Chapter 1: The Arcana Force

Highschool DxD Fate

(A/N: I do not Own HighSchool DxD, that's own by its original writer Ichiei Ishibumi. This is the first official chapter of the fanfiction since Prologue's technically don't count as Chapters.)

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Arcana Force

Kuoh Town: Hyoudou Residence.

Our Story takes place at a six storied mansion, with a large family living inside. And in a certain bedroom on the second floor, we find a lovely teenage couple sitting on an emperor size bed. It was Issei and Rias, and they were enjoying each other's company, as usual.

After a Hard nights work of taking down a strong stray Devil, literally the day after a tiring task of babysitting Rias' Nephew Millicas. Rias and her Pawn/Boyfriend Issei were on his bed. Issei was giving the crimson haired girl a Massage on the Shoulders, while Rias was reading a novel, called The Last Children Of Tokyo.

Rias couldn't concentrate on her book, as she was getting turned on by Issei's legendary backrubs. Her face was now feeling hot from the amazing sensation of her Pawn's Backrubs, so she decided to put her book down and see if her boyfriend was going to be ready for what she was in store for him. But the moment Rias saw Issei's face; she noticed that he wasn't enjoying the backrubs he's giving her. In fact, the teenage Dragon looked bummed out. Almost as if he failed to achieve something.

"Are you okay Issei? You seem upset." Rias says, worried for her Pawn/Boyfriend. Issei lifted his head up and says "It's just that, without my boosted gear, I'm reminded of how much weaker than everybody else. I mean, the whole reason why I became the strongest in our group was because of my Balance Breaker, the scale mail. Without the Boosted Gear, I'm just the weakest Devil in the world."

Rias quickly turned to Issei and says "That's not true, Issei. You've achieved a lot of things without your Balance Breaker. Remember the time when you beaten Raynare." "All because my satanic prayer got through. I didn't win on my own." Issei replied to Rias.

"Fair point, but what about the time when you defeated Most of Risers Peerage at the Ratting game we had against him?" Rias says. "Yeah, only to lose at the end." Issei replied.

Rias couldn't think of anything else that revolved Issei achieving a big win without his balance breaker. "I'm going to get a Sprite." Issei said as he got off his bed and headed to the Mansions Kitchen downstairs.

As Issei left his room, Rias took her glasses off trying think of a way to make her pawn feel better from his depression.

"I think this will take more than some naked aprons with Akeno and Asia to make him feel better." Rias said to herself. She knew that before achieving his balance breaker, or just a fraction of its power, Issei's win streak with just his boosted gear alone wasn't the highest.

Just then Rias heard a knock on her door. "Who is it?" She asked. Ravel Phoenix opened the door and entered the bedroom, her eyes were red almost as if she was upset.

"Ravel, What's wrong? Did something happened?" Rias got off of Issei's bed as she walked over to where Ravel was. Ravel began to sob as she spoke "Someone... Someone beaten Riser in a recent Rating game... and... And they took him away somewhere."

"What?" Rias was in Shock, to just been told that both Ravel's older Brother Riser was not only been defeated in a Rating game, but was also taken away. "Who could've done this?" Rias asked, feeling a unknown force is up to something.

Kuoh Town: 7-Eleven

Issei exited the 7-Eleven with a 2 plastic shopping bags with not only a bottle of Sprite but also his friends favourite soft drinks. "Okay let's see, Lime Pepsi Max for Koneko and Ravel, Cherry Cola for Asia, Raspberry Cola for Irina, Cold Coffee for Xenovia, any 2 for 1 discount drinks for Rossweisse, blueberry juice for Ophis, and Cherry Pepsi max for Rias and Akeno."

As Issei was heading home he heard a man from the distance yelling "HEY YOU! SOMEONE STOP THAT GUY!" Issei turned his head around and saw an old person on the ground. Issei immediately dropped his bags and ran to the old person.

"Are you alright sir?" Issei helped the man back on his feet. "I'm fine young man, but that man stole my wallet!" The old man pointed to someone running off into the streets. Issei gently lead the old man to a bench. "Wait here, I'll stop him." Issei said the man as he ran after the thief.

