Chapter 2: Mr. World and his Team

Highschool DxD Fate

(A/N: I do not Own HighSchool DxD, that's own by its original writer Ichiei Ishibumi. Please leave a review letting me know what you think.)

Chapter 2: Mr. World and his Team


Okay, as some of you already know, my name is Issei Hyoudou. I'm in second year of highschool in a small yown called Kuoh Town, that's in Japan. I'm an only child of my Parent, Gorou and Miki Hyoudou. I'm 17 with my Birthday being April 16th.

And... um... this is embarrassing, but if you already don't know.. I'm considered to be... a huge Pervert... in fact, in my School, me and my two best friends, Matsuba and Motohama, are called the Perverted Trio of Kuoh Academy. It also doesn't help that one of my biggest dreams is to one day have my own Harem of beautiful ladies. As well as be the king of all Harems.

But that's not the strangest thing about me, because I have a secret double life. I'm both a Devil and a Dragon. And I'm a Servant of the younger sister of one of the devil kings, Rias Gremory.

Almost seven Months ago I was just a normal human teen, just starting my second Year of Highschool. Just then, a beautiful girl called Yuma asked me out. And while we were dating, it turns out she was a Fallen Angel named Raynare, and killed me after misreading orders of the higher ups of the fallen Angel leaders.

Once Raynare stabbed me with a spear of Light, I was bleeding to death. But by pure luck, Rias Gremory, the most beautiful and well known girl of my School, was teleported to my location by a strange pamphlet I received by her familiar earlier that day, thinking it was some kind of shopping promotion.

Once Rias saw me bleeding to death, she immediately brought me back to life as a Devil, as well as her servant in her group called a Peerage. I also learned that almost every Religion, almost every Mythology, and Almost everything Supernatural were all real.

A Peerage is basically made of special magical chess pieces, called Evil Pieces. And I was lost at my mind when I found out, only to calm down once I learned that Devil society isn't Evil and sinister. In fact, the original Satan and Lucifer from the Bible have both been dead for over 500 Years.

I soon learned about how Peerages work, how each Evil Piece grant a special ability to the servants. I was brought back to life because of the power of the Evil piece's... As the groups only Pawn.

I was really disappointed at first, but soon found out that Rias had to use all eight of her Pawn Pieces to bring me back. Meaning I'm worth a total of eight whole Evil pieces, making me the strongest of the group.

And as for why I'm a dragon, is kind of hard to explain. Basically two of the strongest heavenly Dragons, known as Draig and Albion, were constantly fighting each other thousands of years ago. And since their battle was so destructive the Devils, angles, and Fallen Angles all started a temporary truce to seal the two dragons into two powerful weapons called Sacred Gears.

Since then, each host of the Sacred Gears, called the Dragon emperors of Red and White, battled each other, for the dragons instead, continuing their eternal Rivalry. I'm the current Red dragon Emperor, since The Red Dragon, Draig, is in a red Gauntlet called the Boosted Gear that I currently possess. Albion was placed in White and Blue wings called the Divine Dividers, currently being possessed by my greatest Rival, Vali Lucifer. And he's the Great-grandson of the Original Lucifer of the Bible.

Plus long story short, I was trying to save the Infinity Dragon Ophis, while getting poisoned to death at the Prossess, by the curse of Sameal's poison. Since by body was dead, my soul however was still alive, meaning I wasn't completely dead. So the strongest being in our known universe the Dragon Great Red, out of pure pity gave my soul a new Body by being made of a part of his own flesh. Making me a Humanoid Dragon and once I got back to Rias and all of my friends, I had to be made a reincarnated Devil again since I was technically dead for a few days. Making me both a Devil and a Dragon, like Natsu from Fairy Tale.

Anyway, that's as most as what I could say for now so hope you enjoy on what my new adventure awaits, for the great Oppai Dragon.

Unknown Location

"I'm sorry, what?" Issei was in shock that this man, who he never met before, was asking him to join his team. "You heard me right, Issei Hyoudou. Will you join the Arcana Force?" Mr. World says, offering Issei his hand.

