Armoured Devil, with a voice so deep it's almost comparable to the actor Kevin Michael Richardson. All Riser could Do is breathe, as he can't muster enough strength to look up at his opponent. He did however, had enough to ask the man in armour a single question. "How are you ...How are you strong enough, to defeat me and my whole peerage ...By your self?"

It was true. This Mysterious man was indeed by Himself from the whole Rating Game. And there's a reason for all that.

Flash Back 10 Minutes ago

As Riser Phoenix and his peerage were about to teleport to their Rating Games location to decide the fate of the group, a small communication circle appeared right before the peerage's king. The circle revealed that it was the man in armour. "I want to make a condition to our Rating Game, before we start."

"You could've told me last week before declaring a challenge out of nowhere. But fine, what is it?" Riser Says to his strange opponent. "Instead of facing my whole team, it'll be just me. But in exchange, nobody forfeits our Rating Game. It'll only end when everyone is retired due to being close to death."

After the stranger gave his condition, Riser burst out Laughing and said "Oh Please, like I'd ever want to surrender to a weakling like you. All you're doing is putting yourself in disadvantage just to sound tough. But fine, I accept your term."

After the Agreement was made the communication ended, and the whole peerage burst out laughing thinking that this is a waste of time. "What kind of fair deal is that? There's no way he can beat us now." Yubelluna says to her friends. After Riser was done laughing, he turned to his harem and says "I bet in 10 Minutes from now, that tin man will be on his hands and knees, just begging for me to stop."

10 Minutes later

"You probably thought this was going to be far too easy, because it was going to be a one sided fight, didn't you? Well you were half right." The armored Devil says to the beaten down Phoenix, whos vision was starting to get blurry. After saying that the armoured man sat down on the roof looked at the schools yard and says "Oh and another thing. If you don't stand a chance against me, what makes your peerage think they stand a chance against?"

An Explosion was then seen in the sky above the two, revealing Riser's Queen Yubelluna completely exhausted, her body was heavily wounded, covered un bruises and a bit of blood is seen coming off from small cuts on her face and arms, both her demonic power and magic was almost completely depleted. And after the smoke cloud cleared off, it was revealed that her opponent was the armored Devil.

The Man in Armor shared the exact appearance as the one at the schools roof top, from the same design of sci-fi Armor, to having the same cape with the Symbol of the World card. Yubelluna has never felt so angry at someone in her entire life. "Not a scratch? But that was everything I got. But I can't fail Master Riser, so looks like I have to use my... Where is it? WHERE IS IT!?" The purple haired Queen was starting to panic even more, because she can't find her phoenix tear anywhere.

Out Of nowhere the armoured Devil was now right in front of Yubelluna, revealing that he has the Phoenix tear in his right hand. "Are you looking for this?" asked the armoured Devil. The Purple Haired woman was too shocked for words. In fact, she was trying to think when this man stole the tear from her. But before she could ask, the armoured devil destroyed the tear by crushing it with his Hand, the sound of the glass cracking was proof enough. But once he opened his palm, there was nothing.

Yubelluna turned from confused, to completely scared. She knew it was impossible to reduce something to nothing, unless if someone possessed the Bael Families power of Destruction. "Are you... a member of the Bael family?" Asked Yubelluna. A few moments passed before the man gave her an answer, he raised his hand up and said "No." After that, the man lightly slapped Yubelluna, causing the woman to be sent crashing down to the track field, creating a small crater on the ground.

After a moment has passed, Yubelluna barely managed to crawl out, both legs broken, and she was losing a lot of blood. Once the purple haired queen got out, she notice her friend Isabella close by, also beaten, bruised, with both her right arm and left leg seemed to be broken from the fight, and her opponent was the armoured devil. This confused Yubelluna more than how she lost her Phoenix tear.

Just as Yubelluna was trying to figure out what was happening, she heard a loud crash right behind her and it was revealed to be the armoured devil again, the same one she was fighting in the sky.

The man soon grabbed the woman by the neck and says "Have you already forgotten what happened at the start of our Rating Game? Maybe that last attack gave you Brain Damage. I duplicated myself by fifteen, so it can be a fair fight to all. That's why I destroyed your phoenix tear, because how would that be a fair fight, since I don't have one?" The Mysterious man finished with a rhetorical question.

It was soon revealed that each of the members of Riser's peerage were all fighting a duplicate's of the armored Devil, And they were all losing to this mysterious man.

We soon return to the roof top where the First armored man was now starting to get bored from all this. "I honestly lost all enjoyment in this one sided battle, I mean hell, I beat the shit out of you so much, you can no longer regenerate from those wounds I gave you. I wasn't using any holy attacks for Pete's sake." The man says to the blonde Douche bag.

"How? Why?" was all Riser could say to this unstoppable force. The armored Devil turned his head too Riser and says "For how I'm beating the complete shit out of you, is because I am by far the perfect Hybrid of a Devil, a God and a Dragon. As for why? Well isn't it obvious?" The armored Devil soon grabbed Riser tightly by the neck, lifted him up and says. "YOU HAVE BEEN BURNING THINGS DOWN FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WOMEN JUST SO YOU AND SLEEP WITH THEM THAT ALSO LEAD THOSE LADIES JOINING YOUR PEERAGE, AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE COUNTLESS PEOPLE YOU MURDERED, LIKE THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR YOU ALMOST KILLED A FEW MONTHS AGO!"