Issei made sure no one was around as he activates his boosted Gear. "Boosted Gear!" Issei called out and his left arm was enveloped with a red gauntlet and thanks to its power it doubled Issei's speed and tackled the thief.

"Okay douche bag, hand over the wallet!" Issei was pinning the guy on the ground and was twisting his arm. "OW, OW! Okay fine, here!" The thief said as he reaches in his pocket and hands Issei the old man's wallet, which was filled with a lot of money.

"Thank you" Issei said as he retrieves the man's wallet then punches the thief, knocking him out. "I'll let the cops deal with you later." Issei says as he head back to both the old man and his grocery bags.

"Thank you so much young man." The old man smiles as he retrieves his wallet. "No problem sir." Issei smiled as he picks up his bags with the drinks still inside. "And don't worry about the thief, I'm going to call the police right now." Issei says as he takes out his phone.

"Oh, with how fast you stopped that thief and how you wanted to help a stranger so much, I honestly thought you were a part of the Arcana force." The old man says in a surprised tone. This confused Issei though "Arcana force?"

"Why it's all over the news young man. A group of strong and mysterious people, giving criminals what they deserve. Even really powerful political people aren't safe from them" The old man say as he got up and continued "Why, the actually arrested a CEO who plagiarized Idea's, mistreated his employees, and sexually harassed a lot of poor young women."

"Wait what? But don't people like that have a lot of really skilled Lawyers that can get them out the next day?" Issei asked knowing people like that can get away with anything.

The old man chuckled after hearing that "Normally yes, but once that CEO's Lawyers tried to get him out they got arrested too after the Arcana Force showed the justice system all the crimes they committed behind everyone's backs."

Issei couldn't believe what he heard, this Arcana force was arresting even the most powerful people and their crafty lawyers too. "I wonder if I'll get to meet them?" Issei began to ask himself. Just then a voice was heard behind Issei "You don't have to wonder anymore, because one of them is right here."

Issei immediately turned around and saw a young muscular man in his early twenties, wearing a black facemask, a black bandana, and was also wearing a Tank-top with the Tarot card of the Strength card was imprinted on it. He also had the unconscious thief looped around on his right arm.

"Who... who the hell are you? Where did you come from?" Issei says as he didn't hear any footsteps behind him. "It's an honour to meet you Issei Hyoudou. You can call me Mr. Strength; I'm the second in command of the Arcana force." The Tank top man says.

"Wait, what are you doing with that guy?" Issei pointed at the Unconscious thief Mr Strength had in his arm. "I'm arresting him. He harmed and robbed an innocent old man, and that's just the tip of the iceberg." Mr Strength says.

Mr. Strength reached into his pocket, pulled out a button and pressed it, opening a portal. Mr. Strength faces Issei and says "Come on, my boss wants to see you. And don't worry about that nice old man; our other members will arrive shortly to escort him home."

After hearing that Issei didn't know if he should go until he saw the old man was being kindly escorted home by a beautiful young woman in her early wearing a long sleeve shirt the has the Lover card imprinted on the left sleeve. "Well... you do seem like nice people, so why not." Issei says as he walks into the Portal with Mr. Strength.

Kuoh Town: Hyoudou Residence

Rias has her whole Peerage, Irina, Ravel, Ophis and Azazle in the living room of the Mansion as she was giving her announcement. Rias began her announcement "Okay everyone; we have a threat on our hands. Apparently there is a group of unknown people calling themselves the Arcana force that came out of nowhere recently and might possibly be a great danger to us all."

Kiba, Rias's first knight, was the first to speak. "I've actually saw a news report on them. I honestly thought they were a group of government officials because they arrested powerful rich CEO's and their workers that are really good at getting rid of the evidence of all the horrible things they've done."

Rias's first Bishop Gasper was next to speak. "I saw that news report too. A lot of people are actually being saved by the Arcana force. Aren't they good like us?"