Issei took a look at the armoured hand and says to the mysterious man. "Look, this might be a big offer an all but... I'm already a part of a group, the Rias Gremory Peerage." Mr. World retracted his hand and walked to the wall of the Office. "Okay, at least let me and Mr. Strength show you why our job is very important to everyone in this World. After the tour and meeting our friends will you at least consider my proposal?"

Issei thought for a moment for if this man and his team are meant to help a lot of people, then there wouldn't be any harm in seeing what they're truly like. "Well... okay but let's make this quick, I have to get back soon and my friends might be wondering where I am right now." The Oppai Dragon says. "Excellent, let me show you the team first." Mr. World says as he, Mr. Strength and Issei all exited the room to see the force.

"Only problem is that most of the team are either out for missions or finishing their shifts for the day. So you won't be able to meet everyone." Mr. Strength says as they were leaving the office. "Oh, well that's a bumber." Issei says.

Kuoh Town: Hyoudou Residence.

As Ophis remained in the Hyoudou residence, playing Scrabble with Issei's parents while secretly protecting them from potential threats, Issei's father Gorou placed his letters down and began to wonder about something. "That's strange, Issei shouldn't be taking this long to buy some Drinks." Issei's mother Miki then agrees. "I know, it's only a five minute walk to the store and Issei's been gone for more than half an hour."

"He's probably talking to his idiot friends and might be talking about weird perverted stuff again." Ophis said, hoping this might work. "That's probably it then. Ever since Issei met those two weirdoes in middle school, he's been a little bit too perverted even for a teenager. But we love our son no matter what." Miki Hyoudou says, still being supportive about her son. "I agree Honey; it's thanks to Issei that Asia, Rias, Akeno and all the others live here and are all almost like children of our own." Gorou says proudly to his wife. Ophis sighed as she's glad Issei's parents are beginning to calm down again but she began to wonder how long it will last.

Unknown Location

As Issei was walking down the hallway with Mr. Strength and Mr. World they come across a portrait of a man in his early twenties with brown curly hair and a mole on the left side on his chin. "Hey, who is that?" Issei asks due to curiosity. "Oh that was our founder, Moe Chains. He was an old friend of mine and the wielder of the Sacred gear, the Armour of Power before our Leader Mr. World." Says Mr. Strength as he looked at the portrait.

"The Armour of power?" Issei said as he never heard of that sacred gear before. Mr. World turns to Issei and began to Explain. "It's the Armour I'm currently wearing. You see Issei; the Armour of Power is like a Giant Swiss army Knife. It can bring out any weapon or tool I desire, with many purposes that will aid me in battle. But luckily I haven't fought any opponent strong enough to use the power of my Armour at all."

Issei was amazed from hearing this, a sacred gear that can create any tool or weapon, and the fact that Mr. World hasn't found anyone strong enough for him to use it means he must be very powerful.

"If you think that's amazing, you should see his Sigil." Mr. Strength says, sensing Issei's amazement. "Wait, a Sigil? What the hell is a Sigil?" Issei says as he has never heard that word used from any faction, even from Rias and Azazle who are the smartest people he knew. As Issei was confused by this, Mr. World began to find the right words to use to describe a Sigil. "Well... umm... Sigils are... Okay, you know how sacred gears can posses unique abilities while taking the form of powerful weapons or tools? Well Sigils can do very similar things but instead they can take the form of powerful energy and are only visible on the special Tattoos we have on any part of our Bodies that represent Numbers."

Issei was amazed. "So Sigils are just a different kind of Sacred Gear?" He asked, starting to understand the situation. "Well... kind of. They have a lot more power, but they use up a lot of energy if we release their full power for too long." Mr. Strength says. Then Mr. World brings up another fact. "And unlike sacred gears, that have existed for thousands of years and mostly made by God of the Bible, Sigils were invented recently and were made by our founder."

