19. A Dream About Two Men

When Sophia arrived at the bakery, Molly was there waiting for her with the twins.


Alexa's eyes lit up immediately and she threw herself into Sophia's arms.

Sophia hugged her daughter tightly with one hand, while she held out the other to Axel, who was walking towards them calmly. "Why didn't you tell Molly when you went out? We were so scared!"

The twins exchanged glances and stuck out their lower lips simultaneously, looking like two dolls.

It seemed they hoped to get away with it.

But Sophia didn't buy it, not even for a second. She even pulled a long face and said, "Why won't you tell me?"

Seeing that the children were still silent, she released them and stood up gloomily.

Axel realized that his mother got angry.

He quickly grabbed the hem of Sophia's clothes and said, "Mommy, don't be angry. I'll tell you everything."

Finally, Sophia squatted down and looked at her son attentively.