After Ravel heard what gasper said, she got really furious and yelled "THOSE ARCANA BASTARDS TOOK MY BROTHER AND HIS PEERAGE! MY FRIENDS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AWAY TO WHO KNOWS WHERE!" Ravel then began to cry and Rias began to comfort to, just trying to cheer her up.

Azazle got to the centre of the living room and began to talk. "I had a word with Michael from heaven and he fears that the Arcana force might hold a bigger threat than the chaos brigade, even more than their Hero faction."

Azazle reached into his pocket and brought out a message card. "This picture was taken literally right after the Ratting game their leader Mr. World had against Riser and his entire peerage, single handedly." As Azazle brought up the image, everyone all thought it might've been buffering since they don't see anything, until Akeno realised that it wasn't loading.

"Wait... there's nothing there... th-that means..." Akeno says with absolute fear in her voice. Azazle then finished what she was saying so everyone would also understand. "Yes, Mr. World launched an attack so powerful, he destroyed the entire battle field of the Ratting game."

Everyone were in absolute shock as the heard this, destroying an entire battle field with just one attack. While everyone were trying to put their heads back together after hearing this, Rias's second Bishop Asia was the first to realise their problem that they were having. "Wait a minute; shouldn't Issei be back by now?" She asked, causing everyone to flinch."Asia's right, Issei should be back by now!" Rias says. Worried that her precious Pawn/Boyfriend shouldn't have been gone for this long.

While Ophis remained with Issei's parents, making sure nothing bad would happen to them, Rias's Peerage, Azazle, Irina, and Ravel were now all outside on the roof garden of the Mansion getting ready to take flight. Rias brought out her wings and gave her orders. "All right everyone, we won't rest until we find Issei, Koneko, Asia and I will check the convenient store try and find any trace of him. Akeno, you, Azazle and gasper check the school. Kiba, Irina and Xenovia will check the towns shopping district. And Rossweisse, I want you to go to the train station and check to see if Issei took a train to the underworld."

Everyone all made their agreement and all took flight headed to each of their designated locations.

As Rias, Koneko, and Asia arrived at the 7-Eleven, Koneko began to use both her heightened Nekomata senses and her senjustu abilities. Koneko took a few sniffs and got something. "I found Issei's sent. And... he's not alone." Koneko says.

As the white cat followed Issei's sent, it stops at the middle of the road. "Both of the scents end here." Koneko says with worry in her voice. Both Rias and Asia were both having the same conclusion, but they didn't want to accept it. "We just need to search harder, Issei can't have been taken away so easily." Rias says, not wanting to lose her Issei, again.

Unknown Location

As Issei and Mr. Strength left the portal they arrived at what looks to be a large Office, inside of the office was one large desk, a laptop, a large leather chair, and a large flat-screen TV at the wall. "Damn, this place is huge." Issei says, amazed at the sight of the room. "Thank you, I designed this room myself." Says a mysterious voice that came out of no-where.

Issei then say who was on the Leather chair, it was someone wearing a strange suit of armour. Unlike his and his Rival Vali's Scale mail, which were both made of magic, this man's armour seemed to be made of advanced technology that could be found in a sci-fi Anime.

The mysterious man in Armour got up from his Chair and began to talk. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. World, and I am the Leader of the Arcana force." The Armoured man then began to walk towards Issei, until he was in-front of the Oppai Dragon.

Issei was intimidated by the man's presence, since he was wearing a mask, it was hard to tell what he was going to say or know if he should trust this stranger or not. The man in armour extends his hand, inviting him for a handshake and says. "Issei Hyoudou, the current Red Dragon Emperor, and unfortunately the Pawn of Rias Gremory. I Have summoned you here to ask you a simple favour. Will you join the Arcana force and fight for Eternal peace and freedom?"

(A/N: And that ends our chapter. Bit of a twist on how the Leader of a group that was considered to be dangerous wants Issei to join his force. Would Issei join the offer or will he refuse and help Rias and the other fight him instead. Stay tuned, please leave a review and I'll see you next time.)