This was a lot for the Oppai Dragon to take in. First a mysterious group that are here to save lives came out of nowhere, their leader is wearing a full body sized Sacred gear that originally belonged to their founder, and finally there are these Sigil things that are both more powerful than Sacred gears and were created Recently. "How come I've never heard of this?" Issei asked, trying to make some sense of all this. "Because we just arrived here 2 weeks ago." Mr. World answered.

"Wait... 2 weeks ago? Then... how come that old man from earlier knew about you, but the three factions aren't making any news about you guys yet?" Issei asked, having more questions than answers. "Because the three factions doesn't care that much of the human world. Despite wanting to protect it, they don't see any value to human life as they say they do." Mr. World says.

"No... That's not true... heaven sees value to all Christians. And the underworld sees value to anyone who has a contract." Issei says, trying to not to believe Mr. World just said. Mr. Strength then says "Yes, but that's only less than a 5th of the human race. Do the three factions actually care for anyone that lives with a different religion or any atheists, mate?"

Before Issei could answer, he began to think. He never saw any of his friends of the Occult Research Club interact with any human that was neither Christian nor Satanist. "One more thing Hyoudou. You did meet some exorcists correct? The real reason why heaven saw value to them is because they only see them as their own personal assassins." Mr. World says. After Issei heard this, he fell to the floor in a slump, realising Mr. World is right. The exorcist's were very proud of heaven and God, but only because Heaven wanted them to do their dirty work to any Devil.

As the Oppai dragon was trying to get his head back together, a young Woman with short silver hair came in to the room. She's wearing a blue blazer, a top hat that has a picture of the Magician Tarot card on it, a Black Cape, and is well endowed like Rias and Akeno. "Mr. World. We detect an emergency, Permission to teleport to someone's house?" The young silver haired girl says. Mr. World then throws her a small button. The girl presses the button, a small portal appears and she ran right through it.

"What was that?" Issei asked, as he never saw anything that could make portals like that. "It's a portable teleportation device, that doesn't use magic. It's much easier to use then a teleportation Circle, because it transports the User to any location where the Danger is without any priciest knowledge where their exact location is." Mr. World answered.

"And that girl was Lady Magician. She's our top magician, as well as trying to be a real magician like Houdini." Mr. Strength says. A few seconds later the Portal reopened and Lady Magician came out, with a girl with short black hair and a broken traumatised face. "Mr. World, get Lady Lovers. This Poor Girl is traumatised by what she witnessed." Lady Magician just said sounding very concerned for the poor girl. Mr. World ran to the two and helped carry the poor Girl, while trying to contact someone.

Issei was lead by Mr. Strength to another Room, with many Sofa chairs and beds. Mr. World lays the Girl on a large Emperor sized Bed, and began to talk to someone on his communicator in his Helmet. "Lady Lovers, if you're done helping the old man, return to base at the care room. We need you." Just then, a Portal appears and the same pretty Girl who helped the old man earlier walked through.

"Sorry for not returning sooner, sir. The old man was telling me all about his grandchildren." The Beautiful brown haired girl says, with an accent that Issei could tell might from the UK, just like Mr. Strength and Mr. World. "That's Okay, Lady Lovers. But we need your Music." Mr. World says, sounding worried for the emotionally broken girl on the bed.

"Who's that?" Issei asked Mr. Strength. "That's Lady Lovers, mate. She's our skilled healer and great fighter. Also, she's the best Girlfriend in the whole World." Mr. Strength says, and despite wearing a face mask, Issei could tell he was smiling. 'I know that look.' Issei thought to himself as he saw the twinkle in the muscular Mans eye. Mainly because Issei has that same look whenever he's with Rias or any of the other girls in the Occult Research Club.

Out of nowhere, some music began to play and Issei notices something was glowing on Lady Lovers Forearm. It was a glowing Blue Tattoo that almost looks like the Number 8. 'Is she about to use her Sigil?' Issei thought to himself as the tune of the Music was starting to get a little louder. Lady Lovers then sat on the large bed and Began to sing.