Riser could barely breathe as this man was crushing his throat. The armored man then says "You probably might be thinking 'But I regret what I did and I'm trying to redeem myself.' BUT CAN THAT CHANGE THE PAST AND PREVENT ALL THE BAD THINGS YOU DID!? NO! HAVE YOU OR YOUR ACCOMPLICES EVER SUFFERED THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!? NO!"

After that, the armored devil soon threw Riser in the school yard where all his peerages were battling the duplicates. After a large crater was made, each member of the Blonde's Harem saw their king was badly damaged and his immortality wasn't working. After that, all of the duplicates soon turned to energy and all returned to the original Armored man, who was flying above all of them without using his wings.

"Now it's time, to end it all." Says the armored man, as he raised his arm in the air and a ball of Black energy began to form above the man. The Black Orb of Energy quickly grew to the size of a mansion in a blink of an eye. The armored Devil looked at the entire peerage and then says "I here by find you all GUILTY!" After saying that, the armored Devil threw the blackball of energy, destroying the entire battle field of the Rating Game.

One the smoke cleared up and revealed that literally nothing remains, the announcer of the rating game was heard "Riser Phoenix and his whole peerage, retired. The victor is Mr World." Once the man in armor was teleported back to the Underworld, he was greeted by a muscular young man with a joyful look on his face, even though he was wearing a scarf to cover his face and a bandana hat to cover his hair. What was most odd about his attire is that he was wearing a tank top that had the symbol of the Strength Tarot Card.

"Blimey mate, that was a bit too much. Even though I'm still annoyed that you didn't let me or the others join the fight, but that last attack showed us that it was probably a good Idea to leave us out of it." The muscular man says to his friend. The armored Man nodded in agreement and says "I also wanted to get rid of any chances of any forfeiting. A Forfeit victory is never a real victory."

The man with the Tank-Top put both thumbs up and says "Yeah mate, you won fair and square. Unlike that bastard with the way how he thinks." We then see Both Riser and his Peerage are heavily damaged from that last attack, it looked like he was going to die. But soon a shadow appeared above Riser revealing that it was the armored Devil holding a phoenix tear bottle.

"It's a good thing I didn't destroyed Li's." Said the armored Devil. Once he applied the tear to the blonde devil, Riser soon got up and says "OK, I did lose the Rating Game, but please can't we make a bargain. Can't you extend my sentence by giving me my Peerage's? I don't want anything bad happening to them. Please." After hearing that, the armored Devil then laughed and said "It's too late for that now. Besides, when I say life sentence, I mean life sentence. So how will you serve a Fifteen Thousand year sentence if you aren't going to live long enough to serve it? How will that be fair?"

Riser soon gritted his teeth and yells "I CHANGED YOU PSYCHOPATH, I KNOW WHAT I DID IS WRONG BUT HOW AM I GOING TO REPREHEND ALL THE WRONG I DID IF YOU LOCK ME UP FOREVER!?" The armored Devil grabbed Riser by the neck and says "Because you only get one chance to prove if you're good or evil. Since you've proven to be evil, then you don't deserve a second chance." After that, the armored Man was done talking, a large Teleportation circle appeared, taking everyone to an unknown location.

Hours later

We soon cut to what looks like a Giant Office with the armored Man at a large desk, reading Tarot cards. Soon a knock on the door was heard "It's me, can I come in?" The voiced belonged to the muscular young man with the Tank-top. "Sure, why not." After the armored Devil gave his friend an approval, the Tank-top man walked in and says "So how come you didn't tell me that you were a three way hybrid of a Devil, God, and Dragon?" The Armored Devil looked at his Friend and says "Well, it didn't really matter at the time. Plus you should know by now that fate works in mysterious ways."

"Yeah, but I'm your Friend, and the first member of your team. I mean I Know there are a lot, and I mean a lot of things that people aren't ready to learn about. But still, the fact that you're not Human Anymore... I just don't know how you did that." The Tank-Top Man says to his Friend. After Hearing that, the armored Devil got up and says "It's all fate my friend. We can't change it no more than how much we can change who we are." After saying that, the armored man was soon revealed to be holding a Tarot Card, of the Devil.

After hearing that, the Tank-Top man then asks his friend. "One more thing, why do you sound like Kevin Michael Richardson?" After hearing that, the armored Devil coughed in his hand a little, and spoke in a voice that matched a young twenty year old man, and says "Sorry, I forgot to turn off my voice modulator. I used that deep voice so I can strike fear into those scumbags."After that, the two friends began to laugh and the Tank-Top Man says "Fair enough mate."

(A/N: And that ends our prologue chapter. To end a lot of Confusion, let's reveal the names of the OC's. Now as you already know, the Devil in Armor is named Mr World, hence the World on his Cape and his friend is called Mr Strength, same reason for the Tank-Top. But this does make you wonder, why does this mysterious man has got a large grudge against Riser and his Peerage, how did he became so powerful, and how did he became a Three way Hybrid of a Devil, a God, and a Dragon when he was originally a human? All questions will be answered in Due time, so stay tune to find out on how this will affect Issei and the others.)