20. Punishment

Alexander was wearing but a shirt, his coat draped over one arm.

The scorching sunlight illuminated his chiseled outline, and Sophia found herself staring at his delicate eyebrows and cold eyes. When he was serious and silent, he gave out a sense of ruthlessness, which was enough to make people forget how to breathe. But at this moment, as he lowered his eyes and looked at Sophia, his domineering aura almost disappeared, replaced with something that almost looked affectionate.

To Sophia's surprise, she realized his wa was as attractive as Liam's.

"Sophia," he said coldly, snapping her back to reality.

She immediately glanced away. What the heck was wrong with her? Why did she always relate Alexander with Liam?

"Mr. Carter," she greeted him stiffly.

Alexander glanced at her and then at the vast golf course before them. "Do you have any objection to the new company rules?"