(Hallelujah By Leonard Cohen)

Now I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

It goes like this, the fourth; the fifth

The minor falls, the major lifts

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her

She tied you to a kitchen chair

She broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well, maybe there's a God above

As for me all I've ever learned from love

Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you

But it's not a crime that you're hear tonight

It's not some pilgrim who claims to have seen the Light

No, it's a cold and it's a very broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well people I've been here before

I know this room and I've walked this floor

You see I used to live alone before I knew ya

And I've seen your flag on the marble arch

But listen love, love is not some kind of victory march, no

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time you let me know

What's really going on below

But now you never show it to me, do you?

And I remember when I moved in you

And the holy dove she was moving too

And every single breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Now I've done my best, I know it wasn't much

I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch

I've told the truth, I didnt come here to London just to fool you

And even though it all went wrong

I'll stand right here before the Lord of song

With nothing, nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah


After Lady Lovers was done Singing, the girl with the short Black hair got up and rubbed her eyes. She began to cry, before looking at Lady Magician and Lady Lovers. "Thank you, so much." Said the girl, before beginning to cry, as lady Lovers leaned in towards her and the two began to share a hug.

"What was that?" Issei asked, as he was amazed at what he saw. Mr. Strength kindly answered "Lady Lovers Sigil can be used for both Fighting and Healing. Any cool and amped songs are used for battle, but any smooth and low key songs can heal someone, both physically and mentally." Issei was amazed at that, it was like another version of Asia's twilight healing.

Issei also suspects that the number he saw on Lady Lovers arm not only shows her Sigil, but also represents someone from weakest to strongest. "You guys are so cool. I didn't know there was a group that can help all the world's problems at once." Issei said in amazement. "That's our Job, Issei. We help everyone, everywhere. So we can one day bring eternal peace and freedom to all." Mr. World says, as he and the other members beat their chests lightly, to show they all have heart for their Goals.

Issei never felt so at ease, meeting a group of strangers before. He can't wait to tell Rias, Akeno, and everyone about all this. "This is so Awesome." Issei said to himself.

Issei then saw Lady Lovers leading the girl outside of the room. "Where are they going?" Asked Issei. Mr. World then answers "Lady Lovers is taking that poor girl to our Rehabilitation Area. It helps any traumatized victims recover from the horrifying experiences that a cured." The rest of the Arcana force then lead Issei Down the hallway, to the Rehabilitation Area. After Following Lady Lovers and the Short haired girl down the Hallway, they then stopped at a large Double wooden Doors.

Lady. Lovers then pushed the Door open and both Issei and the Girl were stunned at the sudden sensation of tropical warm Air, breezing past the doors and the sudden bright light emerging. Everyone then saw that behind the door was a very large Tropical Beach, with a fancy Resort. Complete with a large and fancy water park next to the Resort.

"...It's Beautiful..." Says the Girl, as she was amazed by the smell of the tropical Ocean Breeze and the sight of the cloudless Blue sky. And everyone at the Resort were either relaxing or having fun, because there was a smile on everybody's face at the Resort.

Issei was both Amazed and Shocked. He began to ask so many questions. "But wasn't it night earlier? How can there be a Beach Resort inside a Building? And who's running the Resort?" Mr. Strength shuck Issei a little to calm him down. "Woah, take it easy mate. Out of all the Supernatural things you've been through, this is freaking you out the most?" Mr. Strength says, with a chuckle in his voice.

"Is this how you help people? By giving them one hell of a Vacation?" Issei asks, still in the Hallway with the Arcana force, after the Brown haired girl went to the Resort with Lady. Magician going with her. "Trust me, mate. We do a lot more than give people Holiday's." Says Mr. Strength.

Mr. World Stood next to his friend and spoke. "Indeed. We give the poor more Money and more Food, make medicine that can even cure the worst of Cancer, and bring true Justice to the most deserving. Finally bringing this world the equality it lacks. And soon we will bring Eternal Peace and freedom."

"Woah shit... You guys are really doing so much, despite just forming recently." The perverted Pawn says in bewilderment, never meeting a group that plans to do so much with amazingly good results. "Well... we did arrive 2 weeks ago... but we actually became the Arcana force 7 months ago." Said Lady. Lovers.

This confused Issei even more. "7 Months ago?... Then...shouldn't we have heard of you way sooner?" Issei was getting more confused by the second. Mr. World Patted Issei's back to get his attention. "All questions will be answered in due time. Now, have you made your decision of joining the Arcana force?"

The thought was very tempting to Issei. To help a lot more people than before, o receive more Power from a Sigil and a chance to bring Eternal Peace and freedom. All this was sounding too good to be true, and Issei knows there's always a catch to these things. "Okay, if I did join, what's the catch?" The Oppai dragin asked. Mr. World gave a surprising answer. "There is no Catch. To join or leave is your own free will, and we'll be glad to know you've made it."

Issei began to think some more. While he does enjoy the thought of helping a lot more, but doing so without Rias's permission just doesn't seem right to him. "I'm going to need to think this over." Issei answered, not knowing what to do yet. Mr. Strength gave a thumbs up and says "We respect that pal. I'll lead you to the exit after going for your drinks we left in the Mini fridge." And so the two headed back to the main office for Issei's drinks.

As Issei and Mr. Strength left for the main office, Lady. Lovers turned to her leader and says "I thought you said he's fated to be our final member, and finally complete the deck?" Mr. World turned to Lady. Lovers and replied. "He will, we just need to be patient and wait. Issei will soon see that we can be more helpful to him, then that hypocrite will ever be."

Kuoh Town: Seven Eleven

Rias, Asia and Koneko were all looking very stressed and Worried about their situation, as they can't find any trace on Issei's Location. "This is horrible. Where did Issei go?" Rias says as she was beginning to panic. Koneko, who was just as stressed, turns to Rias and says "I'm trying my best Rias, but the trail just ends here." She points to the part of the side walk-way where Issei's sent just ends. "Not even a sigh of any teleportation magic." Asia says, sounding just as worried as Rias and Koneko.

Rias then decided to bring out her Phone to contact Kiba. "Kiba, have you found Issei on your end?" She asked her first Knight. Yuuto Kiba then responded "Nothing yet, Rias. I'm searching the north side of the shopping district, While Xenovia and Irina are at the South side." "Well, be careful. Whoever took Issei might still be in town." Rias said. "Don't worry. I'm fast enough to get handle anything." Kiba responded to his leader.

Kuoh Town: South Side Shopping district.

The two Former Exorcists, Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou, where both searching the shops and Alleyways for any signs of Issei. "Nothing in this alley, Irina." Xenovia says to her friend. "We need to keep searching. Who knows what horrible people had taken Issei." Irina says in concern for her Childhood friend.

"Well whoever took him, will soon have to deal with us." Says the short blue haired former Exorcist, now Devil. The two smiled feeling confident that they can handle any threat when their together. However, the two didn't notice that someone was watching down upon them from the roof on one of the shops. The person brought out a small screen and read what it said "Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou, both have committed the same crimes. Mass Murder of many Refugee's, Multiple attempted Murders, Insulting a Nun, and never faced any charges." The Figure was then revealed to be a 16 Year old Boy with Brown hair, wearing a black jacket.

"I know firsthand that no matter how innocent someone tries to act, or how much they try to justify their cause, Murder is Murder. They must face the consequences of their actions." The Boy said, tightening his fingerless gloves, and at the back on the glove on his right hand has the picture of the Chariot Tarot Card on it. "They are preventing Eternal Piece and freedom." The boy says. The Number 18 started to glow on his left hand and soon he materialises a black Katana.

End of Chapter 2

(A/N: Issei found out that the Arcana force, though Mysterious, are helping so many people. But what is their goal to bring Peace and freedom that will be permanent? And who is the stranger Stalking Xenovia and Irina? Stay tuned, leave a review and I'll see you next time.)